Ohio Yearly Meeting's Podcast

Conservative Friends Bible Study of Mark #23 Mark Chapter 13 Verse 01 - Verse 31

Henry Jason
Bible #23 Mark 13:1-31]

 What might be the most cataclysmic event be for you to experience? How would it change you?  How would you prepare yourself? What actions would you take?

In Mark, Chapter 13, Jesus predicts the Jewish Wars with Rome and the destruction of the Temple in Jerusalem in 70 A.D. along with the potential fate and temptations for Christians at that time.  Would we follow Jesus’ command to: fear not/be alert/have faith in Him/be faithful to Him if we were in the midst of a disastrous end to our age?  Teaching such as this was almost always Jesus’ response to how we should respond to world-shaking apocalyptic events.  

In addition, early Friends (Quakers) interpreted Jesus’ words on events as also having a direct personal, spiritual application: Regardless of how desperate a personal, spiritual situation seems to be, the application is the same: fear not/be alert/have faith in Him/be faithful to Him. Henry Jason explores Mark 13:1-31 through the lens of the original Greek language of the Gospel and the beliefs of early Friends (Quakers).

Are you ready to apply this teaching of Jesus in all your personal and world events?

 The words to our music are from George Fox’s 19th Epistle in 1652  (page 14 in  The Epistles of George Fox ) . 

"Keep within. And when they shall say, ’lo here,’ or ’lo there is Christ,’ go not forth; for Christ is within you.  And those who try to draw your minds away from the teaching inside you are opposed to Christ. For the measure is within, and the light of God is within, and the pearl is within you, though hidden."

The music was composed and sung by Paulette Meier.  

A complete list of our podcasts, organized into topics, is available on our website.

To learn more about Ohio Yearly Meeting (Conservative) of the Religious Society of Friends (Quakers), please visit ohioyearlymeeting.org.

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