Ohio Yearly Meeting's Podcast

Conservative Friends Bible Study of Mark #16 Mark Chapter 09: Verse 30-41

Henry Jason

                Henry begins with a quick discussion of the very important concepts from the beginning of Quakerism of how the world can be viewed through seemingly opposite but in reality, connected poles: the Inward vis-à-vis Outward domains, dimensions  or aspects of reality, i.e.: interior vis-à-vis exterior; internal vis-à-vis external; spiritual vis-à-vis material; mental vis-à-vis physical; spiritual vis-à-vis physical; spiritual vis-à-vis literal; inward mind vis-à-vis outward mind, etc., etc.

                Verses 30-32: Henry looks at the concepts of “Son of Man”, “Son of God” and the Jewish practice never to speak nor write the full name of God in order not to take God’s name in vain.

Regarding “after three days he will rise”: It was a Jewish cultural concept that if any portion of a day occurred, it was considered as a whole day. However, in English, when we read “after three days he will rise”, we expect 72 hours of three full days. Jesus died about 3 p.m. on Friday, and rose on early Sunday morning, less than 72 hours. We, in English require three full days, but the Jewish culture did not. Thus, for Jewish the Jewish mind this was not the contradiction that we experience in English.

Another Greek word discussed from verses 30-32 is “disciples” and its meaning as students, along with the corollary word “rabbi” (teacher).                             

Verses 33-37: Capernaum was the place where Jesus lived during much of his ministry. Jesus’ anti-cultural move to embrace the child is discussed. The word “diakonos” (servant, slave,) and “doulos” (servant) are discussed.

Verses 38-41: The word “name” in verse 39 is a Jewish way of saying “God”.
Note: because of technical difficulties with the original recording, the session appears to end abruptly.

Host's notes:

Inward  ~  Outward  Dimensions

Ho Huios tou Anthrōpou – The Son of Man
Anthrōpos – man.
Hebrew ’adam = man, mankind, Adam

Theos - God
Ouranos – sky, heaven
Ouranoi pl. = heavens, skies, heaven. [> English: Uranus] Used as a circumlocution for “God”
Hē Basileia tōn Ouranōn – The Kingdom of Heaven = Kingdom of God – Hē Basileia tou Theou

God – G-d = reverential Jewish spelling of “God” in English

Anistēmi v.- rise, raise up, erect, restore
Greek prefix: an-/ana- - up, again
Anōthen – from above, again, from the beginning

Mathētēs – student, pupil, disciple
Hebrew: Rabbi – teacher
Latin: discipulus - student, pupil; > English: disciple
Diakonos – servant
Doulos – slave

The words to our music are from George Fox’s 19th Epistle in 1652  (page 14 in  The Epistles of George Fox ) .  The music was composed and sung by Paulette Meier.  

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