Ohio Yearly Meeting's Podcast

The True Christian’s Faith and Experience #001; Preface #01 pp. 01-08

Henry Jason

Starting with this episode we begin a new series. 

How closely do our lives mirror the life of Christ? Are we true Christians, or are our lives pale, hypocritical imitations of Christ Jesus, so that we are Christians in name only? William Shewen (1631?-1695), a first generation Friend, in his 1675 work, The True Christian’s Faith and Experience called out and challenged all who called themselves “Christian” to examine their lives to discover whether they (we) are truly living and acting in the light of Christ Jesus. If we find ourselves lacking here and are Christians in name only, we must abandon this hypocrisy which so subtly clouds our lives. This work was written during a time when most if not all Quakers experienced severe persecution at the hands of people who called themselves “Christian”.

In his first preface, Shewen mentions some of his spiritual journey as a former “Christian” in name only who did and said all the “right” things as expected of him. His heart, spirit, and life were not that of a true Christian. Shewen encourages all to abandon the deception where light is called darkness and darkness is called light, and to instead seek and follow the genuine light of Christ to become true Christians.

Shewen's book and other works are available in Educational Media library of  Ohio Yearly Meeting's website.    The Quote in our introduction can be found on page 77 of the version published there.

A complete list of our podcasts, organized into topics, is available on our website.

To learn more about Ohio Yearly Meeting (Conservative) of the Religious Society of Friends (Quakers), please visit ohioyearlymeeting.org.

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