Ohio Yearly Meeting's Podcast

Conservative Friends Bible Study of Mark #18 Mark Chapter 10 Verse 01-22

Henry Jason

Session 18 Mark 10:1-22

Henry begins Session 18 by going back to Session 17 for a brief discussion of the meaning and use of salt in Mark 9:49, 50.

Mark 10:1-12: Divorce

Divorce was a major problem among the Jews in the time of Jesus. It was very easy: All a man had to do was to write a few sentences that said that he was divorcing her to be a valid divorce. Roman law also gave women the right to a divorce in a very similar manner. The topic in both Luke and Matthew is handled very similarly, except that Matthew also adds that divorce could also be considered in the case of marital sexual infidelity by one or both parties.   A discussion ensues among the participants on divorce and its effects today.

Mark 10:13-16 Jesus and Little Children

The Greek literally says that the Kingdom of Heaven is these [innocent] children. Henry draws on his previous experience as a speech therapist in schools working with children, and the innocence he (and another teacher in the group) observed young children tended to display.

Mark 10:17-22

The problem of loving money and making it a god in our lives is no less a problem today than it was in the time of Jesus. We need to place Christ above all things in our lives.

 Host's notes:

Sklērokardia - hardness of heart, obstinacy, stubbornness

Aganekteō v. - be indignant against what is assumed to be wrong, be indignant, be angry

Nous – mindset, way of thinking; mind; understanding

Mamonas – wealth, property; Mammon – The Syrian god of wealth, of money

Ploutos – abundance of many earthly goods, wealth; Ploutos, Latin: Plutus was the Greek god of wealth

Paidion – a young child, an infant

 The words to our music are from George Fox’s 19th Epistle in 1652  (page 14 in  The Epistles of George Fox ) .  The music was composed and sung by Paulette Meier.  

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