
Heritage Brook Trout in NYS: Update w/Paul Miller

February 13, 2021 David Dirks Season 2021

The brook trout is our "canary in the coal mine" for just how clean our waters are.  While actually in the char family of fish but always referred to as a trout, the brookie is one of the few native fish in NYS that date back to just after the ice age.  They are a wonderful and generational treasure - and where you can find them - they are a pleasure to catch...and release.  

What is the "state of the state" in terms of brook trout habitat and the recent location of original, pure genetic (also referred to as "heritage" brook trout) strains of brook trout have been located in some parts of the state.  TU member and brook trout advocate Paul Miller gives us his perspectives on the work being done by organizations like Trout Unlimited, TroutPower.org, and the Eastern Brook Trout Joint Venture.

Find out the latest work being down and how it gives us hope that the brook trout will remain on the rebound in many waters around NYS.  

For inquires; dirksoutdoors@gmail.com