The Empowered Stepmom™️ | Biblical Boundaries, Habits, Mindset

181 \\ When Can I say, “No” When it Comes to My Stepkids? Practical Implementation of the 4Cs of Boundaries that Work for Stepmoms

July 27, 2023 Episode 181
The Empowered Stepmom™️ | Biblical Boundaries, Habits, Mindset
181 \\ When Can I say, “No” When it Comes to My Stepkids? Practical Implementation of the 4Cs of Boundaries that Work for Stepmoms
Show Notes

Can you relate to the feeling of having a ton of responsibility with little or no authority as a Stepmom?  Perhaps you have this specific question:

Can I say, “No” to transportation for extra curriculars if it is too demanding on my schedule but it on our days with the kids? 

Jen tackles questions from you regarding boundaries during July & August. If you want in on the Q&A, then take one teeny tiny action step to move forward to put your question in the ring.

📳☎📞Get your question answered in one of 3 ways:

Link to the 15 Minute Convo with your Hunka-Hunka in Episode #151

Link to #179 A Stepmom's Guide to Setting Boundaries - Using the 4Cs to Communicate Stepfamily Limits

Ready to accelerate your wins, Stepmama?  Apply for private coaching now!

Take Your Power Back & Reclaim Your Joy, FAST!
📞Get Featured on the show! Ask Jen Anything

Next steps:
Step 1: Join the Empowered Community
Step 2:
BUILD BETTER BOUNDARIES! Powerful Free Handbook + Bonuses!
Step 3:
De-Stress Planning - Celebrations Guide!
Step 4:
Top 10 tips to Regain Your Power & Prevent Burnout Free Download!
Step 5:
Peaceful Co-Parenting Strategies that Work-Mini Workshop $97

Be strong, and let your heart be courageous, all you who put your hope in the Lord.
Psalm 31:24