Ohio Yearly Meeting's Podcast

Conservative Friends Bible Study of Mark #19 Mark Chapter 10 Verse 22-45

April 25, 2022 Henry Jason

Henry begins with a very quick comment about Mark 10 and the rich young ruler, and then moves on to Mark 10:22-27. Henry notes that for the Jews of this time, having wealth was seen as an indication of God’s favor. The content of 1 Tim. 6:17 is also examined as a verse containing information that also deals with riches and the kingdom of God.   

The discussion then moves on to verses 28-31 with the information added by Henry that the concept of other believers in Jesus being treated like biological brothers and sisters was revolutionary for that time.   

Mark 10:32-34
The concept of Jesus being in the tomb for three days does not mathematically work out for English speakers. However, for the Jews, if time covered any part of a day (month or year) before and after a date, it was included. Thus, any part of Friday, then all of Saturday, then early Sunday morning for the Jews was considered a three-day period, even though it was not our English “requirement” of 72 hours.  

 Mark 10:35-45
There is an extended discussion of what do the Scriptures mean when they say that Jesus’ life was considered sinless, and also what does it mean when Jesus was both a man and divine?  

Host's notes:
1 Tim. 6:17

Acts 1:5-7


Teknon (v. 24): child or student  

Matheteis: Student/Disciple

 Kamilos: rope

Kamelos: camel

Ethambounto: amazed

Rise [again]: “again” does not exist in Greek

Anthropos: man

Adam (Hebrew) : man   

Baptize/baptized: Baptizma, baptizomai

The words to our music are from George Fox’s 19th Epistle in 1652  (page 14 in  The Epistles of George Fox ) .  The music was composed and sung by Paulette Meier.  

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