Finding Fire

The Beat Goes On - With Julie Vena

Matt / Ryan Episode 45

A dangerous lifestyle came crashing to a halt. Learning how to love transformed that life into something better than it ever could have been. With a beating heart, that life goes on and finds love along the way.

Alcohol felt like the perfect companion to Julie. While she thought it unleashed the best version of herself it was quickly leading her down a path of isolation from all of the people who genuinely loved her.  She cut off all relationships to people who challenged her alcohol use and truly cared. She was becoming everything she didn't want to be... selfish, dishonest and unkind. This suffocating addiction strangled the very life out of her, and hurt many people along the way, with some being dealt the hand of permanent damage. An accident that nearly killed a young man changed everything.

 How would she process this? How could she move forward in life when there was no way to “make things right.”? Personal consequences would never compare to the pain and suffering she had caused. This was a hard truth. She had to learn a new daily navigation, a new way to live. She made serious changes, and discovered a lifestyle of recovery which gave her the opportunity to form Recovery Alliance Duluth.