
ISSW special edition EP15 - Risk communication - what is it and how can we make it more effective. A talk with Scott Savage, Andrea Mannberg and Eva Latosuo

CARE & VARSOM Season 5 Episode 15

Communicating avalanche risk is sentral to keep people well informed and out of harms way. But it is by no means easy. 
How can we do that effectively and where does the future lead with all the new technology which is developed.
In this final episode on the ISSW special edition podcast we discuss this with Scott Savage director for the Sawtooth Avalanche Center, Andrea Mannberg, professor and co-leader of CARE (Center for Avalanche Research and Education) at UiT The Arctic University of Norway and Eva Latsuo Eeva, Associate Professor of Outdoor Studies, Alaska Pacific University & Senior Avalanche Educator, Alaska Avalanche School

Participating: Scott Savage, Andrea Mannberg and Eva Latsuo
Host: Audun Hetland.