Skredpodden - podkasten for deg som vil til fjells og hjem igjen. I skredpodden snakker vi om snøskred og hvordan vi kan gjøre gode valg i skredterreng. Podkasten produseres av: CARE (Center for Avalanche Research and Education) and – hos UiT Norges arktiske universitet og NVE.
ISSW special edition EP5 - How to protect infrastructure from avalanches - the case Mosjøen
August 30, 2024
Season 5
Episode 5
Avalanches is a danger to people and infrastructure. But unlike people, houses can't move when the avalanche danger is high. So how to you protect a settlement against avalanches?
In this podcast we talk with Priska Hiller and the case Mosjøen - a small town in Nortern-Norway.
Guest: Priska Hiller (NVE)
Host: Audun Hetland