Hope Unyielding
On Hope Unyielding, people from all walks of life share personal stories of God’s faithfulness. It’s one thing to read about God’s faithfulness in Scripture; it’s another to look into the eyes of someone who has been in the darkness you are walking through but who has come through it with an even deeper confidence in God's love and goodness. Whatever you are facing, I pray that the stories shared on this podcast will encourage you with the truth that God is always faithful, and whatever your circumstances, you always have hope.
Read more at https://hopeunyielding.com/
Hope Unyielding
Unfulfilled Desires and Longing for Heaven
C.S. Lewis said it best: "If I find in myself a desire which no experience in this world can satisfy, the most probable explanation is that I was made for another world."
Join me for Part 3 of this 3 part series on myths I've believed about satisfaction in Christ. Today, I’m sharing some very personal stories as I tackle the final myth I believed about satisfaction in Christ, the myth that we can be fully satisfied with Christ during this life.
This series is an adaptation of my free eBook, Unsatisfied, which you can download here.
If you liked this episode, make sure to check out Part 1 and Part 2 in this series.
Also, make sure to check out Dr. Matthew Tan's article "The Abyss of Desire," and his other thought-provoking work at https://www.awkwardasiantheologian.com/.