Ohio Yearly Meeting's Podcast

Fundamental Beliefs of Conservative Friends #2 Fear of God

Henry Jason

In this second episode of the Fundamental Beliefs of Conservative Friends, Henry begins with a review of plans for this and subsequent episodes: Topics will be presented and explained and then discussions will ensue.   In this episode, two topics are covered.

  1. The “Fear” of the Lord
  2. Inward vis-a-vis Outward aspects of reality

Henry also comments on problems with translations.

Multiple points are made in subsequent discussions.  In these discussions he points out that you can (as the disciples did) find Christ within you.

Notes on the two topics are as follows...

Fear of the Lord
Hebrew: yirah = fear
Greek: Phobos – fear; reverential awe, gobsmacking awe
Kurios - Lord = owner, master
The Roman emperor was called Kurios. God the father was Kurios, Lord.


Pistis – faith; belief, trust,
Pisteuō v. - have confidence in, trust, put one’s trust in;
“pis-‘ in these words is a form of the Greek root “pith-” meaning: persuade, obey

Inward - Outward
In Early Modern English (EME) these words usually had a
stationary meaning, where something is located (versus Modern English where they
usually indicate movement or direction)

Inward vis-a-vis Outward Aspects of Reality:

Inner ~ outer
Interior ~ exterior

Inside ~ outside
Mental ~ physical
Mind ~ body
then also: Inward mind ~ outward mind

Within ~ without (= Mod. Eng. meaning: outside)
Spirit ~ matter
Spiritual ~ nonspiritual, physical, material

Greek: pneuma = Hebrew Ruach:
Spirit (abstract) ~ wind/breath (physical)

For the letter kills, but the Spirit gives life. 2Cor 3:6

Greek gramma = alphabet letter; anything written

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