The Consumer Toolbox

Data Privacy Week: Take Control of Your Data and Own Your Privacy!

Milagros Season 4 Episode 2

This week is Data Privacy Week. It's a new year and it's time for consumers to take control of their data and own their privacy!

As consumers, our lives are intertwined each and every day from online shopping to using social media to engage with others. While the digital world affords us much convenience and entertainment, it also poses risks to our personal information and data. 

We have an obligation to ourselves of taking control our privacy and how our data is collected, processed, stored, shared and used. Too often, we are quick to choose convenience over privacy. 

In this episode, Milagros speaks candidly to bring awareness of how you can “Own and Take Control of our Privacy." That's right! Own it and Control it! You owe it to yourself. 

To learn more, visit 

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