Ohio Yearly Meeting's Podcast

TQC07D&E "Misunderstandings of the Peace Testimony" and "Original Peace Witness": Chapter 7 Sections D & E of Traditional Quaker Christianity

Wallace, Smith, Smith and Berk

This podcast contains sections D & E of chapter 7 in the book Traditional Quaker Christianity 

Section D: The Peace Testimony: Common Misunderstandings. Readings from this section include Terry H.S. Wallace, “Stand and Live in that Which Takes away the Occasion for wars: A critical Examination of the Quaker  Peace Testimony: Present and Past”;  Martin Luther King, “Pilgrimage to Nonviolence,” Stride Toward Freedom: The Montgomery Story – Birth of Successful Non-Violent Resistance, p 77-95.

Section 7.E. Friends’ Original Peace Witness.  Readings from this section include “The [Peace] Declaration of 1660” The Journal of George Fox (Nickalls edition), p 398-404.

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