Ohio Yearly Meeting's Podcast

Fundamental Beliefs of Conservative Friends #19 Communion

June 22, 2022 Henry Jason

The rites and ceremonies of other denominations usually use bread and wine (or grape juice). However, communion to Friends is an inward, spiritual experience of God and His Messiah that does not require any outward rites or ceremonies. Reading from A Brief Synopsis, we find, “It is discovered that since Friends’ worship desires to be an inward, spiritual experience, in like manner, so is the Friends’ concept of communion. Thus, in His eating of the Passover with His disciples the day before His crucifixion, Friends believe Christ was not instituting a [new] rite or ordinance, but was observing with them a final act in the Mosaic Law” . . . “which was fulfilled and abrogated by our Savior’s most acceptable sacrifice of Himself on Calvary for the salvation of mankind.”

The requirements of the Mosaic Law were but types and shadows of the things to come (i.e., prototypes and foreshadowings). Communion is in Spirit and in Truth. Since the reality and substance of a true spiritual communion with Him are now possible, without rite or ceremony, how can we be satisfied with the outward elements, by reverting to an outward rite or ceremony?  In Rev 3:18-22 the dining which the Lord promises to do is clearly a spiritual, not an outward dining. He comes to us through a spiritual door, and not a physical, outward (ceremonial or rite-caused) element.

  The Christian life is a life in the Spirit. Thus, it must be nourished by spiritual food, not an by outward physical rite, ceremony or element.

There is a discussion on “transubstantiation” (as Catholics understand eucharist) and “consubstantiation” (as some Eastern Orthodox, and some Episcopal and Lutheran Churches) and their errors as explained by Robert Barclay in his Apology for the True Christian Divinity [= A Defense of the Truly Christian Theology].

Barclay saw the “this” (in “Do this in remembrance of me”) as meaning that any meal we eat in commemoration of Jesus should be done remembering His sacrifice for us. 

The Gospel according to John does not give an account of the Passover meal, but John repeatedly focuses on the need to spiritually feed upon the Spirit of Christ.   

Resources: Robert Barclay An Apology for the True Christian Divinity (Proposition 13)
Synopsis of the Principles and Testimonies of the Religious Society of Friends Heb 10:1
John 14:20,21
Rev 3:20
II Pet 1:3,4
Rev 318-22
Mat 26:20, 26-30
I Cor 11:23-26
I Pet 1:10,11
I Cor 10:1-10

The words to the music are from Margaret Fell’s Letter to the King on Persecution in 1660.  The music was composed and sung by Paulette Meier.  Her work can be found at

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