Ohio Yearly Meeting's Podcast

Fundamental Beliefs of Conservative Friends #8: Living a True Faith - Belief alone is not enough

November 16, 2021 Henry Jason

Henry starts with a quick review of several  topics: fear of the Lord, Inward/Outward, the Kingdom of God. and true Repentance. He then reads the 15th proposition from Robert Barclay's Apology for the True Christian Divinity.  This was followed by an excerpt from a work by William Temple. Finally there follows by a reading of the tract A Concise Account of the Religious Society of Friends by Thomas Evans.  This tract  is the focus of this and subsequent sessions.   Henry then returns to a discussion from last week on the fruits of the Spirit.  In response to a question, He explains the difference between a subjective wrong and an objective wrong.  A participant tells the story of a mother and her children as an example of the danger of acting in one's own power.  There is a potential cost for a true faith.  The discussion focuses on those in history who have willingly paid that cost.  The vastness of time and space highlights our insignificance and reminds us of eternal life. A Life that can and should begin before death.  Henry explains the connection between the word savior, and  the word heal.   He then points out the fallacy in thinking that assenting to a belief or beliefs alone can bring salvation. The word “redeem" is explained.  Henry proceeds to the meaning of the word “Christ" as the “Anointed one" and that this anointing is initially in everyone as a seed.  The session finishes with a reading from 1John 2:27 which supports the truth of this Inward Anointing.

A complete list of our podcasts, organized into topics, is available on our website.

To learn more about Ohio Yearly Meeting (Conservative) of the Religious Society of Friends (Quakers), please visit ohioyearlymeeting.org.

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