Ohio Yearly Meeting's Podcast

Conservative Friends Bible Study of Mark #12 Chapter 08 Verse 22 - 38

Ohio Yearly Meeting (Conservative)

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This session includes readings and discussions on the following sections from Mark:

·         Mark 8:22-26 The healing of a blind man 

·         Mark 8:27-30 “Who do you say that I am”

·         Mark 8:31-33 Jesus Predicts His Death

·         Mark 8:34-38 Jesus’s call to deny ourselves.

Translations and meanings of the following words are considered…

·         Christos – anointed, Messiah, Christ

·         Christ was anointed with the Holy Spirit.

·         Chriō  v.– anoint

·         Anthrōpos - man, human being = Hebrew: ’Adam - man, mankind

·         Anēr – man (male), husband

·         Anistēmi v. – rise up

·         Epitimaō v. – rebuke

·         Aparneomai v. - renounce, reject

·         Heauton – self = ego

·         Stauros – cross

·         Take up the inward cross.

·         Psuchē - spirit, soul, life

·         Pneuma – spirit 

·         To Hagion Pneuma – The Holy Spirit

Particular attention is paid to the true meaning of “deny” and the implications of “denying ourselves”. 

The following link provides information about Ohio Yearly Meeting online discussion groups.


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To learn more about Ohio Yearly Meeting (Conservative) of the Religious Society of Friends (Quakers), please visit ohioyearlymeeting.org.

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We welcome feedback on this and any of our other podcast episodes. Contact us through our website, or email us at OYMConservative@gmail.com.