The Boiling Frog Podcast

Episode 53- Dave Chapelle, LGBTQ, Jon Gruden, and Vaccine Mandates

October 24, 2021
Episode 53- Dave Chapelle, LGBTQ, Jon Gruden, and Vaccine Mandates
The Boiling Frog Podcast

Timestamp Speaker Transcript
00:00.72 Tanner What's up guys Good morning and welcome to the bowling Frog Podcast Josh How we doing my man.
00:04.50 boilingfrogpodcast I I'm doing good tanner. How have how have you been since your hiatus of Nfl extravaganas is it. They're not tune do good are they know? yeah.
00:09.89 Tanner More nfl stra againsts is today. My friend the panthers 1 o'clock yeah, it's its and not really, they started out strong 3 and no and then they went you know lost 3 so 3 and 3 they play the giants but there's no such thing as a guarantee.
00:27.57 boilingfrogpodcast But youly manning he so is so out there throwing all pick skin around is he retired is he he yeah know Yeah Lawrence taylor.
00:28.31 Tanner Set for death and taxes Josh death and taxes. Yeah, he lies out there baby? Yeah yeah, he's out there. Yeah tiki tickki barber still run it back say and oh yeah, damn right? Son laurence taylor on that he's fifty 7 years old but average is four sas a game.
00:45.17 boilingfrogpodcast Shit does does manning still really play. He isn't really plan anymore does he? No he's retired. Yeah yeah I like that guy.
00:47.97 Tanner Yeah, cocaine keeps them going I he retirement? Yeah yeah, they actually retired his number earlier this year and then I think yesterday I'm not a college football guy. All yeah, just just the nfl but think old miss retired his college jersey yesterday.
01:00.69 boilingfrogpodcast Yeah, till I check his emails So bring all I shit down.
01:04.50 Tanner Those shit man. What a bunch of d bags man like you can't say that shit John gruden you know what I'm saying like I don't condone any of that garbage but like it's so weird that they just singled him out. There's obviously some narrative or agenda that somebody's trying to push man behind scenes. This is balkers.
01:10.78 boilingfrogpodcast Yeah.
01:19.57 boilingfrogpodcast It's weird. Yeah I mean I yeah I mean it's weird is you know you? obviously you don't want people but you do want people to be able to express themselves Even if it's wrong, right? it like but also I want I'd like to see the emails like to read them to see what they're talking about. But.
01:31.99 Tanner Yeah, how that right? Well I think that they would incriminate so many different people you know what I'm saying because like it. It's just a friendly reminder that there's there's rich and then there's wealthy. So John Gruden is rich Dan Snyder for the redskins is wealthy.
01:36.23 boilingfrogpodcast Yeah I mean it's definitely weird. Yeah, right.
01:44.26 boilingfrogpodcast Yeah, yeah, right.
01:50.42 Tanner So you don't see his name in this because it's only gonna go so far when you got that kind of money it's in it's.
01:52.85 boilingfrogpodcast Yeah, no, it's interesting to see what's what's happening but it's weird I mean obviously I don't think anybody should get in trouble for something they said a decade plus ago because I'm trying to think about who I was when I was a decade ago probably pretty similar to now. But I mean.
02:09.00 Tanner The.
02:11.46 boilingfrogpodcast Probably I'm sure I did or says some shit I I would be embarrassed of or would you know get in trouble for now or even go back 20 years like so like it's weird to think what the sort of what is that thing in crime where it's it's gone times past too far. What is it.
02:25.99 Tanner All ah statute limitations.
02:29.40 boilingfrogpodcast Yeah, it's like what's the statuettu of limitations on on things if if you go back and look at old comedy bits even like with eddie murphy or richard pryor these guys that stuff when there even like old some like chip hell stuff that stuff would never go today. You know, um sitcom stuff back in in the day wouldn't fly today like all in the family or.
02:36.15 Tanner Then.
02:41.52 Tanner Now.
02:49.23 boilingfrogpodcast Sannfordd and sons. So. It's just weird how far back can you reach and sort of penalize somebody today because the standards have changed and because I don't know if 10 to 12 years ago if those emails came out if you would he might have got something but I don't think he would have got this I don't think he would have been fired. Ah, you know his name taken down from the tampa stadium these kind of things. But.
03:10.78 Tanner Yeah, yeah, wellm like you I mean I said and did some pretty dumb stuff. You know ten fifteen 20 years ago I guess the 1 way to look at it that a lot of people are I'm not saying that makes it right or home but gruden is older. He he has been coaching for quite some time or has been involved in.
03:28.90 boilingfrogpodcast Yeah.
03:30.57 Tanner Some level of coaching So I think I think when you make that your life work and I get what you're saying I don't disagree I Just think when you're when you're grueding in this sense and you said it you know back in 2014 I Believe it when it was or 2000 somewhere on there. It's kind of like well can't say that not only now but especially not then you know. Be 1 thing if they dug something back from nineteen seventy six when he was like 18 years old or something but but still I hear you.
03:50.37 boilingfrogpodcast Yeah, yeah, but I mean it's also it's weird because yeah, it's hard to say like where does the line draw get drawn when it comes to private versus public emails right? like we see like public emails like.
04:01.60 Tanner Her yeah.
04:08.41 boilingfrogpodcast Ah, Hillary clinton stuff that came out or ah, um, who hunter biden and the guy that ah the Pizzag gate John podesa's emails came out Hillary clinton I'll even now fauch you like these are public people. So I think that their emails are under a different sort of scrutiny or different sort of.
04:11.82 Tanner Self a hunter Biden and yeah, yeah, right. Agree they're representing us I agree.
04:27.17 boilingfrogpodcast Application of the law because they're public in the public eye right? But a private email is weird right? because we know that like what about private text messages right? I mean I just have some pretty crazy shit to my wife or to my brother Jeremiah like you know in an attempt to be funny but like shockingly funny like.
04:39.14 Tanner Um, yeah, right? like where the feds show up on your front door. Yeah, forget.
04:45.12 boilingfrogpodcast Stuff I would never say in public or and I don't even mean just to make them just to make them fact what the fuck are he? what's really like what's wrong with you man, you know to be just a fuck with people but you know so not. That's not what gruden was doing but it's hard to judge these things out of the context because you don't know the relationship he has with the person. He's.
04:53.86 Tanner Yeah.
05:04.92 boilingfrogpodcast Talking with or even talking about right? like if I'm if if me and you get in a squabble and I'm talking to 1 of our mutual friends about you I might talk talk shit about you like more harshly than I would a stranger because we have a relationship where I'm like fuck that dude man you know mean or who knows like you take a personal dig or whatever it might be.
05:09.26 Tanner Right.
05:22.60 Tanner There.
05:23.94 boilingfrogpodcast So it's just to me. It's just weird and I sort of wonder what? the the the goal is is like what's to sanitize everything because you figured gruden has been in the Nfl for decades working with majority black players.
05:29.73 Tanner I don't know even.
05:38.78 Tanner Mostly African Americans yeah.
05:42.00 boilingfrogpodcast You would think that something would be like people like man. It's got this guy a little racist or you know it's just it's just hard to say you know it's just so it's a weird thing to pop up.
05:49.20 Tanner Yeah I think too many times. Ah, it can all be 1 sided. There's so many different layers and levels to racism and it always just seems to follow the caucasian coach or the caucasian player or stuff like that and other players can say things to each other I guess terms of endearment or.
06:04.30 boilingfrogpodcast Yeah, oh yeah, yeah.
06:06.57 Tanner Whatever you want to call it or make jokes about asians or crackers or whatever you want to say it just seems like it's so 1 sided to me man don't get it.
06:09.74 boilingfrogpodcast Right? Yeah, it's definitely a tough tough thing to have to tread through I guess especially being in the public eye.
06:17.15 Tanner Yeah, players and coaches are 2 different things I mean even though they're all human beings needless to say but I guess you're needless to say also held to a different standard as a coach but it is strange though. Like I said the timing of it and I don't know. I don't mind gruing at all actually but I thought derek card had said something because a lot of his players are like man. It's just you know some were obviously disappointed as they should be because they're investing a lot of times in not just their body and the way that they play but also buying into the coaching staff. So it's it's a professional sport. So Mentally I'm sure a lot of them are a little bit za. But.
06:46.75 boilingfrogpodcast Yeah, yeah.
06:52.15 Tanner As far as what he said a lot of the players were kind of coming to his defense and more or less just say I think Derek car said something along the lines of like I Love the man I hate the sin or something like that. But anyways, a lot of the players are like man I I don't know him to to be racist like ah just it's just a comment I'm not saying the comment was right? but it just seems like.
07:03.54 boilingfrogpodcast The.
07:11.17 Tanner I Don't know why we had to go back and basically just dissolve someone and you know vaporize them into nonexistence for something they said.
07:16.35 boilingfrogpodcast Yeah, because we have to be you have to allow people to be ignorant or to be you know you know, insensitive or to be you know, not not thought out or to be sort of. Immature right? That's like you have to have these things before you move on to become becoming mature or having some sort of inside or to be you know to people have to evolve from 1 thing to another. We don't nobody's like born or made or disappears in some pure form of you know with no Flaws. So We we all have Flaws. We've all.
07:34.42 Tanner Get.
07:40.54 Tanner Yeah.
07:50.47 boilingfrogpodcast Done things we regret it just seems weird to to go back that far and then to be gone so fast right? I mean it's like it's weird because the story's here 1 day he's gone the next and then the story's gone the day after right.
07:55.71 Tanner Yeah.
08:03.00 Tanner Yeah, well I think it has to do something with dan snyder and the redskins and a lot of things that were going on between the players association. So I don't really know if we'll ever know the truth but going back to saying stuff like that or dissolving or censorship. It's interesting because I don't know I know a lot of people care about. Fixing racism and and things like that which is is obviously something that we all need to do right? But at the same time in the world of like country music. For example I don't know if you heard of this guy Morgan wallen I'm not a big country guy at all actually hardly ever listen to it. He's he's all right though like there's a few of his songs I like but.
08:32.35 boilingfrogpodcast Now.
08:41.28 Tanner Anyway I don't know much about him. Pretty young guy I think he was on the voice won the voice and now he's like he said something like his neighbor was taping him. He came home drunk and said like the n-word and again shouldn't say it but it wasn't like hey look at that you know what it was more like all right man have a good night. My you know what I'm saying so.
08:52.35 boilingfrogpodcast You know. Yeah, yeah, all right.
09:01.80 Tanner Somebody taped him and then man that radios canceled him and he wasn't allowed to show up to the country awards and everything. Well guess what now man I mean he's 1 of the most popular country artists. There is I mean he's out there selling out shows. That's what I'm saying is it's like I don't think a lot of people really care. Some people do but I don't think a lot of people actually care about it.
09:08.97 boilingfrogpodcast Yeah, that's way. Yeah, right.
09:17.56 boilingfrogpodcast Now.
09:19.40 Tanner And that's why I think it hits a guy like gruden harder because it's a billion dollar industry in the Nfl it's predominantly black players and it's a dog and pawny show. You got to pretend like we care you know I can't believe he did this yeah in country music country music I mean there's you know there's more black artist now than there's ever been I think that's awesome.
09:22.33 boilingfrogpodcast Hey up.
09:30.51 boilingfrogpodcast It's all about the optics. Yeah.
09:38.15 Tanner It's just more of those things I think it just depends on the circle. But my point is you don't really care about it. No 1 cares.
09:40.93 boilingfrogpodcast Yeah I think that I think you know it boil us down to the noise that we're surrounded by with social media and the media right? I mean I don't even think it takes any outrage for there to be outrage right? You know like if you're look at Chappele's special like all the outrage around that. But I think all this outrage is.
09:47.32 Tanner Yeah.
09:56.52 Tanner So good.
10:00.72 boilingfrogpodcast Is it's almost imaginary right? It's all online. It's all Twitter or Instagram or whatever emails or netflix employees. We would never experience any. We would never have interacted this backlash in dayto day life I don't know really who would right.
10:02.85 Tanner Um, yeah.
10:16.21 Tanner There.
10:17.97 boilingfrogpodcast So I think when you see these backlashes and these sort of like cries for justice around social issues regarding like like celebrities I think it's mostly it's mostly made up. Yeah I think it's mostly just exists in this Twitter verse or in this um because companies are scared to get sued like Fox cares more about.
10:22.37 Tanner Right? celebrities. Ah.
10:37.95 boilingfrogpodcast Ah, Thousand screaming idiots on Twitter or Instagram because they might lose a sponsor right? But there's no there's no tangible sort of winning or losing hairs just it's it's better safe than sorry, right? like oh should we stand like give give the Netflix guy some credit for standing up saying no we you know. This is what dave chappell does this his art form. This is what he's trying to do. He's trying to you know this is is this his art. It should exist like any other art does right? at least he stood up for it where he figured if this would have been you know something on not that network he would carry a chappell special because of the language. But.
11:08.90 Tanner Right.
11:11.97 boilingfrogpodcast It would be like oh yeah, we're so sorry we're taking it off. We'll never show Dave Toel Again, you know so at least in this case Netflix did stand up because they realize most people like this most people have shared shared likes right? like people like like like there's a I think there's a much bigger center in this country than.
11:14.22 Tanner Right.
11:20.49 Tanner Yeah, as funny as shit.
11:29.77 boilingfrogpodcast That we're led to believe right or led to believe that half the country scrambing the other half. Really, it's probably a few percent on this side screaming everybody on this side and and the same vice versa right? But we're we're sort of it's like that's the best thing about going back? Ca the of von that his special that he said was talking about living in ah in the black.
11:35.95 Tanner Yeah.
11:43.33 Tanner Um, yeah, growing up in Louisiana. Yeah.
11:47.50 boilingfrogpodcast In the black ah community growing up and in Newanans or or in Louisiana he's like he's like um the the black kids were like hey man like what you did to us at deal like what what I did to you he he's like you think I took all your shit and then moved in the next door to you. He's like someone stole both of our shit and we're fighting over it. You know that's yeah.
11:54.60 Tanner Mood it next door. Yeah yeah, we're both fighting over our shit that right, right.
12:06.51 boilingfrogpodcast Yeah, someone was told both of our shit. But now we're fighting over it and we don't even have it. You know so it kind of boils down to that I think you know it's It's weird.
12:13.48 Tanner Well, what's wild is yeah I think it's a vacuum I think it's a very small amount of people that are actually in air quotations outrage but the chappelle special is fucking hilarious by the way. But what is more unnerving to me is that I never watched it but that show Cutie's that Netflix aired with those girls at dance. It's like.
12:27.78 boilingfrogpodcast Yeah, never watch it either. Yeah.
12:31.83 Tanner Some people are saying. It's like I don't think it's like soft porn but some people are calling that I guess to prove a point and maybe that's hyperbole as well. But no 1 cares about that. No 1 ne's being like a few people right? but they didn't cancel it. But there's so many more people the perception and maybe maybe there's really not that many because I'm with you I don't think they really, there's not that many people. But.
12:39.51 boilingfrogpodcast Yeah, right now.
12:51.42 Tanner Perception is like there's so many people outraged by the chappel show and in in his bit that he did on lbgtq but I don't think it's really that much but point being if you go back and you look at that show Cutie's no 1 ne's no 1 ne's really caring about that at Netflix it's like it seems backwards to me comedy is an art right? and I guess I guess any.
13:06.20 boilingfrogpodcast Yeah, if.
13:09.90 Tanner Film or show that you may could be considered art I guess having young girls myself like cuties don't know much about it. Just heard about it. It doesn't seem like something that should be on tv to me. but but no 1 ne's no 1 was really outraged about that hey hey, stop doing that.
13:17.46 boilingfrogpodcast Yeah.
13:26.97 boilingfrogpodcast Sort of.
13:29.70 Tanner Beaten damn bell up against the window stop. Love you you sorry but going back to chappee. It's ah, did you did you actually see the people that walked out and and they're sitting there and the 1 guy like shows up. He's like ah I support chappelle we love chappelle.
13:38.98 boilingfrogpodcast Um, yeah I. Oh No I Just I watched a special I didn't see the the the protests.
13:48.27 Tanner So fucking. Oh you didn't see the out right? Yeah, the special is great dude but I thought the special was hilarious and it's just like 1 of those things because just like remembering your your kids and you would say your parents would be like hey don't don't let him get you because if he knows he gets. You's gonna keep doing it.
14:04.54 boilingfrogpodcast Right? right? No yeah.
14:06.53 Tanner And that's all Chappe's doing I don't think Shapell's actually a homophobe or transphobic or anything like that. It's just easily fucking Comedian and he's great at what he does. He's great at what he does. But again I know we're talking about 2 different things We're talking about Transgender gays so on and so forth. But when you hear. Other comedians talk about other races specifically black comedians. No 1 cares. No ones, No 1 Ne's outraged like we need to we need to cancel chappee because he even says in his special like jokingly he's like if you would listen my fight has never been with you. It's been with white people. Yeah, it's just.
14:28.89 boilingfrogpodcast Ah, death.
14:39.00 boilingfrogpodcast Grant F yeah.
14:44.90 Tanner It's just so interesting to see what we latch onto man and what we are gonna get behind as a society and for Lgbt Q or whatever I don't know Apparently it's apparently a chappee.
14:45.77 boilingfrogpodcast Okay, yeah. Or it's a, but it's like how things get interpreted right? Everything's interpreted this lens of of looking for blame or looking for harm. It's not because to me like I thought the special was pretty good I think he he's got a little bit like sort of Ted talky or a little bit like it's.. It's a little bit less comedy a little more like social commentary. But it's so pretty funny. But I think his whole point was that like like I think what he's trying to say about the story tells about his friend that died is that this was my friend she was on my team because we had shared experiences where both comedians we do participate in the same artwork like our lives are similar.
15:11.37 Tanner I Love so.
15:21.40 Tanner Right? right.
15:27.79 boilingfrogpodcast So we're on the same team. We're not teams aren't divided by sexual orientation or or this and that she's so it's like you're coming. You know you're coming at me for talking about her. But that's my friend that's on my team. So it's like it's like forcing these different divisions which is which is weird. You know it's.
15:30.17 Tanner Right? right.
15:37.85 Tanner Like right.
15:43.99 Tanner Yeah, yeah, it's it's less punch lines and and whatnot. But I thought it was a fresher take I suppose but I really enjoyed it man I thought it was hilarious.
15:49.14 boilingfrogpodcast Yeah, yeah, yeah I think he's I think it's really good I think it's yeah, definitely a smart guy. He he thinks about what he's gonna say a lot you know.
15:56.78 Tanner Yeah I think so and going back to theo I know we were talking a little bit about it. You saw his stand up on Netflix's new special we went and saw him about a month or so ago and again, that's a lot of what they do with the comedians are going to be relatively the same the same bit if you will obviously.
16:14.27 boilingfrogpodcast Now.
16:16.20 Tanner But they change a few things in it. But yeah man he's he's great man but he does seem a little bit because I think he is so good at his podcast. My wife thinks he's great I mean she she loves the ah she actually will listen to his podcast way more than ours by the way fair enough fucker fucker fucker yeah no, but ah.
16:26.33 boilingfrogpodcast Yeah, your hair. So do I yeah.
16:34.10 Tanner But anyway he seems way more comfortable because I think that's like I think that's his way of doing comedy if you even look back at road rules and some of the things he was on with Mtv it's just him kind of talking and then things just seem to pop up on the fly like little names that he makes up or little verses.
16:44.76 boilingfrogpodcast Yeah, yeah, right.
16:49.50 Tanner Of comedy bits that he makes up. But yeah I mean the standup is great. Don't get me wrong, but he looked a little nervous.
16:53.40 boilingfrogpodcast Yeah I love that guy. Just glad to see him getting like the success because I think he does and I think he's kind of known for like being goofy being funny. You know you know hit or this hit or that or you know you know the way he talks. But I think he but some of his some of his podcasts are.
17:12.14 Tanner Um, and.
17:12.75 boilingfrogpodcast Pretty impactful right? I mean like he has serious conversations. He talks about things and I think he think that's why he's as big as he is not just because he's funny but because people can relate to him right? He talks about his substance abuse issues talks about pornography issues relationships stuff like this meant I think that people can get behind and and and that's why he's as big as he is.
17:19.99 Tanner Yeah.
17:26.10 Tanner Um, you know.
17:31.50 boilingfrogpodcast Even though he's super funny I think it's us. Ah, it's a big sort of testament that like the kind of person that he is too. You know because he's He's a good dude. He does a lot for like single moms all this kind of stuff that kind of goes unnoticed because he doesn't like put it out there but it's just he's He's a good dude.
17:37.23 Tanner Have.
17:45.21 Tanner Yeah, think he's a good dude. It's kind of like John daley of golf right? A lot of people couldn't if you ever like golf at all. It's you know, especially if you didn't it wass hard to identify and then you see like this big fat dude that comes up and drinks beers and eats eminems to smoke cigarettes and you're like I can get behind that guy. It's kind of like the of on he's just.
17:51.23 boilingfrogpodcast Um, yeah.
17:58.93 boilingfrogpodcast Right? Yeah, yeah, right.
18:04.49 Tanner Pretty transparent with who he's been where he's been what he does and who he hangs out with so which speaking of it was talking about Morgan wallen earlier. They both had the same haircuts I don't know if that's why they hang out but they seem to be pretty good friends man that Morgan wall in that country guy was telling you about? yeah they they hang out like dude jujitsu and shit together. So.
18:14.99 boilingfrogpodcast Who is it oh hangs out with you. Oh yeah, yeah, oh nice, that's cool. It would to go back to that? Um, that Trans transgender thing that she probably got in trouble for I've been thinking about this actually quite a bit and I've been thinking a little bit about like um.
18:24.14 Tanner Ah, that's pretty wild man.
18:34.80 boilingfrogpodcast We had that podcast with Rachel when she came on right talking about like sort of like the transracialism and the biggest thing I got from that experience of talking to her and then family members or other people that I'm friends with who are black and sort of to me it. The biggest thing was sort of almost almost the idea of cost to entry.
18:34.21 Tanner Yeah, then right.
18:53.10 boilingfrogpodcast The idea of you can't relate as something that you're not because of the oppression or of the experiences that that group has gone through right is you can't just claim to be black because you like the culture whatever because there's been oppressions and day-to-day life things that have been harder for them. So it's like.
19:07.90 Tanner Right? You haven't lived it. You haven't really yeah, you haven't physically walked in their shoes or rather you know you haven't physically lived the the things that they've had to go through for sure.
19:11.62 boilingfrogpodcast Like you can't do it because it's just and doesn't translate right right? And yep and I think that that I think that same sort of perspective applies in this in this case too because especially when it comes to women right? or like. Trans women so being a woman to me as a guy is a foreign experience I can't I can't explain it right? like when you're like I imagine a girl when they're growing up is a totally different feeling than than a guy has because you know the the idea of going getting your period when you're 1213 years old. Whatever it is. You know, developing breasts going through puberty these things. When you get older having children like these are are experiences that only people born with X X chromosomes can experience right? Women can have these experiences so I feel like there's that same sort of has to be that same sort of nuance when you're talking about gender right? You can't.
19:59.61 Tanner But.
20:09.39 boilingfrogpodcast I Can't just say that I'm a woman now I can say it if I want I guess but but I think that to be criticized. It's It's only fair because you can't nobody can truly know what it's like to walk in anybody else's shoes right? I don't know if my experience is a typical male experience I have no idea right when compare it to myself.
20:14.32 Tanner Let's say whatever you want, but.
20:25.10 Tanner Brown.
20:29.33 boilingfrogpodcast But this idea that classes or groups people become sort of untouchable or uncriticizable. It's not. It's not fair right? and I I think we see it go too far when we see things like Trans women fighting against biological women in Ufc or not Ufc but like in.
20:43.17 Tanner Yeah, Kim a Manha death.
20:46.52 boilingfrogpodcast Mixed martial arts or in weightlifting you see these things then I think it's like this whole the whole idea of like we're we're getting so progressive that it's just sort of not making sense or it's not benefiting anybody right? So and but I think I think it boils down to that I don't think it's I don't think.
20:57.98 Tanner Yeah.
21:05.80 boilingfrogpodcast Just because you want to if you're attracted or like a sexual preference that you have or like whatever sort of thing you're into that doesn't translate into you actually being a woman right right? or like even even trying to identify with that experience right? I mean like you know.
21:15.49 Tanner No, not genetically or.
21:24.38 boilingfrogpodcast My wife's like given birth to children right? There's like just a different. There's a it's a different thing. So how can you just like grab onto it. You know and then and then act like there's no room for discussion.
21:27.75 Tanner Not our time. Yeah yeah.
21:37.83 Tanner No, it's yeah because you you can't just yeah, like you said you can't identify. We don't know what they're going through or this person or that person or that doesn't really matter right? but and like we always say you do you man I don't really care. It's all good, but there are certain things that you shouldn't be criticized or.
21:47.54 boilingfrogpodcast Yeah.
21:56.71 Tanner In chappee's case. Obviously he's on a pedestal and he has 1 but you shouldn't try to dissolve the guys I say often or you know, just just completely. You know just diminish them from society in general just because they're they're questioning with comedy or somebody just wants to question like you and I just iregular guys about.
22:09.85 boilingfrogpodcast Yeah.
22:16.48 Tanner Whatever Caitlyn Jenner or this person or that person I think it's fair I think it's fair just to say because we haven't walked in those shoes. It's not not to say we oppose it. It's just like you shouldn't be exempt from people asking you or you shouldn't be exempt from comedians and it just seems more predominant these days I mean I don't know if it's just um.
22:20.27 boilingfrogpodcast Yeah.
22:34.94 Tanner You know what? I'm saying like I mean you didn't really have obviously you had transgender people and things like that for for quite some time but like 20 years ago't really heard about this that much I mean it was it was way way more I guess taboo in a way but um, and other times have changed a lot and that's not a bad thing.
22:42.83 boilingfrogpodcast Yeah I mean it wasn't is like yeah man.
22:53.18 Tanner But Also it's just like I don't know Man. It's just like I wonder I wonder certain people I know and this is probably like a shitty statement but I just think it needs to be asked like I wonder if as many people whether you're a guy and you you identify as a woman or you woman and you identify as a man I don't know it just seems like ah. I don't I don't know that they really feel that way or if it's more of a feeling to belong with something or something something or something you know what I'm saying I'm sure some people feel like it but it just seems like there's more and more and more and more so I don't know if it's just like there have been other people out there that have given them a voice so they feel more comfortable. Maybe that's it.
23:17.50 boilingfrogpodcast Yeah.
23:27.33 boilingfrogpodcast Yeah, I'm sure that's partly it yeah and it's it's it's seen better like it's it's part of culture to yeah, it's it's like part of part of progress I mean there's been books written about it. A couple of Rogan's guests have been on there talking about like sort of like.
23:31.60 Tanner I'm sure that's part of it but it just seems like maybe just some group to identify with too I don't know maybe I'm wrong.
23:44.14 boilingfrogpodcast Relationship between social media and how that's affecting like this sort of mass emergence of of girls in middle school and high school sort of identifying as transgender now because of you know, social pressures or it's something I think it's something that's introduced ah a lot younger too right? Like how do you feel. Do you feel like a boy. Do you feel like a girl you know the shows like or don't don't gender your baby or these these sort of ideas sort of just creep into society and they become more more saturated but I think what's what's funny or not funny, but what's interesting is that. Like I say all the time progress never stops right? So You know it's like in the sixty s everyone was fighting for you know for equal rights for black people for women to vote these things those come Along. You know are able to take care of that then it's you know, Obviously that's a great thing right? So Some progress is really good.
24:28.42 Tanner Right.
24:39.28 boilingfrogpodcast Then it's gay rights gay wants to write gay people want the right to get married to to have the same rights that straight people have as a good things here right? But there's always gonna be another benchmark after that's after that's accomplished whether it's like. Actual progress or it's just like some sort of placeholder idea that we need to do something so we can keep progressing right? So we've we've already got to the point where there's unlimited sort of gender identities that are possible. So like what's gonna be next something's gonna be next right.
25:01.78 Tanner There.
25:13.27 Tanner Yeah, it's a finite amount of possibilities I mean something's gonna be next. But what's frustrating I don't know if you share the same sentiment and if not, it's all good. But I don't I don't know why somebody.
25:17.17 boilingfrogpodcast Yeah.
25:27.55 Tanner Like I said I need to preface it by saying I Really don't care I don't it doesn't it doesn't bother me. It's just not something that I don't want to say it's not normal or whatever. It's just it's just something that I don't really understand and but when you say that just like a more rudimentary example, the guy that came.
25:29.90 boilingfrogpodcast Now first.
25:37.98 boilingfrogpodcast A.
25:46.88 Tanner Opposite of all the lbgtq employees at Netflix supporting chappelle. It's like you're the bad guy. You were the bad guy but but that same community can do things towards us that they don't understand why we're we're privileged or they don't understand why you know.
25:52.10 boilingfrogpodcast Yeah.
26:03.69 Tanner White people look down on this or black people look down on this or Asian people look down on that or whatever it may be. It's just it's like you can't even when you question something and it's not so much to say hey man I don't support that there're a bunch of you know fill in the blank. That's not me, you know that. But if you question it at all I don't know why they'd want to do that doesn't make sense to me then it's like.
26:15.94 boilingfrogpodcast Right. Yeah, right? Yeah yeah, it No, it's definitely.. It's a yeah, you have to accept everything without question.
26:22.94 Tanner That fucking guy transphobic it's like no like I'm just I'm trying to understand where you're coming from is all it doesn't work both ways. It's just it's just 1 side of man exactly are you against it part of the problem. Yeah.
26:36.27 boilingfrogpodcast Or you're not your or you're you know you're part of the your silence is violence you know like so which is too bad because people need the opportunity to you know sometimes I feel like I'm like the old guy the old curmudgeon guy like ah I don't want any sort of I want life to go back the way it was you know, but I feel like you have to give people time to think about stuff.
26:49.76 Tanner Um, right.
26:55.33 boilingfrogpodcast Talk about things and you can't just sort of put rules on people and then hold them accountable something. They don't even understand you know and it seems unfair to say the leastas but and I don't I don't think there was there were all like there was a I don't know if you saw the the Youtube this some guy upload a thing on Youtube where he was driving through like a sonic.
27:04.39 Tanner Yeah.
27:13.62 Tanner Oh yeah, yeah, yeah, he's like sir they keep calling me Sir is it what about me looks like a sir in the gobs like I mean he played it off as best he could. But yes, all that right.
27:15.11 boilingfrogpodcast And he was a transgender and he and I guess the yeah right, right? He's like I'm like I'm sorry for any sort of inconvenience or you know we weren't trying to be roo type thing but it's like there's definitely like so there's currency or some clout to be gained by. Exposing these injustices right? It's like to become the so to to be a transgender to be a changegender I always get these mixed up but to be transgender male or female. Sorry so you you know you transition this into being a female and then getting like sort of.
27:47.24 Tanner Right.
27:52.75 boilingfrogpodcast Like misconstrued or misunderstood who you are. There's like clout and calling that hour like there's some sort of like like that's a trap. There's they're setting traps. You know you're you're looking. They're looking for that right? It's like because if you're just a person like I've been called man before and because I look at girls people just say the wrong thing sometimes.
27:59.46 Tanner Yeah, it's bake. It's babe. Yeah.
28:08.19 Tanner If yeah, yeah, yeah, I'm not gonna be like what about me looks like a chick you know I say I'm not gonna blow up.
28:10.82 boilingfrogpodcast You know what? I mean so but it's like it's like yeah, it's like just setting just like setting these little traps and then proving something in your own mind by exposing these like types of injustice right? It's like 30 year old hispanic kid doesn't he you know it's like yeah yeah.
28:22.59 Tanner Um, at at a sonic they're they're making ten dollars an hour like chill the fuck out. No 1 cares? Yeah, he handled it so much better than I could handled it. But yeah I mean the point is they're videoing it.
28:29.40 boilingfrogpodcast They give no fucks like nobody cares like you know, but it's like so weird. Yeah, yeah, right right? Yeah right.
28:39.21 Tanner That's the bait they're getting you to take the bait and the guy was smart enough to video back because it might have cost him his job right? if he didn't but it's just like who are you in a drivethrough if you're offended that sucks but like just shake it off like no 1 was doing it egregiously I didn't see the person but you probably look like a dude that's probably why they were saying sir you know, but.
28:49.26 boilingfrogpodcast Yeah, right right? yeah.
28:57.56 Tanner I don't know it's just it's such a weird thing cause you almost I find myself being cautious like we went to top golf a couple weekends ago and those I'm not saying it to be rude I'm just being honest with you. What? what? I what I'm pretty sure was a guy with the way his or her hairstyler how you want to say it was I my ah know man like i. I'm just going I'm just gonna play it safe on this 1 but normally I just say hey man thanks or appreciate your body or hey man hey sir you know, but I was just like I was like I fuck I don't even know you know like I was like so all the common courtesies with any type of Pronoun. You want to use or whatever just goes out the window. It's it's pretty wild man. It's pretty wild. But.
29:17.58 boilingfrogpodcast Right? right? Yeah yeah, right.
29:32.35 boilingfrogpodcast Yeah, yeah, yeah, you.
29:35.90 Tanner but but but I understand like like here's my big thing is like chappee's not out there shouting it. The guy that came and supported chappee's not out there like all you queer is out here. Fuck y'all you know, like no 1 ne's saying that? no 1 ne's saying that it it's it's just trying to shed light trying to understand a chappee's aspect trying to make people laugh about it.
29:43.59 boilingfrogpodcast Yeah, right? yeah. So yeah.
29:53.68 Tanner And it's just it's just I don't know it's so 1 sided or the the guy that you said that was videotaping a sonic. It's just like you're baiting somebody into to something you're trying to get them to say something about you. It's almost like that goes back to my previous statement I'm not saying there's people out there that don't feel like men or don't feel like women. But.
29:57.75 boilingfrogpodcast Now.
30:04.14 boilingfrogpodcast Right.
30:11.54 Tanner It's like this inclusion that they're longing for and I don't think it's as genuine as some trans people as it is others I think it's just somewhere to identify with or somewhere to yeah who knows but hey did you see on the side note this this is ah it was in Virginia Virginia high school. You know some of the ah h b 2
30:15.32 boilingfrogpodcast Yeah, love sure it varies. Yeah.
30:30.57 Tanner Lawss which North carolina was 1 of the last ones to pass it by the way but where you have you just use whatever bathroom that you identify with right? Not not how you were born not where your gender and in terms of what was on your birth certificate but higher you feel right? So this high school in Virginia there was a guy that was going.
30:35.22 boilingfrogpodcast Yeah, right? Yeah yeah.
30:47.86 Tanner The girls' restrooms dress as a girl or whatever ended up raping this girl right? Well the the most unnerving thing about it was people are going to be like oh that's so few and far between well yeah I mean it's people will do that and people have done it and people will continue to do it. But.
30:49.13 boilingfrogpodcast God Jesus.
31:02.48 Tanner The whole thing that was the most unnerving about it is they made the dad. The dad was irate man. He went Ape shit as he should have because it was true and it later came out that it was true but they kept they they were basically kind of making fun of him just saying Nah Man you're just you're just transphobic you're homophobic This never happened this never happened and they were just they were they were literally.
31:06.63 boilingfrogpodcast Yeah.
31:18.80 boilingfrogpodcast Yeah crime bow death file.
31:22.31 Tanner Trying to just silence the situation because of what the school board supports over some poor girl that got raped and it later came out that it was true and this kid went to another school doing the same thing and it was just like man but it wasn't so much like well we need to basically rethink on the bathroom law. It's It's more just like hey just don't say anything. It's not true. Wink Wink Nod No like we got a bigger narrative to push here which is all inclusive. It's like man fuck y'all.
31:48.39 boilingfrogpodcast Well, that's the way it goes is like so but with confirmation Bias is anything that supports your ideas you're gonna maximize or anything that that hurts them you're gonna minimize right? It's like and you're you're much more likely to believe something like if you and I are friends.
31:58.74 Tanner Yeah, yeah.
32:06.92 boilingfrogpodcast If someone says something and I like you and someone says I'm nice about you I'm like yeah, that's right, tanner's awesome right? But if you and our friend and son someone says something bad about you I'm like I don't know man tanner iss pretty cool like so like you'll dismiss a native thing if you have a positive feeling towards something or vice versa right? if I if I hate you and someone says oh that guy tanner's really cool I'm like noh I'm 8 not cool. He's yeah.
32:25.36 Tanner But I fear.
32:26.92 boilingfrogpodcast So you sort of decide what you want to let in it and not so and it's human nature but it's just at some point you sort of yeah you sort of just oh yeah, it's seen as normal right? So you just you can just eliminate any sort of like negative evidences against your beliefs and just say that they're not true or they're.
32:31.19 Tanner Um, but it's all it's all hyper drive lately.
32:46.72 boilingfrogpodcast It's weird about the whole idea of like oh that's anecdotal right? So you can have this whole set of data that you claim to be true and any evidence against that opinion or data is seen as anecdotal. That's that's that's a 1 off that doesn't matter. That's it's so rare that it doesn't matter right? But if you if.
32:55.61 Tanner Right.
33:04.12 boilingfrogpodcast There's anecdotes that support your evidence you just use that as supporting evidence you don't say that this is this is rare or this is anecdotal right? It's like it's just a way of minimizing something right? So like if the overarching idea for whatever reason is that everyone should share the same bathrooms or be able to choose your own bathroom.
33:09.78 Tanner Yeah.
33:22.70 boilingfrogpodcast Then any evidence that goes against that claim is going to just be minimized. You know which is too bad when it involves a girl getting raped in high school you know, but people people do that I mean any sort if there's any sort of deviiant or any sort of like sexual predator they're going to find situations to be in right? So if you're.
33:25.77 Tanner Yeah, yeah, exactly and then just being swept under the rug.
33:40.60 Tanner Oh yeah.
33:42.64 boilingfrogpodcast If if you want to molest boys chances. Are you? you might you know go you're gonna go where young boys are right? You might start teaching sports you might start go to the scouts you might go to the catholic church right? It's not because that's what 1 thing it's hard to think of or for me to wrap my head around for a long time I was I would think to myself.
33:49.20 Tanner Catholic Catholic Church but.
34:02.63 boilingfrogpodcast Like is the Catholic church like this is part of their belief system or is this what like what's going on but I probably what happened is this could be wrong I think probably what happened is you have a group of men who have thoughts that they don't want that goes against their religion right? So they take vows of Celibacy. They do these things but. They're on there. They're not able to sort of right? So then they put themselves in situations where they can but it doesn't work and then they they manifest in other negative things. But like Jerry Sandusky right? Giant pedophile. So He you know he goes to teach to teach kids school that that gymnast doctor right? he's.
34:21.81 Tanner I Pray away the gay.
34:30.98 Tanner Yeah, hold the man while yeah and state.
34:38.98 Tanner Then.
34:40.46 boilingfrogpodcast Probably likes young girls so he you know he's doctors of the gymnastic team. So so I don't it's they're difficult because if people have these inclinations. You're probably not going to stop this behavior I wouldn't imagine that if this guy couldn't go to. Ah, women's Bathroom. He would never rape somebody I feel like he probably still rapes you know what I mean? yeah.
35:00.44 Tanner Probably would do it anyway right? Yeah yeah I mean it's kind of the kind of the takea away the guns arguments like take away the guns. It's like no I mean people are still gonna find guns and people are still gonna find a way to be crazy. The only thing I would say is with the bathroom thing is I don't know man I mean.
35:10.40 boilingfrogpodcast Right.
35:18.31 Tanner Like if you identify as a bird who gives a shit just have like this bathroom over here. That's 1 unisex bathroom kind of like a family bathroom. That's what I think I mean just don't don't don't make it easier segregation and not inclusive. Yeah, now it's just I don't know where it ends man but I don't know where it ends.
35:22.22 boilingfrogpodcast Yeah, but that'll just be viewed as now that'll just be viewed as you know?? Yeah yeah or minimizing them. Yeah, right? right. You know what's funny and not a change topics too much but we we look at things like this and we always sort of try to attribute them to like ideas or like why is society thinking this way now but we never think about like environmental environmental factors right.
35:37.41 Tanner But anyway, what do you guys? got going on this.
35:54.17 Tanner Not often.
35:54.48 boilingfrogpodcast I was listening to this podcast and I was talking so much about like um, just like the poisoning of our environment like the use of like like petroleum based chemicals to for like pesticides herbicides. It's in our food round all these different things that are in our.
36:06.31 Tanner Round up agriculture. Yeah.
36:12.44 boilingfrogpodcast Physical environment now that are changing the way people act and this could be a total leap right? But so this is off topic I might I'll cut it out. We'll see but when you when you look at species and you start measuring the difference between male and female or however, you want to say it.
36:20.10 Tanner Um.
36:32.24 boilingfrogpodcast Biological Males versus biologicalatical females. You see a difference in in the in the taint right? So the space between the genitals and the anus typically the female will have half the size of a taint of a male right? so.
36:32.78 Tanner Right.
36:47.37 boilingfrogpodcast For instance, a male will have 2 inches a female will have 1 inch right? And that's a major indicator of how you tell sex. That's how you do an animals or like you're gonna look at a a cat or a dog you can say oh okay, you know that you measure the taint and that's a huge indicator for if it's a male or a female and biological. Um.
36:52.92 Tanner Man.
37:06.91 boilingfrogpodcast Environmental factors have been changing that human being right? The the human it used to be double sized and that's shrinking that that like in generations coming up. They're much closer together right? So you have to ask yourself what what's happening right? Is it.
37:14.82 Tanner Lot closer. Yeah.
37:22.42 boilingfrogpodcast Human evolution. You wouldn't think you we happen in that sort of a time and in in decades. But but people don't ever want to look as a thing when you start having these ideas that are sacred and you don't ever want to like say any negative about it. You don't want to say anything negative about.
37:24.92 Tanner Not just yeah hunt hundreds of years if if that.
37:41.67 boilingfrogpodcast Ah, the sort of gender Dysphoria or like the confusion around gender in our country. We just want to always explain it to well that's ignorant and this is forward thinking This is progress but we don't ever want to like actually look at what's causing it like what if what if that is what's causing it What if people are confused about their gender more and more and more.
37:44.64 Tanner Oh.
37:56.17 Tanner Um, I'm sad.
38:01.29 boilingfrogpodcast Because of toxins in our diet because of who knows what else environmental factors could be there but you could like if I said that to a group of Trans people they would be like not yeah you know. So yeah, you have these like protected classes. You can't criticize.
38:08.50 Tanner Then yeah, they're a murder you they would slap you to death with pillows.
38:18.69 boilingfrogpodcast It doesn't benefit anybody you know.
38:19.29 Tanner Yeah, yeah, be a big pillow fight now you might be on to something because we talked often about just people don't really care about I mean like the american government doesn't really care about us when they keep Mcdonald's open and Burger king right? as we talk about often just with all these foods that have all kinds of process.
38:30.66 boilingfrogpodcast Yeah, yeah.
38:38.39 Tanner Foods and additives and all kinds of shit but going back to your point you think about your great grandparents and your grandparents and again things happen people died from natural causes and cancer was the thing but it wasn't as predominant right? because you're eating from the Earth you're you're eating the cattle that roll the land and or whatever it may be right? The pigs. So.
38:49.17 boilingfrogpodcast Ah, yeah, right help.
38:57.71 Tanner You're eating natural foods in most cases and even some of your sweets or berries or whatever are grown or harvested by communities or somewhere within that that area that you live and now everything's just convenient and putting foods out there that can that can last for like weeks.
39:05.42 boilingfrogpodcast Ah, yeah. Yeah, oh help now.
39:15.64 Tanner If not months in some cases even if you open it. It just is not right I mean I Love chicken wings and if you go to some of these places man these chicken wings look like fucking drumsticks from Kfc with steroids in them. Um and everything else. So I don't know maybe there is because you do see I think I think it's a twofold thing meaning.
39:23.63 boilingfrogpodcast Yeah man, oh.
39:34.50 Tanner Like we said earlier I think that naturally if no matter what it is right? If you're too scared to speak up about something no matter what that something is somebody kind of blazes the path or either a trailblazer then you can come in and feel a little bit more. You know, open-minded and and it's a lot easier for you to say whatever your stance is regardless what that stance may be and I think the same could be said for some of the things that's going on with the foods and whatnot I mean everything that you're seeing in it I don't know I mean maybe maybe bring up a good point. Maybe it could just be 1 of those things where. Other things are happening so it makes you. It's part partly because people have have a voice. It makes you have a voice a little bit easier but some of it could be that because you don't see as many people back then as you do now that are identifying as this that or the other have you know, not just 1 or 2 or 3 or 4 or 5 groups. But there's. Ah, finite amount of terms and things like that that revolve around gender and identity more so in the past year than we've ever seen the past couple years for sure, right? So um, you might be on something.
40:39.83 boilingfrogpodcast Yeah, yeah, and I think it's just weird that we don't want to talk about it. We just want to accept everything as ah, a positive thing. Everything's a good thing. But what if it is because even it's not It's not only like Mcdonald's a but even like healthy foods even like. Vegetables or whatever they're all, they're all processed right like Monsanto like they they they generate these cs that could resist these herbicides they can resist these pesticides right? So even even their fruit week it's not necessarily it as I'm saying it's bad for you Necessari but it's not as healthy for you as like some sort of naturally growing fruit.
41:02.83 Tanner Am.
41:19.20 boilingfrogpodcast And these if everything that we're in suing basically is' processed has chemicals in it some sort of petroleum products been used along the way it's going to affect humans negatively if you compare it to a diet of Raw natural foods. So we have to ask ourselves. What are the what are they negative.
41:33.76 Tanner Quick right.
41:39.10 boilingfrogpodcast Outcomes of that right? could they be who knows what they could be but we have to be able to talk about it. But.
41:42.70 Tanner Yeah, hey you might be on to something who knows man I mean anything's possible these days going back to not along the lines of food but shifting gears a little bit towards some of the numbers that you see coming out lately with the vaccine I don't know if you've kind of been keeping up with. Some of the studies like in the United kingdom um, or israel or whatnot. But you go back to the original message when trump was still in office you know operation warp speed. We got to get this vaccine out. We got to just completely eradicate covid so you got fauci sitting beside him sitting there saying that. Vaccines at first rate was mass master the way to go mask up the more mask the better and then you got the vaccine and we're being told like this vaccine's going to take care of covid it's going to be really good and now you're seeing that the vaccine actually needless to say it doesn't cure covid. There's there's no cure for it right? It hasn't eradicated it like the actual true vaccines of measles, polio etc. This is a synthetic protein. So not only does it needless to say not cure. It. It also doesn't prevent you from getting it or spreading it then it was just let's trickle down. Okay, that's true. So well, it just keeps you from. Getting as sick as you were you know before should you not have the vaccine now. It's like well not really it just keeps you from dying so it just keeps going down down and down. Well a lot of the studies have shown over seventy percent of the people in israel and. Higher percentage of people that are testing positive and or in the hospital have the vaccine. So what does that tell you about the vaccine is it's not as effective. Not even close as we originally anticipated. So what do you see? Now you see all these boosters coming out and these boosters are designed to spike your antibodies up, but the whole point is man. We can never go back and say look. We're not saying these vaccines have microchips in on then the government can track you I mean I don't think that for 1 second I mean I'm not out there at all. But the fact that webster's dictionary has reformatted the way that anti-vaxer is defined is bonkers man I mean you have to look it up I'm kind of paraphrasing but in so many words. They define it as a parent who doesn't agree with getting their child under 10 years old vaccinated like it's like this virtue signal and shame in a fucking dictionary about what a anti-vaxer is in exactly opposed vaccine mandates like that's not anti-vax.
43:52.21 boilingfrogpodcast Yeah, even if you just it says oppose vaccine mandates. Yeah, right right? yeah.
44:03.20 Tanner That's Anti-mandate Motherfucker. So but I'm going back to the vaccines. What it tells us is it's not as effective as we thought So let's stop pretending that it is and let's stop pushing this on everybody. Let's stop requiring people to get it or they're going to lose their job. It's like.. It's strange to me. It's like this is such a stupid analogy but just popped in my head. It's like that movie 10 cup where he's out there just trying to prove a point and he's just chasing a point like he could have won the fucking masters and he's out there hitting the ball over and over and over and over again over the water trying to get it in.
44:34.40 boilingfrogpodcast Right? yeah.
44:36.57 Tanner Just prove a point and he eventually does but it means nothing because he lost it was just about proving the narrative that he could do it and it just seems so backwards that we're just pushing pushing pushing pushing only to say let's get boosters. Let's do this now. There's um I want to say like some kind of probiotic that's coming out as well. And needless to say you start seeing certain people pull out of stocks from pfizer moderna j and j and certain people are putting money back in because they know where the money's going. They know that what's not working it just doesn't seem like it seemed like in the beginning we were trying to do what we could to bring something in to. Maybe in Fauci's mind maybe in a lot of people's minds eradicate it right much like we did with other true vaccines. Not synthetic proteins. But now there's so many spikes and people's bodies are spiking that there's more death being reported there's there's there's just a lot. We don't know and I just don't understand like this constant. Just.
45:18.59 boilingfrogpodcast Right.
45:33.10 Tanner Cramming it down. People's throats man I saw this meme and and I'll let you go on this cause I know you got something to say but it's kind of funny going back to mass too. It says imagine that there was a ninety nine point nine 7 chance that you won't shit your pants but you're forced to diapers just in case.
45:45.69 boilingfrogpodcast Yeah.
45:48.22 Tanner And it was like now just imagine to wear these diapers to protect your neighbor from shittting his pants. It's it's the same argument I helped lauren she she moved Yesterday to an apartment charlotte we were we were catching up on some things afterwards and we got into like a whole discussion about mask and vaccines and everything and.
45:50.86 boilingfrogpodcast Yeah.
46:06.32 Tanner Was like it's just so unnerving that a lot of people are like well you should You should get vaccinated because it's the right thing to do and that's what she said she's like well dad it is I'm like what it. It's not necessarily the right thing to do the the weakest argument and from people that drive me absolute bananas is. You know my grandmother died because you weren't vaccinated. Well she vaccinated. Yeah well it wasn't because of me pal and I'm not saying me directly I'm just saying you get it like you hear that that comment or like protect the elderly. It's just like the vaccine if if we're if the narrative is get the vaccine, get the vaccine. The vaccine is you know.
46:26.57 boilingfrogpodcast How are you. Right.
46:43.35 Tanner The best thing since sliced bread right? and people are dying from it. It just doesn't make sense to me why you're worried about me as long as you have it.
46:50.24 boilingfrogpodcast Yeah I think I think we've we've conflated the idea of a vaccine with antibodies right? So if the whole idea is for people to be protected against a virus is to have Antibodies. So if you're vulnerable. You get to vaccine because that'll give you antibodies. So when you interact with the virus in the wild. Your body is prepared to find it off so you don't get 2 per sick and die those same antibodies actually better antibodies are built by people who are not at risk and interact with the disease in the wild right? So it's it's been shown that. Like you said the antibodies are produced by the vaccine weighing over like a six month period right? and they're different for each 1 I think pfizer goes down almost to fifty percent I think Moderna is in the 6070 s because they have the highest the highest like concentration. But I think Johnson johnson goes down almost to 3 percent over this period of time.
47:36.31 Tanner Yeah size right.
47:46.42 boilingfrogpodcast So it shows you that the antibodies which is the reason you get vaccinated go down pretty fast right? where you look at the antibodies when you get the coronavirus are much more robust right? I think 6 to 13 times stronger than Antibodies produced by um, the vaccine and they potentially. We'll stay around a lot longer right? So if the whole if the whole idea is to get rid of the coronavirus which means that most people have to have these antibodies. So the virus can't keep living right? or at least make it harder for it. We should be focusing on that right? So but we're not so we're.
48:07.20 Tanner Right.
48:25.38 boilingfrogpodcast Making vaccine mandates that say you have to have 2 shots of either Moderna or pfizer or 1 job Johnson and johnson and that is that constitu as being fully vaccinated so gives you the freedoms to work or whatever in different different situations if you're not if you're not quote unquote vaccinated. Then you can't do these things even though you might have far more robust antibodies than the vaccinated people. So it's not necessarily about keeping people out of work and public spaces that are a threat to you. It's about keeping people out of public spaces who haven't vaccinated right? They might have far more like.
48:58.34 Tanner Right.
49:02.71 boilingfrogpodcast If somebody like I had a coronavirus what a month ago Two months ago maybe so chances are my antibides are much higher than somebody who got vaccinated when a vaccine first came out but they would still be considered fully vaccinated and could go to work at a mandated place and iowa has to be let go.
49:10.54 Tanner Yeah.
49:17.11 Tanner That's what I'm saying and you can even so somebody your antibodies test and if you have any how strong they are but that doesn't qualify and.
49:18.80 boilingfrogpodcast Yeah, right? And so but then it wasn't happened I think in Israel now you could had 2 shots of Moderna or what I think you used the same ones we use here now you have to have that third shot or you're not fully vaccinated right? and I think.
49:28.98 Tanner Now it's 3 They're saying 3 now. Yep fully backs. Yep.
49:36.58 boilingfrogpodcast In in now in some hospitals if you if if it's been six months since your vaccination they'll classify you as unvaccinated if you die or something like that.
49:45.16 Tanner Yeah, and also they're with the kids and everything they're trying to push with these boosters. Not just for kids. But for everyone but specifically kids you know there've been I want to say it's 5000 cases or 5000 deaths across the country and and we say man 5000 that's a lot and you could say it.
49:51.90 boilingfrogpodcast Gam.
50:00.61 boilingfrogpodcast No, it's under 500 that's like 4 hundred. Yeah yeah, yeah.
50:04.45 Tanner So it's under five Hundred. Sorry yeah, 1 zero too many under 500 and we say well that's 500 too many. But then when you actually look it out of those 500 that actually died from covid. It's such a low percentage just like less than fifteen percent of that 500 so a lot of it is leukemia cancer other things that someone had came down with.
50:15.89 boilingfrogpodcast Maps. And.
50:23.00 Tanner And and passed away but tested positive for Covid and therefore they coded to Covid They don't really tell you the whole truth about it which is the most frustrating part to me I don't you know who Alex Berenson is he's a journalist. He wrote that book pandemia.
50:35.65 boilingfrogpodcast Yeah, he was on Rogan recently right? yeah.
50:38.89 Tanner Yeah, yeah, I haven't listened to that whole thing but I'd like that like to finish it but it was a pretty good 1 but he was on Twitter and was pretty much just saying the facts that you can go and find if you do the research and not his personal opinion right? Not anything to do with dark web or whatever you want to call it right? It's just facts. And eventually Twitter just completely suspended him because he started to gain followers and he started to gain momentum and started to gain a little bit of a message to the people just saying look. He's he's saying I'm not anti-vax. He's just like I'm just I'm trying to get all the data out there objectively for people to look at.
50:59.64 boilingfrogpodcast Yeah.
51:15.93 boilingfrogpodcast Now.
51:16.86 Tanner And Twitter basically just censorship comes in and they just that's what I don't understand and I never have and I guess I never will because it's never going to change nothing will ever change man I mean it was like even with Joe joe rogan who's obviously got yeah a pretty good following and has a pedestal and goes on. He had the 1 doctor on because cnn was.
51:33.97 boilingfrogpodcast Yeah, Sandy good to yeah.
51:35.75 Tanner Blatantly just lying about. Yeah exactly Yeah, just about the Iver Maden Horse D Wormmer and all this shit and he's like man I can afford people met some other fuckers. You know it's just like it's so crazy. So it just seems to me that when you're when you're putting something in and it has.
51:42.59 boilingfrogpodcast Ah, no.
51:52.62 Tanner Roughly about a like you said 6 months but they're even showing that depending on which 1 you get specifically j and j that roughly about 2 and a half to 3 months into it. Your antibodies have all but depleted and I'm not saying go out there and lick somebody you know door handle who had covid just to get it build up antibodies that could be dangerous too. But let's just stop pretending.
52:00.90 boilingfrogpodcast Ah, yeah.
52:09.28 boilingfrogpodcast And.
52:11.38 Tanner Like where does it end where does it end at first it was the vaccine's going to cure and it was like well no, it's just gonna keep you from getting sick and spreading well not that didn't happen. It's gonna keep you from getting deathly ill well not people are dying so what's next I mean what's next like why can't they just say look it might do some good It's proven to do some good. But when we start to see these spikes right? Here's the issue and this is why it bothers the shit out of me and people don't people don't want to think it fucking drives me Nuts is with these boosters. It's because the people that have been vaccinated. Their antibodies are starting to deplete. So let's boost them back up. Well, it's just going to keep happening. It's just a volatile cycle.
52:41.19 boilingfrogpodcast Yeah, breath.
52:46.93 Tanner It's not solving anything. It's just solving the argument against the narrative that that's the thing to do I don't know what the answer is but it sure is fucking ain't that.
52:50.62 boilingfrogpodcast Yeah, yeah, and I think if if if we got away from the whole idea of mandates. It would be fine right? It would be like okay we see that these these therapeutics these vaccines they last for.
53:06.00 Tanner Yeah.
53:09.57 boilingfrogpodcast You know they give you good protection for 3 to six months and then it wanes a little bit so if you still feel like you're at risk or you are at risk you might want to get a booster shot right? I think it's when you start tying that idea with a mandates where you go wrong because so now if you don't get the booster shot. On your vaccine. Are you gonna be fully vaccinated so can you still work in new york or you have to or you have to provide this proof to your employer every six months that you've been got you got your booster so you know it just seems weird because it's not based around the antibootics and in in your actual body and we know that the the. Antibos are more robust in someone who got covid for many reasons but mostly because we've interacted with the complete virus right? We've not just you when you get the rna you know it it programs your body to build that 1 spike protein so your body's only come into contact with 1 part of the virus and it's built. Immunity or antiboes against that park where if you actually contract the virus you build sort of a defense mechanism against the whole virus because you came in contact with the virus. You're gonna have a better more robust defense system against it. But that doesn't matter you know I could have the antibodies 10 times stronger than somebody who's been.
54:14.40 Tanner Right.
54:25.75 boilingfrogpodcast Fully vaccinated but can still be excluded depending on where you work depending on where you live from work movie theaters. Restaurants seems weird. No yeah.
54:28.26 Tanner Exactly. No 1 cares about the Antibodies test. No 1 no 1 and that's the craziest thing because you go back to the argument and this is an easy 1 for me. Well man, you know why are you against us said I'm not against vaccines I'm just against this is stop calling it that it's a synthetic protein period. So when you look at Measles. Polio. All those things we talked about tetanus that we got whatever shots wore and whatnot is There's an actual um, you know, basically an amount of yeah, it's a dead virus but what it does is when it comes into your system your system.
54:58.35 boilingfrogpodcast To dead virus and yeah.
55:06.90 Tanner Its alarms go off. It's like oh something right? So we had to build natural antibodies to void this out. Well when you're putting these synthetic proteins in you in this case, the vaccine and you're spiking these proteins. It's it's your body's reacting. But it's not in the same way which makes them.
55:10.25 boilingfrogpodcast Now.
55:23.67 Tanner Pretty much irrelevant after six months give or take in some cases sooner. But some studies are coming out. They haven't found this in in humans to be clear but they're testing as they should that. Ah, let me say this before I go there man I know like ira macin and and all these drugs get. Talked about as of late specifically with Rogan and some other people right? But it's not to say iver Metin's the end. All be all I don't think anyone thinks that. But why do we not test. It. Why do we not clinically test iver met and rimdesafir the fucking vaccine. Why do we not do that. Let's go with what's best.
55:44.29 boilingfrogpodcast Right? Yeah, no more think they are think think they started a couple pretty big trials on iberm act. But you can see it it that that state in india.
55:59.86 Tanner Yeah, but oh yes, all that the game like a kit like a kit and it did.
56:03.39 boilingfrogpodcast Where they they gave everybody like like they didn't him only iver mechanism but they gave him a kit of like of like you know these these therapeutics are going to help you and basically in the city of millions and millions of people a state rather of tens of millions of people pretty much got rid of it.
56:17.56 Tanner Exactly exactly. So it's just like there's nothing wrong with being able to say hey look the vaccine. It might be okay, might be okay, we're still working on a better 1 until we can come up with that here's your kit. This is the best thing to take for the american people for the nation for the world I don't understand why.
56:29.25 boilingfrogpodcast Yeah, right right.
56:36.60 Tanner Hopefully in the next five years we can do that but but going back to what I was going to say too in some of the lab rats they're testing. They're given the vaccine and some they're not obviously and they're just doing different tests as far as that's is concerned on lab rats and a lot of those lab rats are having miscarriages when they're trying to have babies.
56:49.67 boilingfrogpodcast You know.
56:53.12 Tanner No 1 has been reporting that in humans to be clear and obviously the the dna makeup and the genetics of humans versus rats versus whatever it's it's all different right? All humans are different in certain ways and that's why I think there should be options and if the vaccine eventually gets to a point where it can be like the polio vaccine or the measles vaccine to where. Maybe it doesn't completely eradicate it because those even had a couple breakthrough cases but those were very very rare very very rare. So if we can if we can get to that point then that might be the best option but we should have options plural. We always should.
57:15.21 boilingfrogpodcast Um, yeah, right.
57:23.58 boilingfrogpodcast Yeah, yeah, well I think I think also these more traditional vaccines that we get when we're coming up from being a baby to middle school. They're given under the assumption that you're gonna build this protection before you encounter this virus or this disease right.
57:39.35 Tanner Right.
57:42.33 boilingfrogpodcast You're not given the polio vaccine in the midst of a polio outbreak you it? Yeah and you build this you know and so there's been these sort of discussions or studies and sort of show that even the idea of vaccinating against these specifics brake spike proteins.
57:44.99 Tanner Exactly. Ah.
58:01.21 boilingfrogpodcast During the pandemic is gonna sort of force the virus to sort of mutate to stay alive faster right? because you're not giving it with the anticipation that I'm gonna build up this robust immunity before I get the coronavirus I'm big I'm I'm getting vaccinated while I'm in this environment. So. Virus is sort of having to act faster and and more dangerously and and sort of you know we have already seen what 2 3 four 5 who knows how many variants and and that could be caused sort of by this right? rightce.
58:29.42 Tanner So many by the by the vaccine because of all this all the protein spikes is. That's what.
58:37.68 boilingfrogpodcast Well, it's forcing The the is forcing the virus to have to to to move to to to so it could propagate more? yeah but.
58:41.60 Tanner Exactly Yeah, it's got to propagate more so it's creating more variance and the more boosters that are going to come out there the more variance you're going to create but it's interesting.
58:49.55 boilingfrogpodcast No, so I mean yeah I Just it just seems weird too because it comes when it starts comes down to people's livelihoods or their social standing or they're the way they're viewed like I heard something interesting that really kind of made sense to me is that Obviously everything's pulled Rise and Politicize. But. You just speak in general generalizations at the left is more pro Vaccineccine Mandate Pro Mask mandate the feeling over there that you give people is that they're much more concerned about catching the virus and they are having the virus right? because there's like this sort of social sort of pejorative that. When you catch the Virus. You've done something wrong, right? You weren't You weren't Responsible. You didn't do the right thing right? Oh you got the virus. Oh you weren't you could have killed somebody else. Oh you're fine. But maybe you killed like there's this sort of view that society takes to people where it's worse.
59:27.70 Tanner You like a leper right? You're dirty. You're filthy.
59:43.16 Tanner Versus.
59:45.93 boilingfrogpodcast To catch it. Did it actually have it because of the implications of oh you know, right? Yeah right? right? yeah.
59:48.26 Tanner Yeah, and you get exempt from criticism if you had the vaccine and catch it's like well I mean I couldn't help it I got the vaccine I did the right thing Anyway, fucking annoying man. So have you seen that? Ah, the governor that took over in New York was a cat.
01:00:02.25 boilingfrogpodcast Oh yeah to Jesus vaccine. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
01:00:05.95 Tanner Jesus man yeah kathy hokewell I believes her name but as she was talking about you guys are my apostles and you got to go out and do the Lord's work I'm just like man like fucking cuomo like was so bad he turned out to be a dirt bag that you guys throw her in.
01:00:18.15 boilingfrogpodcast Yeah, 1
01:00:22.18 Tanner Like she didn't win shit but it's just like man what a mess like what a mess you go from cuomo to this check who's out there like this virtually signaling from the highest power of the lord. Ah so Notts man.
01:00:30.00 boilingfrogpodcast Yeah, anytime you're sort of moralizing your decisions like it's It's really weird like some people aren't doing the right thing So I need you the smart people to go out there and be my apostles and religiously convert cause it. Yeah yeah.
01:00:38.97 Tanner I need you smart people. Yeah do the Lord's work so weird man I don't get it anymore I give up it's nuts.
01:00:49.69 boilingfrogpodcast Yeah now I'm just I I truly am thankful that I haven't had any sort of at least living in Florida there hasn't been any sort of mandates right? because it's it's gonna affect these these places negatively right. If you start mandating that your police departments or your fire departments or your your nurses or your school teachers. All these things you know it's gonna create a shortage you know and that's already on top I think what 4 point 3 million people quit their jobs last last month so it's gonna add more. We have supply chain.
01:01:08.82 Tanner Military or.
01:01:18.42 Tanner Yeah, yeah front.
01:01:24.34 boilingfrogpodcast Issues already. It's gonna exacerbate that when you start minimizing your you know police forces and these things that people depend on I don't know how you think that's not gonna have negative effects on things.
01:01:36.47 Tanner I'm saying like when do when do we stop and say all right like like play your little game and say the vaccine is is the best way and and the most effective treatment are in whatever man I mean whatever but just allow people to decide for themselves because you're chasing this rabbit down a hole. So fucking far.
01:01:38.20 boilingfrogpodcast Um, yeah.
01:01:47.63 boilingfrogpodcast Yeah.
01:01:54.20 Tanner You're going to drive this country into the ground more so than it already has based off of what someone thinks or thought past tense not even thinks what someone thought was going to do to eradicate everything to do with Covid and that's not the case.
01:01:54.78 boilingfrogpodcast Yeah.
01:02:00.79 boilingfrogpodcast Yeah, or even allow companies to decide if you want to allow that fine. You know if if if some trucking company wants to make their drivers get vaccinated and they lose all their drivers. They're gonna go somewhere else right? But if if you're gonna if you make it? Yeah right.
01:02:17.29 Tanner Don't make everybody because they're not gonna be able to go anywhere else man that's frustrating. We we have hard enough time hiring now as it is and especially in the blue collar workforce and I don't know.
01:02:20.26 boilingfrogpodcast Right? Just pinning people down you know and.
01:02:31.50 Tanner It's ah it's gonna be interesting if that happens the supply chain like you said we still on ah on a personal note we still haven't gotten her that car that we ordered do 3 months ago they called me last Friday and was like hey it's in arlington texas it's being picked up so we had to move pretty quick for her car because we wanted.
01:02:38.97 boilingfrogpodcast While.
01:02:47.74 Tanner To keep the mile down below a certain amount so like seventy thousand miles so we actually sold it last week and we it's it's nuts. It's nuts. We yeah well we had to because like I mean I say we had to but I would have lost a couple thousand dollars on the deal which is nuts we made ten thousand dollars off a vehicle that was least crazy.
01:02:51.70 boilingfrogpodcast Oh shit before even got it.
01:03:00.10 boilingfrogpodcast Now. Wow my.
01:03:07.13 Tanner Crazy because there's no supply chain and I don't get how all these car commercials are still going on every day promoting new cars that are coming out 2020 it's like you can't even get anything right now. How in the world. Are you going to be able to do this. It's so strange. But so the guy called me back on Friday and was like hey it's a.
01:03:20.99 boilingfrogpodcast That's weird now.
01:03:26.20 Tanner Expected to arrive november twelfth which whatever I mean it's not the end of the world first world problems but it does create some inconvenience but it's not even about inconvenience or anything like that. It's just about just how crazy everything is right now. It's just wild man. It's just wild and then we had.
01:03:32.33 boilingfrogpodcast Yeah.
01:03:40.45 boilingfrogpodcast Now.
01:03:44.58 Tanner Company had a meeting last week and you know we we had to meet about a couple of things regarding pricing and for example, spray farm insulation a lot of the stuff the resins and everything that's included in that they're going up and. And price I mean we we've got a seventy five percent almost a seventy five percent increase in materials since january today and you start to see some things come down like lumbers the shell of the home. Obviously a builder has to have that see has the thing spray farm is a luxury. it's it's great
01:04:02.36 boilingfrogpodcast Wow.
01:04:12.32 boilingfrogpodcast Right.
01:04:15.28 Tanner It it. It has a lot of benefits but at the end of the day you're still gonna see that on a higher end home say you know 8 hundred thousand plus people that are gonna be a million dollar homes like they can afford it like another 10 grants really not gonna like I just do it man. We're gonna we'll make that money back later but generally speaking.
01:04:25.00 boilingfrogpodcast Yeah, yeah.
01:04:31.40 Tanner A lot of people are gonna deter from it. They're going to have to do? what are the essentials in the building industry the shell of the house like I said they got to have for aming. You don't have to have phone but it's just interesting to see these costs go up and not only is the cost going up. It's just you can't even get the stuff and that's not.
01:04:35.32 boilingfrogpodcast Yeah, right? yeah.
01:04:47.11 Tanner The whole reason why the cost is going up. It's just in addition to so now you're paying a premium for shipping. It's just it's crazy and.
01:04:49.81 boilingfrogpodcast Yeah, yeah, there always say like inflation's attacks on the poor because like you said the person who can afford a 800 thousand dollars home can afford the extra cost because they have you know the the capital to do it. But if you if you're gonna if you're looking to buy a regular car like just to get around. For like just the purpose of utility or you're trying to buy a home just to live in because you know you need a home that's who's really getting affected because now you're having to pay fifty percent more than you had to pay a year ago you know so it's like it's a tax on people who don't have you know, but it still gets you know sort of.
01:05:13.70 Tanner Are.
01:05:28.38 boilingfrogpodcast I don't know why that's not seen as bad as you would think like you would think our our governor here in Florida is actually like trying to get more of these ships that come to our ports because there's all these bottlenecks like in San diego and across the country where and he's like hey fucking bring it here.
01:05:37.25 Tanner Da. Yeah.
01:05:45.89 boilingfrogpodcast We'll unload your ships. We'll get you know like but it's almost like I don't want to say it's planned but it's almost seen as like it's It's okay, like it like it's all right? like there's no, you know it's some. It's it's working Okay for some people will say that you know? Yeah yeah.
01:05:55.29 Tanner Well, that's what I'm saying it seems plain to me because it's and when you talk to people that know it's like ah it's not so much that there's a shortage. It's just that there's lack of people to be able to take and transport. The conex is right.
01:06:09.92 boilingfrogpodcast Yeah, death. Yeah.
01:06:12.88 Tanner And then you see this influx of contacts that we have here that we can't get back because people offload them or unload them. But then they're stuck here. It's wild it. It just seemed it doesn't again, it doesn't seem like a coincidence to me I don't know who's benefiting from it but somebody is and I'll tell you the cost of fuel. What is it right now per gal in florida.
01:06:28.36 boilingfrogpodcast Like I think I paid 3 31 yesterday yeah
01:06:31.77 Tanner Yeah, it's about 3 20 here give or take but and we were talking about this too. We kind of have some some information I will say like inside information it could be way wrong, but it looks like fuel at least in North carolina maybe in the Southeast and maybe the whole country. It's going to go up to upwards of five fifty six dollars a gallon before the year's over and a lot of it has to do with a lot of it. A lot of it has to do too with this clean energy and all this stuff that we talk about all too often if people really understand the carbon footprint to get everybody in a tesla equivalent.
01:06:48.78 boilingfrogpodcast Damn.
01:07:01.29 boilingfrogpodcast Oh yeah.
01:07:03.50 Tanner It's Nuts. It's it's it's crazy what it would take to do that to the environment but the perception is That's the way to go you see more electric cars coming out these days more so than ever Tesla's stock is going up up up up up every single day. So With that said the perception of crude and oil is a bit. Archaic in the sense of it's just viewed as toxic in some ways right in the footprint and everything like that and what it does So a lot of the you know Multibillion dollar tycoons really aren't investing that money back into it. So There's probably billions and billions of gallons of fuel that are on reserve but you're going to pay a premium for it.
01:07:24.63 boilingfrogpodcast Right.
01:07:38.47 boilingfrogpodcast Yeah, yeah.
01:07:40.50 Tanner And I don't know that it's I man I'm not ah obviously a fortune teller but that's just what we've been told from some people we trust in the industry. So so think about that for a second you can't control that I mean there's nothing you can do you gotta some people are just like well just everybody stay home 1 day and the economic impact that that would have. Across the country would be immense and be crazy but it still wouldn't it still wouldn't stop fuel for if anything they would just raise it higher to make up for that loss and not many people are going to do that. But the cost of living is continuing to go up man. It's continuing to go up the cost of goods is continuing to go. We went to the grocery store Yesterday.
01:07:58.45 boilingfrogpodcast Now.
01:08:03.82 boilingfrogpodcast Right.
01:08:09.95 boilingfrogpodcast Even.
01:08:16.85 Tanner Got like I don't even know man like what seemed like I 50 little things fucking 2 hundred dollars I'm like what like looked on like a package of something that was normally my wife's like that was 10 dollars I'm like I guess like I mean it's what it says she's like it was 6 dollars 3 weeks ago same package and.
01:08:19.66 boilingfrogpodcast Now. Yeah.
01:08:26.96 boilingfrogpodcast Now now. Yeah yeah, stakes at Walmart. Everything's like twenty bucks or more just like a single steak at walmart and the shelves pretty much empty.
01:08:35.77 Tanner Yeah, we bought I'm saying it's it's nuts Man. So I don't I don't think it ends anytime soon. I don't know I don't know until people start to become I don't know even more homeless I suppose or people are becoming bankrupt or or. Certain jobs might I don't know certain jobs might go away.
01:08:55.89 boilingfrogpodcast I saw the the government's trying to pass legislation now that will allow cdl drivers to begin at 18 years old used should be had to be 21 to get a cda I gonna make it so you can be 18 bc older you gotta get yeah, got to get more people on the workforce. Yeah yeah.
01:09:04.20 Tanner Oh wow who that's a little sketch right? there low eighteen year olds driving class a 2 wow hey we're yeah we we probably will always be a company.
01:09:15.63 boilingfrogpodcast So he was driving.
01:09:21.14 Tanner Just because we we do things by the book and the right thing but drug tests like it's like now it's just like you see a lot of companies I think Amazon don't quote me on this I'm pretty sure I saw something last week where they're not, they've done away with drug test. Yep I'm I mean not like yeah like cocaine or heroin. But I think just t hc specifically.
01:09:30.93 boilingfrogpodcast Really? well yeah, maybe for like their warehouse employees. Yeah.
01:09:40.12 Tanner Done away with that. But yeah I mean there's a lot of people that come through our pipeline, especially blue collar I mean it's it's It's not to say it's okay, but it's kind of an understood thing. It's kind of like I mean you know do we do? We really want to employ this guy if he's a good worker because he test a positive. We can't.
01:09:53.64 boilingfrogpodcast Now.
01:09:55.38 Tanner Just because some of the legalities around it and and the liability that comes along with it. Especially if they drive but a lot of companies are starting to do away with drug tests just because they got to have people that can work man. They got to have people that can work so but.
01:10:03.77 boilingfrogpodcast Yeah, yeah, yeah, it's interesting.
01:10:11.46 Tanner I Don't know I don't know when it stops or how it stops or where it stops it just seems like it. It is just this proverbial like revolving door I don't know.
01:10:18.20 boilingfrogpodcast Yeah, the more I've been thinking about it the more i' but thinking about like the idea of ohie I was say the the more the oh oh, you're fine.
01:10:22.81 Tanner I gotta go sorry you go ahead I me finish your thought. But yeah you got pay I gotta had I'm I'm sorry to cut youall I'm I'm the only 1 with the vehicle so we got to go pick all up at 12 So.
01:10:37.60 boilingfrogpodcast Oh yeah, you you want to wrap it up and I was just gonna say the the more I think about like like contrasting ideas of government and like a society like if you want to think about Capitalism or socialism or communism or.
01:10:38.84 Tanner Yeah I mean if you want to finish your thought but somebody.
01:10:54.84 boilingfrogpodcast You know, democracy or whatever you want to think the more I start thinking about I don't know man there's a right answer for everybody but I feel like the more I think about it the more it is that people just make these choices for themselves right? like like I don't think like I know I sent you that that copy of ah, kaczynski's.
01:10:59.83 Tanner Right up.
01:11:05.79 Tanner Yeah.
01:11:13.75 Tanner Yes.
01:11:14.71 boilingfrogpodcast Writing and you see honestly what he's talking about. It's like like all like is anti-modernity sort of like you know, Obviously there's some violence on what he did but like there's almost some like dow was sort of principle of of inaction and and like being content. Because of progress the rate of progress greatly outpaces. The the rate of value added to your life right? So I think I've what I'm trying to say is I I don't I don't necessarily care about.
01:11:41.60 Tanner Yeah.
01:11:50.14 boilingfrogpodcast Telling anybody how to live their life or what should be right for anybody except for myself. But I feel like we should be allowed to opt out of shit. We don't want to participate in anymore right? You know I mean yeah, you know to me like ah yeah I mean I feel like and I.
01:11:51.60 Tanner Same.
01:11:59.39 Tanner Yeah, Unsubscribe unsubscribe to this fucking life. But yeah.
01:12:08.11 boilingfrogpodcast There's gonna be consequences for that right? You're not gonna be a you know I Maybe like you're not gonna be a biggest part, a big part of this sort of virtual world on online like with with like the internet like but I feel like I feel like this world Probably a pretty great place.
01:12:17.70 Tanner I'm fine with that.
01:12:24.64 boilingfrogpodcast If we can eliminate some of that shit if we can eliminate I don't know math I think eliminate news eliminate everything like you know I mean I think to go back to what we were talking about before with like the sort of the way society is moving with gender and these ideas it's like because we don't these are all placeholder ideas to what humans evolve to do. Evolved to like live in groups of fifty to 1 50 right? Take care of each other. You know you need like 500 people for healthy gene pools. So you'd have you'd have places you intermingled with you'd you'd all grow your own food. You take care of each other and this would have meaning to your life your your life was meaningful because you had a family. You. Loved you cared about. But now we've we sort of.
01:12:45.67 Tanner Yeah.
01:13:03.71 boilingfrogpodcast Subcontracted all that out to companies. Ah so now all we have to do is work and then trade for that shit. We don't have to actually do anything that is meaningful so we can but we still have a desire for meaning in our lives so we can start subscribing whatever we want to be meaningful. It could be religion. It can be. It can be Lgp T Q It can be.
01:13:03.81 Tanner Yeah. You right.
01:13:18.70 Tanner Yeah Ginger identity and whatever.
01:13:20.95 boilingfrogpodcast Black lives matter we can pick anything and assign you know so I want to sort of try to get away from these assigned units of meaning and go back to like what people actually the meaning is to me I think you know I mean but yeah, yeah, yeah.
01:13:31.60 Tanner Yeah, just being a good person. Well hey guys. Thanks for listening have a good weekend.
01:13:39.91 boilingfrogpodcast Nice.