Ohio Yearly Meeting's Podcast

The True Christian’s Faith and Experience #006 Chapter 01 pp. 22-29

Ohio Yearly Meeting (Conservative)

Podcast #6 covers the whole of Shewen’s Chapter One of The True Christian’s Faith and Experience Briefly Declared which is devoted to the topic of God, the infinite, incomprehensible. Chapter One may be found on pages 25-29 of the above link on the ohioyearlymeeting.org site

 Very different experiences of God are noted in the Holy Scriptures. At one end of the spectrum he is terrifying, scary. On the other end, loving and comforting.

 Here and in coming sections, Shewen distinguishes between the beliefs, experience and conduct of the true Christian vis-a-vis the titular, the Christian in name only. The point is made between professing to be a Christian and actually being a true one. The true Christian in some degree has actually experienced God to be within himself.

 However, the titular Christian, the Christian in name only, says he believes in the same God but his God is one that he has heard of or read about. He is not actually a witness of God in himself. He has neither experienced or even noticed God to be in himself. What he knows of God is what he has been told of him. 

He is content with what has been passed on to him about God in words. He still pays homage to the many worldly gods out there. As Shewen succinctly puts it, “Every beloved lust (= worldly craving) obeyed, is a god.” His conceit about himself is great.

Shewen notes that a first work or action of God is to convict one of sinning.

The nominal Christian overlooks the day of small things. He overlooks or slights the little “seed” of God planted in him, the little leaven, the little silver within the dross. 

 The experiencing of God within oneself is what really matters.

The quote in our introduction is from page 71 of George Fox’s Journal,  Marcus and Hopper version.

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