Hope Unyielding
On Hope Unyielding, people from all walks of life share personal stories of God’s faithfulness. It’s one thing to read about God’s faithfulness in Scripture; it’s another to look into the eyes of someone who has been in the darkness you are walking through but who has come through it with an even deeper confidence in God's love and goodness. Whatever you are facing, I pray that the stories shared on this podcast will encourage you with the truth that God is always faithful, and whatever your circumstances, you always have hope.
Read more at https://hopeunyielding.com/
Hope Unyielding
I Will Not Die, but Live with Stacee Goetzinger
If you are struggling with your mental health or love someone who struggles, this is the episode for you! Vulnerably sharing her experience battling anorexia, depression, and self-harm, Stacee Goetzinger offers a message of hope in the darkness grounded in her experience of God's kindness, love, and rescue in her long battle with mental illness.
Stacee Goetzinger is a speaker, author, and podcast host. Her book, You Are Worth
Saving, Letters of Hope from a Desperate Heart contains thirty letters to the
reader sharing encouragement, hope and transparency out of her traumatic
past and mental health struggles.
Stacee and her husband, Doug, co-host the Speak Out Loud Podcast through which they share hope and encouragement for those who struggle with mental illness and for those who love and support them. Stacee’s life verse is Psalm 118:17 – “I will not die but live and will proclaim what the Lord has done.” Her heart’s desire is to share with others the grace, love, and hope of Jesus which she has discovered and experienced throughout her lengthy struggles with borderline personality disorder, anorexia, anxiety, depression, and self-harm.
Stacee is the founder of Speak Out Loud, Inc., a non-profit ministry bringing hope into the isolation and despair created by mental illness.
Stacee and Doug have been married for thirty-one years and have two young adult daughters. She is a native Texan but has made her home in Oklahoma City for the past twenty-six years.