Ignite Your Spark

IGNITE with Intimacy Coach Dr. Alexandra Stockwell

Kim Selby Season 3 Episode 105

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Today on Ignite Your Spark we are discussing something we have never spoken about. INTIMACY with your partner. My guest is Alexandra Stockwell who was a practicing doctor for a dozen years before she realized something was missing in her life.

After a sabbatical from her work, she discovered a passion (!) for teaching intimacy to others after exploring her own relationship with her husband of 27 years. She had four children, everything she had been working for had been achieved, and she expected to have some sense of being satisfied. But there was a whisper telling her she wanted more aliveness. She found that helping others with intimacy was fulfilling to her and truly her life purpose.

Our conversation is honest and open (just like you should be in relationships) and I know you will come away wanting to ignite the spark in your relationship!

Alexandra is the bestselling author of "Uncompromising Intimacy" and host of The Intimate Marriage Podcast.

 Shine on!

Alexandra can be found 

Instagram: @kimduffselby