The Last Track

How to Talk About Final Wishes

Brian Season 6 Episode 2

This podcast goes over the full final wishes conversation. It goes over first easy decisions as well as provides some guiding questions that will help you begin to write out your final wishes. It also helps you start the conversation with a loved one so that at least one person knows what you want done for your funeral.  To listen to our special interview with Brian Haggerty, you can find it as episode three on January 14th or follow the link below. 

Here are some guiding questions to use when making your final decisions:

  • Are there specific funeral rituals you would like followed? Rosary, committal prayer, visitation, etc.)
  • Do you prefer cremation or burial?
  • Do you want to be buried in the ground, above ground, or scattered?
  • Is there a specific place that you would want to be your final resting place?
  • When someone asks you where you worked or what you did, what is your typical answer?
  • Would you like flowers at your funeral? 
  • Would you prefer a living memorial with a memorial tree planted instead of flowers?
  • Is there a charity or organization you would like people to donate to in your honor?

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