Ohio Yearly Meeting's Podcast

Conservative Friends Bible Study of Mark #09 Chapter 06 Verse 14 – Verse 44

November 17, 2020 Henry Jason Season 1 Episode 9

This podcast episode begins with the story of John the Baptist’s beheading.  It expands into a discussion of baptism as originally practiced by the Jews and how John’s baptizing was different.  Early Quakers felt that outward water baptism as a ritual should be laid aside. The true baptism is inward.   Henry examines the Greek words for “prophet”, “miracle” and “raise”.  

The session continues with the story of the miracle of the multiplication of the loaves.  A participant points out the parallel between the feeding of the multitudes and the Last Supper.   Henry compares the quiet prayer of Jesus to Quaker waiting worship.  He then describes where Jesus had his “headquarters”.  He also explains the value of a denarius so that we can understand the possible cost of feeding the multitude.  The danger of taking all scripture literally is explored.  There is more to focus on than the fact of the miracles. 

The following is a glossary of the words examined in this session…


Baptisma n. - immersion, baptism

Baptizō v. – immerse, wash, baptize


Prophētēs n. - prophet - one who speaks on behalf of another (i.e. for God)


Dunamis n. - power

Dunamai v. - can, be able



Egeirō v. - wake up, get up, lift up, rise up, raise

Egersis n. - a waking up, resurrection

Anistēmi v. - restore, stand something up, raise up.

Anastasis n. - resurrection, a rising up


Basileus n. - king

Basileia n. - kingdom, domain, dominion


Dēnarios n. - Latin denarius n. - denarius

Anēr n. - man (a male, husband), pl. andres

Anthrōpos n. - man, human being

The number “40" as a symbol of a significant transition from before to after

Sēmeion n. - sign

Miraculum (Latin) n. - miracle

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