Ignite Your Spark

IGNITE with Witch, Shaman and Psychotherapist Elen Sentier

Kim Selby Season 3 Episode 99

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It's season 3 here at Ignite Your Spark and my first guest is Elen Sentier, a bestselling author, witch, shaman and psychotherapist. Yes, she has a lot of wisdom to share. As a 3 Dimensional Wild Coach, she utilizes all of her years of knowledge to assist others in finding and unleashing the parts of themselves that they have hidden away. 

In our conversation, this quirky wilderness woman (her words) we talk about the energy encapsulated in all things. Elen encourages us to respect everything, from a pen to a chair. All things were made from the earth at one point and respecting and caring for our "things" is the right way to be in the world.

Elen comes from a very long lineage of witches, shamans, wilders - and she shares how she is "one who knows". We discuss the difference between using our thinking mind and our intuitive mind - guess which is more important?

Elen tells us about Soul Retrieval and how important it is to find the missing parts of ourselves in order to be fully whole.

She is shining her light, igniting sparks and I know you will be inspired!

Shine on!