Ohio Yearly Meeting's Podcast

Fundamental Beliefs of Conservative Friends #4 Repentance

Henry Jason

Henry starts out by reviewing the last session.  As part of that review, Proposition 15 from Barclay’s Apology is read.  The conclusion of the Apology is also read.  These readings are translated into modern English and commented on.

The focus of this episode is repentance.  Henry explains that repentance is not so much an exercise in remorse or regret as it is a change or transformation of one’s mind, mindset, and whole being.   In Mark and Mathew (4:12-17) Jesus starts his ministry with this call for repentance (These sections are read and reviewed). In support of Henry’s definition of true repentance references in Paul’s letters to the Philippians (2:5) and Romans 12:2 are explored.   George Fox sent out Ministers who called for repentance.    Repentance was a foundation of their message.   In his introduction to George Fox’s Journal, William Penn breaks repentance into three parts: convincement, conversion, and amendment of life.   Penn’s understanding came from Acts Chapter 26:20. In Acts, the three parts are: repent, turn to God, and do good deeds.   Henry then explores what “Convincement” meant in the 1600s compared to what it means today.    Other references to the Book of Acts are made.  These are chapter 2 verse 37 – 38 and chapter 3 verse 17 – 19.   The opinions of Tertullian on the translation of Repentance are mentioned.  In conclusion, Henry gives a preview of the next session by talking about what must happen after repentance.

A complete list of our podcasts, organized into topics, is available on our website.

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