Spiritual Sexual Shamanic Podcast

Manifesting With Sexual Energy – with Buddhi Dana

May 10, 2021 International School of Temple Arts Season 2 Episode 19

Are you interested in increasing your focus, energy and motivation by tapping into the immense possibilities of your sexual energy? Do you want to live in a way that you can embody your full potential and manifest your deepest desires? Buddhi Dana is welcoming you to come closer and explore... Buddhi is a man of the heart who is walking the Tantric path for the last 20 years. A spiritual leader, skillful Temple priest, ISTA facilitator, yoga teacher, DJ, and a vessel for divine energy. 

Listen for Buddhi's inspired wisdom on…

  • How to climb to orgasmic heights without losing your energy
  • How dopamine, oxytocin & serotonin are working together during orgasm
  • How to work with these hormones so that they work for you
  • Growing up as men and manifesting our deep desires in the world
  • The difference between orgasm and ejaculation
  • Breathing exercises to move from sympathetic to parasympathetic nervous system
  • Generating DMT in your body with breathing!
  • Harnessing the potential available from your libido

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