Chalk and Ink: The Podcast for Teachers Who Write and Writers Who Teach

Solitude, Storytelling, and Surprises With Ruth Behar

Season 3 Episode 42

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In this episode, Ruth Behar and I talk about solitude, storytelling and surprises.

If Chalk + Ink has made you a better author and/or educator, please fill out this form so I can feature you on our 50th episode.

It would be great if this season, the number of downloads per episode would double compared to the second season. Please help me spread the word by sharing the podcast on social media, writing a review wherever you listen to your podcasts, and/or sharing this episode with five colleagues.

Maybe you’re not into promotion but you want to give me a boost and buy me a latte. It’s easy. Go to and with one single click you can support the podcast-no subscription necessary.

In addition to being an amazing author and educator,
Ruth Behar is very generous. She’s creating a five-minute Let’s Write video that educators can use in their classrooms. Become a Chalk + Ink Patreon supporter, you can have access to Ruth’s video as well as videos by April Jones Prince, Marcie Flinchum Atkins, Zetta Elliott, Erin Dealey, René Colato Laínez, Michelle Cusolito, and Lisa Stringfellow

Ruth also generously donated a 30-minute Zoom classroom or library call to a lucky podcast listener and a signed book to another podcast listener. There are several ways to enter: 1) Tweet or retweet this episode and be sure to tag Ruth and me, 2) Go to and make a comment on this episode’s post, 3) Make a comment about the episode on our Chalk + Ink Facebook page; and 4) Become a Chalk + Ink Patreon supporter. Patreon supporters are automatically entered into each giveaway. In order to enter the giveaway, these actions must be completed by midnight on Friday, September 16th. The winner will be announced on Friday, September 23rd, on the podcast as well as on Twitter and on our Facebook page.

It’s homework time. Have you ever thought to yourself, “Nope. Nunca. Not going to happen,”? If so, then you have something in common with Beto, the main character in
Cindy Rodriguez’s delightful new picture book Three Pockets Full. Give it a read before Cindy’s interview releases on Friday, October 7th.

Many thanks to
Sarah Brannen for

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