Ohio Yearly Meeting's Podcast

Fundamental Beliefs of Conservative Friends #3 Inward/Outward

February 17, 2021 Henry Jason

In this session, Henry focuses on the “Inward” vis-a-vis “Outward" aspects of all reality.  He starts out quoting Philippians chapter 2, verse 5.  This verse calls us to think as Jesus did.  He then goes on to read an episode from Luke, chapter 17:20-21.  This is the incident where Jesus explains where the Kingdom of God is to be found.  Many current English translations of this story will use words like “among you” etc., rather than the correct translation “within”.  Henry then expounds on the Greek word for “kingdom”, and then explains the origins and reasons for the term “Kingdom of Heaven” for “Kingdom of God".  He also points out that the words “Life” and “Eternal Life” are really equivalent to the “Kingdom of Heaven” and “Kingdom of God".  

A participant asks about the early Friends' understanding of the Inner Light.  Henry Confirms that we should go deeper than “This little light of mine”.   The Light is initially experienced as a divine, spiritual agent requiring a transformation in us.   He proceeds to explain how in the English of the 17th century, the word “convincement” meant “conviction”, "being convicted", “being found guilty".   

A moving reading from Francis Howgill’s writings is given.  Henry then discusses chapter 6, verse 15 from the Gospel according to John.  This section describes the occasion when the crowds tried to make Jesus into an outward king, not understanding him to be an inward spirtual king.  He then proceeds to explain the importance of taking up "the inward cross of Christ".  He asks, “What is a cross?” and then makes it clear that this inward cross is used to crucify anything in ourselves which is not of God. We are shown references for the need to take up this inward cross in Matthew, chapter 10, verse 38; Luke, chapter 14, verse 27, and Matthew, chapter 16, verse 24.

A complete list of our podcasts, organized into topics, is available on our website.

To learn more about Ohio Yearly Meeting (Conservative) of the Religious Society of Friends (Quakers), please visit ohioyearlymeeting.org.

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