Ohio Yearly Meeting's Podcast

Conservative Friends Bible Study of Mark #10 Chapter 06 Verse 05 – Chapter 07 Verse 23

January 22, 2021 Henry Jason

Jesus' going off to pray in silence is a foreshadow of our silent worship.   Henry points out the frequent use of the word “euthus” - “immediately” in the Gospel of Mark.  When the disciples saw Jesus walking on the water, were their hearts hardened or were their minds closed?  Why did either happen?  What does Jesus mean when he says, “take heart”?   Healing could occur simply with the faith of touching Jesus’s cloak. When this happened, Jesus might tell the one cured, “your faith has healed you” (as in Mark 5:34).  But in reading the Gospels, “trust” may be more powerful and useful word than “faith”.  “Believe in he name of Jesus” might more accurately be translated as “Put your trust in the essence, the basic nature of Jesus”. In the seventh chapter of Mark, the Pharisees challenged Jesus when his disciples did not follow the letter of the law.  Henry explains who the Pharisees were and why were they so concerned with the law.  Then he discusses Jesus’ response to the Pharisees by explaining that they held to human tradition and not to the true commandment of God.  Henry comments on how this issue is reflected by the Quaker concern for the inward as opposed to the outward.  You can memorize and recite scripture, but this is just an outward expression.  It does not mean that your heart is right with God.   (Several examples are mentioned where that obsession of the Pharisees continues today.)  The word “heart" is better translated into contemporary English by  "conscience and/or consciousness”. (In many languages “conscience" and “consciousness” are the same word). Henry finishes up by exploring the meanings of the words: parable, disciple, rabbi and discipline.   

The following is a glossary of some of the words examined in this session:

Euthus - immediately

Thalassa – sea, lake

Tharseite! v.- be cheerful!

Logos n.

Hē pistis sou sesōsen se. "Your faith has saved you." and/or "Your trust has healed you."

Pisteuō v. – believe, have trust, put trust in, trust

Pistis n. - faith, belief, confidence, trust

Believe in the name of Jesus - put your confidence in the basic nature of Jesus

Kardia – heart; conscience and consciousness

Latin: scio v. – know

Latin: Conscientia - conscience and consciousness

Suneidēsis - conscience and consciousness

Parabolē – comparison

Mathētēs - student, pupil

Manthanō, v. – learn

Mathēmatikos, adj.

Latin: discipulus – student, pupil > English: disciple

Hebrew: rabbi - teacher

Latin: disciplina – a teaching, instruction, system, discipline


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