Ohio Yearly Meeting's Podcast

The True Christian’s Faith and Experience #003; Preface #02 pp. 12-16

Henry Jason

This is a study of William Sewen's The True Christian's Faith and Experience Briefly Declared,  the first part of the presentation on the second Preface Pages 12-16

Early Quakers sought the guidance of the holy Spirit of Christ for all aspects of their lives. This inward guide was essential in reading and interpreting Holy Scripture. Shewen’s work (as is true with so many faithful Friends’ writings) is profuse with scriptural references throughout. 

This second preface provides a number of foundational scriptural citations that will undergird his position in this book. Shewen finds the eighth chapter of Romans (especially verses 6-11) one of noteworthy importance. 

The quote that begins this episode is from William Penn's introduction to George Fox's Journal.

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