Our Idol Archives

Anthony Callea

Katie Holden

Anthony Callea was the runner up of Season 2 of Australian Idol in 2004. You may remember his jaw dropping cover of Celine Dion and Andrea Bocelli’s The Prayer that went to the top of the charts and became the fastest selling Australian single of all time. Callea has recorded six albums since finishing Idol, starred in many musicals and toured the country. Married to actor and performer Tim Campbell, Anthony and Tim have been lighting up Instagram during Melbourne lockdown for their Instagram series #IsolationSceneStudies. 

On this episode of Our Idol Archives, Anthony discusses his time on the show from how his rendition of The Prayer came to be and having a death threat made against him right before the grand final. Anthony discusses what it was like having to make an official statement about his sexuality to Australia. As one of the most successful Idol alum, Anthony tells Mark and Katie what it takes to have career longevity in the Australian music industry. 


Hosts: Mark Holden & Katie Holden

With thanks to our guest: Anthony Callea

Producer: Katie Holden 

Editors: Katie Holden & Nick Wingate