misinformed. well intended.

Episode 30. Coolness. Aquarium. Spinning.

June 20, 2021 Roberto Cajigas & Elise Bahk Episode 30
misinformed. well intended.
Episode 30. Coolness. Aquarium. Spinning.
Show Notes

In this week's episode of Misinformed Well intended Roberto and Elise explore what is coolness.  Would you define yourself as a cool person?  How do you define coolness?  Or what it is to be cool.  Is it specifically reserved for a person, an attitude, a thing or an action.  Do you have that one person that you think is effortlessly cool?  Join them in the conversation as they laugh through their differences discussing cool.  In How Was Your Week Roberto goes to the aquarium and Elise has a busy week.  Roberto is the only one with a real Favorite this week and there are also corrections.

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