Spiritual Sexual Shamanic Podcast

Is It Love? Or Is It Fear? — with Frank Mondeose

International School of Temple Arts Season 1 Episode 8

If we are in a relationship and don't have strong self-love or we haven't done our healing work, we look to others to fulfil the lack within and to validate our worth.  Often, what we understand as love has more to do with fear and insecurity than with actual love (it can be mired with neediness, expectations and attachments).

So, what is love, really? How can we truly love without limit in relationship? In this episode, hear ISTA Lead Frank Mondeose share his decades of wisdom on this.

In this episode, discover...

  • Expanded and empowered ways of understanding love in relationships
  • What to do when your partner's desires clash with your own
  • Understanding why we get hooked in relationships and how to reclaim power, strength and love
  • How to avoid the toxicity and suffering of relationships that simply won't dieLove and pain go hand in hand and how to dance with both
  • Selflessness and letting go of neediness to invest in the act of love
  • Plugging into the Universal energy of love (which is infinite and comes from many places) rather than solely requiring it from our one beloved
  • Emotional hygiene and healing core wounds vs looking outward for the mother/father figure to caretake
  • What to do when we experience insecurity, fear, competition, or jealousy in relationships
  • When boundaries do and don't truly serve your growth

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