The FutureX Podcast
As Higher Education enters a phase of existential innovation, the partners at Beyond Academics host internal discussions, expert interviews, and crowdsourced insight sessions to help guide leaders in the journey. Learn more at beyondacademics.com
The FutureX Podcast
Changemakers 02: President Mark Lombardi on the Past & Future of Higher Ed
Matt Alex, Hector H. Lopez, & Joe Abraham
Season 1
Episode 2
President Mark Lombardi (1/4)
President Mark Lombardi of Maryville University asks some disruptive questions in this episode of Changemakers. He talks about the dangers of consensus-driven change and warns institutions driven by tradition that they may not survive in the 21st century if they refuse to adapt.
Dr. Mark Lombardi has served as president of Maryville University since 2007. In that time, Maryville has achieved unprecedented growth and earned national distinction for leading a digital revolution in higher education. Stay tuned for more from President Lombardi in upcoming episodes.