RinkTalk Podcast
Interviews with interesting people about backyard rinks, outdoor skating, shinny hockey, and other winter activities on ice. Topics include art, literature, music, science, and tips for making a perfect outdoor rink. Hosted by Robert McLeman, geography professor at Wilfrid Laurier University and co-founder of the RinkWatch citizen science project.
RinkTalk Podcast
Rink Science
Robert McLeman
Season 1
Episode 5
In this episode, geographer Colin Robertson describes how data about backyard skating rinks collected through his RinkWatch project can help environmental scientists better understand the future impacts of climate change. Expert rinkmaker Michael Berube gives listeners the inside scoop on how to build the perfect backyard rink; he should know, his award-winning backyard rink attracts all the kids in his Miramichi neighbourhood. Michael also explains the hockey skills kids master skating on an outdoor rink. Chemistry professor Stephen MacNeil joins the podcast to share his views on backyard rinks, science education, and what he's thinking about when he's outside flooding on a minus-ten night. Links: www.rinkwatch.org, reimerwattsmusic.com, thespatiallab.org