Corey Boutwell Podcast

Become The Person You Are Meant To Be #164 George Blackett

Let me know what you think of this podcast! I personally get the messages here :)

Have you started your personal development journey recently and felt all kinds of resistance from your inner circles of friends? Your family? And even your partner?

Comments like:

  • “The old you would have…”
  • “I don’t know why you CARE so much about everything”
  • “Be careful what you say around [you], they’re in touch with their emotions more now”

Now your motivation for stepping into this version of yourself you’ve been hiding from for years is starting to drop and you think maybe it’s easier to just go back to your old habits…

All this negative language OF “you’ve changed” or “you used to be [x,y,z]” doesn’t make sense when you realise that the person you are becoming through self reflection, deep learning and personal development … was there the WHOLE time 👀

The best way to truly embrace who you are wholeheartedly is to start surrounding yourself with like-minded people

  • Join a community
  • Reach out on social media
  • Contribute to online forums
  • Start sharing your journey online

The RIGHT people will gravitate towards you and the trajectory you’re on will inspire others

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