Top Insights from the Best: Top Insights for CEOs, Sales & Marketing Leaders and Investors from the best experts in the world.

Top Insights From the Best: Jason Jordan

Zorian Rotenberg Season 1 Episode 12

Jason Jordan is a founding partner of Vantage Point Performance, a global sales management training and development firm, and co-author of Cracking the Sales Management Code. Jason is a recognized thought leader in the domain of business-to-business sales and teaches sales and sales management at the University of Virginia’s Darden Graduate School of Business.

In this episode:

- What Jason learned from research for "Cracking the Sales Management Code" and running companies between $20 Million in sales to $450 Million in sales

- What makes a good sales team or Sales Leader

- Why a sales team or Sales Leader that missed their team quota target is not necessarily a bad team

- Inversely, why a Sales Leader or salesforce that hit their target is not necessarily good

- It's not about metrics but about which behaviors and outcomes you want

- Figuring out what drives Business Outcomes / Results

- What is the difference between Data, Reports and Insights

- Why having too many reports in your CRM is not what you want and what you should be looking for

- On Leading Indicators vs. Lagging Indicators

- Discussion on how you cannot manage Sales Outcomes / Results even thought that is what everyone always talks about at the Board of Directors meeting

- Why the Board and PE / VC investors should spend more time with their portfolio CRO / VP of Sales 

- Why an Incentive Plan should be called a Reward Plan

- What is sales team productivity (and efficiency vs effectiveness in sales)

- How your Pipeline Mix analysis can help you avoid missing your number

- What to do if you are behind your number and how to communicate to the CEO and to the Board and PE/VC investors if you are not going to attain the sales target any given quarter or year

- On simplification of creating just 3-5 simple metrics for each separate role and why that's important