Ohio Yearly Meeting's Podcast

The True Christian’s Faith and Experience #014 Chapter 09, Second half

Henry Jason

Session #014 is devoted to the last half of chapter 9 on the true Christian’s faith and experience concerning the Lord’s Supper. The first half (covered in episode #13) dealt with the true Christian’s faith and experience of the true spiritual baptism ordained by Christ.

What does it mean to eat the Lord’s flesh and drink his blood and partake at his supper? Friends have understood there to have been a historical confusion between two different things. One is having a physical meal in commemoration of Christ, (a physical meal but also a representation and a symbol of something greater); the other is the actual partaking of something which is much more profound and spiritually necessary, that is, feeding on the true spiritual food, the bread that comes down from heaven. Because of this confusion, some Christians believe the bread and wine change (transubstantiate) into the body and blood of Christ. Others believe those foods are symbols. But they themselves are still hungry for the true living bread that comes down from heaven and feeds the soul. They put off the coming of Christ (the Bread of Life) to the future, and are ignorant of the true manner of Christ’s coming. 

The true Christian witnesses eternal life abiding in himself. The Christian in name only, proclaims a physical bread and supper but he is a stranger to the true bread that comes down from heaven. He prides himself in his worldly academic knowledge and rejects the revelation that is necessary for obtaining true spiritual knowledge. He still hungers for the true spiritual food.


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