Finding Fire

Look Upstream - with Shaun Floerke

Matt / Ryan / Shannon Episode 42

After a long career of making changes within the system, it was time to pivot to making systematic changes. With a vision focused on where to have the
greatest impact, a new fire is burning!

As the son of a police officer and born a rebel, entering the justice system as a lawyer seemed to be the right fit. Shaun launched his career as a trial lawyer with a heart for public service. It turns out that he was less of a rebel against any system, and more of an instigator for positive change within the lives of the many people he met everyday.

With a passion for generating positive outcomes in the lives of people, Shaun knew more could be done. With this vision in place, he created the South St. Louis County DWI Court. With a focus on taking the most extreme cases where individuals had the greatest risk of failure, the model was designed to use compassion to connect with individuals and find real ways to put their life on a better trajectory. As judge, he assembled a brilliant team of people and helped establish more treatment courts throughout the nation. But, most importantly, he changed the lives of many individuals who desperately needed something to go their way.