Ohio Yearly Meeting's Podcast

Conservative Friends Bible Study #08 of Mark Chapter 06 Verse 01 – Verse 16

October 29, 2020 Ohio Yearly Meeting (Conservative) Season 1 Episode 8

This session starts out with a participant reflecting on the statue titled “If only I touch him”.   Henry then talks about how Isaac Penington and William Penn use the phrase “The Word”.  He describes how it can convey different things to different people at different times.    There is a rereading the section where Jesus returns to his home town.  Why wasn’t Jesus accepted there as the Messiah?   There is a review of the wandering in the wilderness and forty days being an indication of a significant transition.  The session continues in chapter six with a reading of verses seven to thirteen where Jesus sends out the disciples.   Henry explains how the word “repent” has been subject to a bad translation.  The original word and its meaning are examined.   This leads to a look at how the first Quakers saw “repentance” (or transformation of one’s whole mindset) as a three-step process.  What did these early Friends mean when they used the word “convince”?   The group then participates in a significant discussion on how convincement can play out in one’s relationship with God and how humility develops from this.  

A complete list of our podcasts, organized into topics, is available on our website.

To learn more about Ohio Yearly Meeting (Conservative) of the Religious Society of Friends (Quakers), please visit ohioyearlymeeting.org.

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