Ohio Yearly Meeting's Podcast

Fundamental Beliefs of Conservative Friends #18 Prophetic Ministry

May 20, 2022 Henry Jason

Using quotes from the Holy Scriptures and “A Brief Synopsis of the Principles and Testimonies of the Religious Society of Friends”,  Henry explores the Friends’ understanding of prophetic ministry.

In “A Brief Synopsis . . . “, “the ministry of the gospel is a gift of God, freely bestowed by Him to whomsoever He may call. . . .” The minister must be wholly dependent on the immediate inspiration of the Holy Spirit. As Paul said, “The gospel that was preached of [by] me was not after [created by] man. For I neither received it of man, neither was I taught it but [only] by the revelation of Jesus Christ (Gal 1:11-12).” True ministry is not a “marketable commodity” (paid pastors), undergirded in the Holy Scriptures by Paul’s tent-making career to support himself while ministering for the Lord; along with Paul’s statement, “Freely have you been given, freely give.” (Mat 10:8) 

Thus, “the minister, if truly anointed, becomes simply the instrument or medium through which the Gospel message flows.” The anointing must be from God in order for him/her to be actuated by God to speak as an instrument of the Lord Jesus Christ. If Christ’s anointing is not there, she/he must not speak. Christ must be the One speaking  through our human souls. Red flags should go up when, in ministry, a person relies on words like “I think”, “I believe”, “I hope”, “I want”, “I remember”, “I saw”.   There may be times when those words are appropriate. However, frequent usage of those phrases, or frequent political messages should raise a warning flag for the listener. 

 Ministry in worship is not limited to recorded ministers, but is open to anyone God may choose: the babe in Christ with a few simple words, or the seasoned minister, old in years.  Essential to speaking is the anointing of the Lord, Who is glorious in holiness. Critical for the minister is desire for holiness in the Lord. 

Friends do not adhere to an outward apostolic succession of title from one person to the next to minister (as is required by the Catholic, Anglican and Eastern Orthodox Churches). Rather, Friends seek a God-actuated succession: does he/she have the inflowing of the Holy Spirit actuating him/her to speak, accompanied by the holiness of God? 

Early Friends developed a number of catechisms which employed a theological question, followed by answers drawn from the Holy Scriptures. Finally, the Apostle Paul invented a new Greek word (Col 2:23), “ethelothrēskia”: human-created worship that no source in the leading, direction, or inspiration of God.

Scriptures & Resources:
Gal 1:11,12
Acts 8:20,21 
Acts 20:34,35
Mat 10:8
1 Pet. 4:11
Rom 8:9, 14
II Cor 3:6
Mat 12:46-50  
Mark 3:31-35  

A Brief Synopsis of the Principles and Testimonies of the Religious Society of Friends

An Apology for the True Christian Divinity

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