The Last Track

How to Memorialize a Loved One With Water Burial

Brian Season 22 Episode 2

Burial at sea is often thought of as something that sailors and fishermen, but it is a service that anyone can elect for. A water burial can happen with both full body or the scattering of ashes in the ocean or at an inland body of water.
There are two ways that a water burial is regulated: the EPA through the Marine Protection, Research, and Sanctuaries Act of 1972 (MPRSA) and the Clean Water Act. These protect our waterways from debris and harmful waste. Brian covers how to select a burial container to not contribute to marine debris and the regulations that need to be followed during the burial. He provides suggestions on natural memorial objects such as scattering petals, flowers and wreaths.
In addition to regulations, Brian also talks about ideas on how to memorialize a loved one during a water burial or scattering. From taking pictures of the burial site and local landmarks to holding military honors, he covers a variety of memorializations that you could choose from. There is also an option for the Navy or Coast Guard to perform a water burial for former servicemember's. When the Navy or Coast Guard perform the water burial, the committal ceremony is performed while the ship is deployed. This means that the family cannot attend, though the commanding officer will send a letter to the family sharing the exact date, time, and location where the committal ceremony took place in addition to any photos that may have been taken.
If you want to learn more about our burial options, visit our website at or email 

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