Ohio Yearly Meeting's Podcast

Fundamental Beliefs of Conservative Friends #21 Primitive Christianity Revived Part 1

September 03, 2022 Henry Jason
Ohio Yearly Meeting's Podcast
Fundamental Beliefs of Conservative Friends #21 Primitive Christianity Revived Part 1
Show Notes

Fundamentals #21 

This podcast focuses on the 1698 publication “Gospel Truths” (by William Penn and three other Friends) which is found as an appendix to the edition of William Penn’s Primitive Christianity Revived . The first four (of thirteen) sections are read with commentary..

 Section 1
The “Scriptures of Truth”: an early Quaker name for the bible.
God is a “rewarder of all who fear [have reverential awe of] Him”, and
eternal rewards of happiness for all who obey and follow Him. Those who
do not fear Him, shall be “turned into hell”.
Section 2
1 John 5:7 - In the original King James Version “the Father, the Word,
and the Holy Ghost” are mentioned here. However, since then, modern
biblical scholarship has discovered that the earliest and most reliable Greek
manuscripts do not contain this verse. It is an addition from many centuries
The concept of “Trinity” was not declared to be a "doctrine" or
“dogma” until the Council of Nicaea (325 A.D.).
Friends are not trinitarian (since the Scriptures do not use the term),
but do believe in the oneness of God as divine Father, divine Word (Logos)
and divine Holy Spirit.
Section 3
Jesus, was the Word (the Logos) of God, both fully divine and fully
“The only begotten of the Father” (i.e., Gk: monogenēs - one of a
kind, unique). 
Jesus’ sacrifice as a human being on the cross was an act of
complete obedience to God the Father.
Salvation is a much broader concept, with a different perspective than
commonly understood by some today. It involves being
saved/rescued/healed from the propensity or inclination toward sinning.
Romans 12:1,2.
Section 4
The true meaning of justification has become very clouded and made
complex by the accretions over the centuries, and it is understood very
differently today than in the early church.  

One is only made righteous (Greek dikaios: upright) in the sight of
God, through the work of the Light of Christ in us. If we walk in the Light as
He is the Light, His precious blood cleanses us from all sin (and the guilt of
sin). We must receive and obey the holy illumination of Christ. . .  with a
“sincere repentance [transformation] and amendment of life”. We can be
made truly righteous/upright, and walk according to the Holy Spirit in this
life. Jesus is our examplar. 
The word “Christ" is actually a title given to Jesus: Jesus, the Christ,
meaning Jesus, the Anointed one. (Greek: Christos: the anointed one, i.e.
the one anointed with the Holy Spirit). Jesus, the Messiah.
This “seed” of Christ within us must be tended, watered, and fertilized
for us to become truly Christlike, truly Christian.


Greek Lexicon:
Logos – any verbal utterance, expression, God’s expressing Himself;
Monogenēs adj.: one of a kind, unique, only-begotten
Dikaiōsis (Latin: justificatio): being made righteous, just, upright [in God’s
dikaios adj.: righteous, just, upright
Hilasmos: propitiation, the means by which sins are forgiven.
Christos: anointed (one), Messiah, Christ

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