Simplify Your Strategy - Magnify Your Results
Simplify Your Strategy - Magnify Your Results
Episode 1 - Erin - Corporate Speaker and Trainer – Call 1: Weekly Strategy Creation (Pillar Identification)
Simplify Your Strategy – Magnify Your Results Podcast
On each episode Brian Margolis helps entrepreneurs, sales pros and other
professionals create a simple weekly strategy using The Pillar System. A system that's helped multiple individuals become 7 figure earners and is licensed by some of the largest companies in the world to help their teams grow through simplification Some episodes have a 2nd part where Brian helps guests review and refine their initial pillars and solidify the CAP strategies they can use to turn pillar execution into a habit.
Erin is a corporate trainer in customer experience and leadership who recently started her own business as a keynote speaker and trainer. In her new venture, she’s been having trouble deciding what to focus on, as everything seems like a priority. When a friend turned her on to my book she thought it might be the answer. Listen in as we work together to give her clarity by identifying the following pillars:
• Publish 2 Videos
• Send 3 Warm and 10 Cold Prospecting Emails
• 3 Hours Practicing and Developing Talks
• 90 minutes of Marketing Research
• 3 workouts (30 minutes each)
To hear other episodes go to https://productivitygiant.com/simplify-your-strategy-magnify-your-results-podcast/
Brian Margolis (00:00:00):
This is Brian Margolis and welcome to the simplify, your strategy, magnify your results podcast. We're on each episode, I use the pillar system to help a sales pro entrepreneur or other results based professional, create a weekly strategy to run a simple, more lucrative business strategy. So simple. It can fit on an index card, but so powerful. It's actually helped create multiple seven figure earners and is now licensed by some of the largest companies in the world to create strategies for their teams. If you'd like a free copy of my book on exactly how to do this, or want to be considered as a guest on a future episode, head on over to productivity, giant.com. Enjoy the episode. Okay. So we are live, but not live. Okay. all right. So we started talking before the recording. So Erin, a friend of yours turned you onto the book. Yes. Ryan, who knows of my work, I've worked with her company done a lot of stuff for their company. So give me, you started telling me your story and I kind of said, Whoa, hold on. Let's, let's save it for the recording. So give me your background just real quick, and then the transition you're making in your professional career now. And then up until the point where you read the book.
Erin (00:01:19):
Okay. So I, for the past eight to 10 years, I've been doing corporate and contract corporate training with different contract companies with customer experience and leadership, both of those topics being the main topics that I facilitated and trained on. So a few years ago, it was about two years ago. Now I was on a big project and I was, it was more up on stage in front of 250 people. And multiple, I mean, I was about a three month project working with, with Delta airlines, working with their teams on their customer experience and leadership. And one of my friends where I was co-facilitating with at that point said, you need to join the national speakers association. You need to keynote. And I really loved being up on stage mostly because you just get to impact so many people. Anyway. So it was two years ago that I went to my first NSA conference and I've started the pivot of defining my own brands.
Erin (00:02:20):
What I want to talk about. Another coach I work with, she talks about, you know, picking your lane. So it was picking my lane is a customer experience is a leadership and really it's connection. That is that what it was, what I'm talking about. So going back to the book just when you're starting your own business, there's just so many plates that you need to spend, right? It's the marketing, it's the sales, it's the messaging, it's the foundational pieces. And I just found myself being so overwhelmed with all of the things that when you're up to me, things going on, I just was stuck. And I just wanted to like wake up and then go back to bed, which is not a good answer. It's not a good way to start a business.
Brian Margolis (00:03:05):
You were paralyzed because you didn't have clarity on where to vote.
Erin (00:03:08):
Right. And I just, I mean, I'm a firm believer, like when you have, you know, it's like prioritize and execute. If you have too many things going on, you can't do anything. Right. But they all seem to be priority. I mean, they really, you know, it, there just seemed to be a lot of priorities and I couldn't determine which one was the most important. Got it. My friend recommended your book. She sent me the book and I think the big thing there was realizing, and when I read the book, I'm like, yeah, it just makes it sound in some ways, so simple, but there's underlying the, there is the underlining thoughts still, and this is where I'm still spinning a little bit of how do I pick the right pillars? And isn't the most important thing that I'm working on. And so this is where, this is where we are, why we talking today? Yeah.
Brian Margolis (00:03:57):
And, and I think, and tell me, we're on the same page here. So fundamentally a lot of us figure out at some point quickly that we have to prioritize, we can't get it all done. You earn more by focusing on less. And we read about all that, but very few of us have a natural process to figure out what those things are. Right. It seems like if you ask yourself that question, 10 times a day, you'd have 10 different answers, depending on, depending on your mood or how you felt, or what was the last phone call you had. Okay. Yeah. And so you read the book, you realized, okay, there's a process out there to actually figure out what my priorities are. And so now how long has this, how long have you been in business I guess is the way to this new business you've started?
Erin (00:04:47):
So I would say, I mean, probably a year and a half. And it's, it's also, it's a w I don't know. It's, I don't know, like how you define being in business. I mean, I, again, I've been, cause I've still been working with the, with contract companies, but I have two or three of my own of my own, like keynotes booked and clients booked. But yeah, it just, of course looking back and, you know, this is, I think part of it too, you look back and you're like, Oh my gosh, I've been working on this stuff for so long, but it really hasn't been that long. And it's the one in the grand scheme of things, you know, and it was messaging and website development and all those have been working on the foundational pieces, like I said, but yeah, I'm ready. I'm now at the point that all, most of those things, those things are in place and it's time to start bringing in some business and having a business with clients. So,
Brian Margolis (00:05:45):
Yeah, sure. And when you say contract work, just so, just so I'm clear, the only difference, the only difference between what you're calling, getting, you know, a client yourself for your business and contract work is number one, a third party brings the client to the table. So you're calling that contract work. Right. And number two, you probably have less latitude in what you're going to be speaking about. Or do you speak about the same thing, whether it's contract work or your own work
Erin (00:06:16):
It's more there? Well, the first part, yes, is that it's a third party bringing in the business. And then for the most part, it's their content. However, the work that I do is based on everything, the work that I'm doing now is very leadership focused communication focused. A lot of the things that I talk about with my own material are the same things. And, and actually some of the companies that I contract with have started licensing my material for their material. So it's very, it's, it's overlaps a lot. And the, I, I, I been saying no to more and more contracts that are not part of this what I really want to talk about. So I tend to leave my own. It's interesting. I tend to, when I weave my own material into the other the, the contract companies content that seems to be what resonates most. And I think I had started doing that before, and that was part of me saying, okay, like, I've got a message here and I've got, you know, my experience that I want to go out and do this on my own. So it's, it's a nice overlap, but I'm ready really to to just go out and do it myself
Brian Margolis (00:07:34):
Now. So when I look, when I look at you, I'm looking at you like, this is Aaron inc. Okay. This is Aaron incorporated. And so as part of Aaron incorporated right now, would you say contract work is a necessary evil? I mean, I don't wanna call it evil, but a necessary evil to keep Aaron incorporated going.
Erin (00:07:57):
Yes, but yes.
Brian Margolis (00:08:00):
Okay. And do you have to do anything, do you proactively have to do anything to keep that contract contract were coming in?
Erin (00:08:08):
No, they basically, I have a few people that I, that it's fairly consistent now. And actually I just had, I just actually completed one big project and that's kind of the base, like, I'm, I'm kind of fine with that one project. And if I get just a few more things going with my own, I can probably completely say no to the contract work.
Brian Margolis (00:08:32):
Okay. All right. Fair enough. So you don't have to proactively do anything? No. So sometimes I'll have a client who is in a similar transition, but it's still important that they keep their existing work coming.
Erin (00:08:45):
That, you know, the people that I contract with will reach out to me like I'm in ending as they say so. Yeah. I don't really have to proactive.
Brian Margolis (00:08:52):
Perfect. Perfect. Okay. So you're now, what do you, what's the word you would use to describe your business? Is it a speaking business? Is it a training business?
Erin (00:09:03):
I would say I'm like, can I say, see all the above? I would say facilitation and training. So I think there's the keynote side, but then there's also workshops. Those are the two main quote unquote products that I would say that I would it's keynotes, it's the facilitating of workshops. And then I think also some, like, I would say high level coaching I'm involved in.
Brian Margolis (00:09:30):
Okay. And as far as you said something earlier about licensing. Yeah. I mean, licensing is obviously, cause I licensed my content to companies to distribute internally and work with internally. Obviously licensing is ideal because you get paid and you're not doing anything. Right. is that something that you're also focused on is getting your content licensed?
Erin (00:09:59):
Not so much. I have the, I have a a listening activity that I use and that's what, that's, what was licensed that specific activity. So I wouldn't say that I'm actively pursuing that. But it's also, it's on one of the many burners of things that, you know, in the future that yes, this could be, you know, I it's low priority, I guess is the short.
Brian Margolis (00:10:26):
All right. See, like for me, it's a high priority because it's a, as opposed if you go to one extreme, I have one on one coaching, which I'm phasing out. Yeah. I'm still doing it, but I'm phasing, you know, the goal is to phase it out. Licensing is on the other end for me. Right. Until my PR until my product is finished, because that's the best way for me to make money with the least amount of effort. Right. but for you it's okay. So it's a lower priority, so, all right. So you went through the book. Okay. And based that you kind of did the exercises, your yourself, ask yourself those questions that are in the book and, and things like that. Did you then come up with your pillars or at least what you think are your pillars? Yes. Okay. So let me hear them one by one. Okay. And I, you know, I'm probably going to ask you questions after each one to try to get some clarity. Sure.
Erin (00:11:26):
So the first one I had was publish one video per week and one article by weekly.
Brian Margolis (00:11:37):
Okay. You don't have to say, I mean, it's okay if you say it, but per week, everything we're gonna assume everything's in a week, but it's fine. I mean, you'll catch me saying it too on the per week thing. Okay. So publish one video. Alright. And then are you putting that on the same pillar, one video in one article by the
Erin (00:11:55):
One article biweekly? Yeah. That was one point.
Brian Margolis (00:11:58):
Okay. So, so right off the bat,
Erin (00:12:03):
You're like wrong. Well that's okay. Let look.
Brian Margolis (00:12:07):
The benefit of pillars is in the nuance. Okay. Right. It's what separates it from being a glorified to do list or a list of goals. It's all in that nuance. It's in those six characteristics. So w when you say one article by weekly, would that makes me think, is articles take longer than videos, right? W was that correct?
Erin (00:12:35):
I think it was more just like trying to, yes, I guess that was my thought
Brian Margolis (00:12:40):
Behind it. Meaning you don't, you don't have the ability to crank out an article. It's harder to crank out one article than it is one video is my guess. Yes. Okay. All right. So we'll, we'll come back to that, but the one article biweekly, what we have to change that to weekly. Okay. It doesn't have to be one article. Okay. And we'll talk about different pillar options for that. Okay. We'll come back to that. What was your, what was your next pillar?
Erin (00:13:06):
Email? Three current contacts
Brian Margolis (00:13:09):
Per week. Okay. Okay.
Erin (00:13:12):
The next one was correct.
Brian Margolis (00:13:14):
Okay. Define, define a current contact.
Erin (00:13:19):
So that wouldn't be someone that I have worked with in the past. Or that I know from a past, like just someone a go, a warm lead, I guess.
Brian Margolis (00:13:33):
Yeah. W warm is probably the word I was looking at. Okay. So email three, warm slash current contacts. Yeah. What are, what are you emailing them for? Is there, is it the same reason every time?
Erin (00:13:46):
It was, it was to basically to say, this is what I'm doing. This is what I'm up to. Do you like art? If you need someone here I am, or have you ever referral, like, this is what I'm doing. Kind of letting people know that what I'm doing now.
Brian Margolis (00:14:06):
Okay. And, and when you say email, are you only counting email or could that be a phone call? Could that be a LinkedIn message? It could probably be all those things. Yep. Well let's okay. So, but let's think about it for a second. Okay. Is a phone call equal to an email equal to a LinkedIn message and I'm not, I'm not quizzing you, I'm asking you to you. Yeah. I mean, I would think it would be like talking
Erin (00:14:33):
Yes. Talking to them, whatever format, like touching one touching. Yes. I don't think it had to be email specific.
Brian Margolis (00:14:41):
Okay. So, so, but you see it's over, when you reach out to three people you don't have, they don't have to respond. You don't have to get them on the phone. When you send that email or you send that LinkedIn message or you leave that voicemail. It's over a yes. Okay. As far as hitting the pillar, I mean, it's over right. Okay. All right. What w w so it's for prospecting purposes, what was your next next one?
Erin (00:15:08):
Practice delivery for three hours a week. Okay.
Brian Margolis (00:15:16):
And delivery means fine room onstage?
Erin (00:15:20):
No, that was more like practicing, like in my, like, not in front of people, but more just developing cause, well, not to, I probably should have said the next, the next one first, but just practicing my delivery of getting, like, getting my keynotes honing in on the material and the content of them. So just practicing, honestly, like videoing myself at home to be able to watch, to work on my messaging and just getting kind of the reps in to be able to be confident to go out there and deliver the keynotes.
Brian Margolis (00:15:59):
Got it. Okay. So is that both input and output? Are you looking through the material, writing yourself notes or is the material developed and it's just you practicing for three hours a week
Erin (00:16:13):
Looking right. Cause to my looking and developing and looking okay.
Brian Margolis (00:16:19):
Three hours of delivery, development and practice. Okay. The re the reason I ask is because as time goes on, some, the ratios there might shift, you might have to put some criteria around that where I could be wrong, but usually people are more comfortable with one than the other. Yeah. Like in other words, I have a, I have a pillar right now for me, I'm working on my product, you know, a certain amount of number hours a week. There are certain parts of my product that in the past, I was way more comfortable doing this part than I was actually recording things. So I would do anything to avoid recording. Right, right, right. And so if you tend to like the sketching it out, thinking it through part, but try to avoid putting yourself on camera and actually doing it, then you might want to think down the road about, or now it depends on, you know, those three hours. And you can say, for example, three hours of, you know, delivery and in development and practice, at least one hour has to be actual practice. If that makes sense. Yeah. So the pillars kind of like one in three, three total hours, at least X amount of that time has to be the thing I'm probably going to avoid. Right.
Erin (00:17:44):
Right. Well, so interesting. Cause then my next pillar was developing the product for three hours a week. So that was more like the writing and the brainstorming thing and the like content creation. And then I had a separate, the separate one was actually the practicing, like saying it out loud. Got it. Okay. Because yeah, for those, for that reason, but yeah,
Speaker 3 (00:18:10):
When you say develop it, you're talking, you're not talking about developing content for videos or for online con you're talking about development of the actual deliverable. Yeah. Okay. So the deliverable being a workshop or keynote or keynote. Okay. And I could see that going down over time. Right. Yeah. And I think that way, like I could give, I could give my talk sometimes I could do I'm sleeping at this point.
Erin (00:18:36):
Right. And so that's where I think for me now, that's where I'm not, I cause I had a few, I G I gave two, I have three keynotes outlined you know, and that I have outlined and I delivered two of them. And so I had to get those down because I had, I did them. And I think the contents about 50 to 75% there now. So yes, that's definitely going to go down, but I needed to get them done to your point. Like I need to get a few more reps in and then it's just tweaking the part that I'll tailor, you know? Cause I tailor parts of it depending on the audience and the, and the association or group that I'm working with. But yeah, I definitely agree that that will go down. Okay. What's your next pillar? Last one was 33 times. 30 minutes of working out exercise. Okay. And that's the five. Okay. So
Speaker 3 (00:19:37):
A lot of practicing in there, right?
Erin (00:19:41):
Yes. I'm reading them now and laughing at myself cause I'm like total like sales avoidance, but go ahead. Guess. Well, that's that
Speaker 3 (00:19:48):
Actually, that's what stuck out to me. So good, bad or indifferent it, you know, the success of your business is going to be more based on your ability to market and promote than it is your ability to give the perfect speech right now, having, having said that long term, a business like this, hopefully eventually it's a referral based thing where, because of the quality of your presentation, you're getting referrals. Right. So they're both, they're both important. But I would say right now at the stage you're at you're you need more marketing in here. Yeah. There's unless you, and maybe, I don't know this, unless you have such a huge network that this emailing three people a week, you think, you know, some people are so successful from there,
Brian Margolis (00:20:48):
From there when they had a W2 or they had a job that just by hanging out their shingle and letting people know they're going to generate a ton of work.
Erin (00:20:56):
Yeah. No, I think I've had a lot of different experience, but I don't know that all or a lot of different experiences, a lot of different companies, I don't know that they are actually going to be the type of people that will hire me now. So no, I don't think that that is that that's not, that's not the case. And so as I was reviewing these before we talked today, I like, that's the big thing that stuck out to me and going back to, you know, your question, like what is the most important thing? I don't know that like these things, I don't, I don't know that, that, that all of these are right. I think where you're going with the marketing and getting out there, I think that definitely needs to needs to be more of a, more of a priority of a pillar.
Brian Margolis (00:21:40):
Yeah. And, and so there's, so there's two parts to this marketing. The first part is, and not in this order necessarily, but if you think about it and again, I'm obviously oversimplifying this, but if you think about one part as traffic, let's just call it traffic eyeballs, right? Yeah. People, people to read your material, people to listen to your, or watch your videos or your online content to read your website, you know, all of the different ways your message is out there. Right. Let's call those eyeballs. Okay. We're just going to call this traffic. So there's a traffic generation component to this. Right. And this is just a very simple way of thinking about it. The second is the funnel meaning. Okay. When someone comes to your website or someone sees a piece, you wrote, you wrote on LinkedIn, where does that take them to? Right. Right. How do you capture that information or get them to like, what's the final piece before someone reaches out to you? Do you want them watching a three minute video? Do you, well, actually, let me, let me pull back for a second. Who is your customer? They're not individuals. These are companies, right?
Erin (00:23:06):
Yeah. So I think I have, I'm going to have like one, one customer base would be meeting planners that are working obviously like planning the con the, the conferences. And so that's one customer. And then, yeah, I think the other customer are the, either HR directors or L and D professionals. The people that for more, for like the in house workshops in these companies and I'm getting closer. I, and I know that I probably have some work to do on defining customer, but I'm getting, I have been working on that and defining more like exactly what type of businesses I'm going after. So that, that has been, I'm narrowing that down to,
Speaker 3 (00:23:58):
Okay. So hold on. I would imagine that in a perfect world, you'd love for meeting planners to be your target, but would I be wrong in that they're inundated with people. Yeah. I want to do the same thing. Yeah. Have you had much success reaching out to meeting planners?
Erin (00:24:19):
I haven't, I haven't reached out to a lot of them so that I have a good answer.
Speaker 3 (00:24:25):
Okay. So, so I mean, okay. So I meet a meeting planners, not a customer as much as it's a source of traffic, right? Yeah. Okay. But, but, but, okay. I don't want to split hairs here. So if you think, if you think about your ideal client right now, all right. If you think about your ideal client and the person who's gonna make the buying decision or not always make the buying decision, but your cheerleader. Right. Like me personally, for my business, I look for two people inside of a company. All right. I look for either the decision maker or my cheerleader, if that makes sense. Who's someone who's going to cause a lot of times the decision maker is not going to watch my videos, listen to my audio. Right. They're looking so I need a cheerleader inside the company. I need someone to go, Hey, I've talked to two of my friends. I know the work you've done for their companies. I've been listening to his audios. I've been reading his, you know, whatever. So to me, you kind of have two people in the company. You have the decision maker, you have the cheerleader, depending on the size of the company, those people can be two different people. Right? Yep. It'll okay. That person in a perfect world. Okay. Because if I'm thinking your funnel through is part of your funnel, like, do you want to get on the phone with them? Is that the ultimate goal?
Erin (00:25:52):
I mean, I would say yes. I mean that's okay. Yeah.
Speaker 3 (00:25:55):
Well, I mean, cause some people don't want to get on the phone with anyone and they're like, you know, they're, it's such a, it's a low ticket item, so that's all right. It's a low, it's a low ticket item. So Hey, just, I'm not talking to someone, but in your case, it's a higher ticket item. So if you're kind of drawing this out, I would draw, I would put the phone at the bottom of this funnel. Okay. Does that make sense? Yep. Okay. Now there's obviously a lot of ways someone could wind up on the phone with you through referrals and stuff. I'm only talking about through non referrals and things like that. But, but for me, like honestly in my business, I don't want to get on the phone with a potential customer, unless they've read my report or heard one of my audios or something. Right. Unless it's a referral, I'm really not a fan of just, Oh, can we talk about your coaching or talk about your training program or what is that piece or pieces that before you get on the phone with the, and this has to do with pillars, by the way, what is that piece? That in a perfect world you would want them to watch? Like, do you have a highlight reel, an explainer video, a one and a half page document?
Erin (00:27:16):
Not specifically yet, like I'm working on the highlight reel. Cause that was, you know, obviously me being up on stage and I'm working now on my lead magnet of getting people actually when they get to my website to sign up. And I'm just, I'm doing a three part video series on the things that I like, some of the things I talk about, like actual things that they can do. But yeah, like these are the questions, right? Like these are good questions and that's where I I'm like, I don't, I don't know. Okay. So, well
Speaker 3 (00:27:52):
Here's another way to look at it. The three part video series. Yeah. Okay. The three part video series is that, could that, how, how, how, how long total is that three part video series?
Erin (00:28:05):
I mean the videos, I think it it'll be like five minutes, five to seven minute videos. So in 20 minutes,
Speaker 3 (00:28:12):
So 20 minutes of total time. Okay. Could that itself be the bottom of the funnel? Like if they watch those 20 minutes of videos, would they know after those 20 minutes, the person who's hiring you would, they are cheerleading either the hiring person or cheerleading would they know after those 20 minutes of videos, would they know that, you know? Okay. I got to get on the phone with her. Yeah. I mean that would be the goal. Yeah. Okay. So, so I don't know if I would do more work than you could make those three videos. Okay. The S the S the second to last level of the funnel, if you're, if you're kind of following my flow here. Yup. Right. Your, your, your three videos. Okay. So what I would suggest, because here's the thing, a lot of these decision makers don't want to join your email list. Right. Okay. I think what have you noticed, who's joining your email list? Like what type of person they are.
Erin (00:29:15):
I haven't like there's no, I heard that anyone on my email list, because like, honestly, so, and there's no of you go to my website, like there's no enticement for people. And so that's your thing, working on driving people to my website, to, yeah. It's all.
Speaker 3 (00:29:32):
Yeah. But, but, okay. Let's even decide if that's even necessary because your buyer, okay. If you have any more corporate kind of buyer,
Brian Margolis (00:29:42):
See, I have buyers who are individuals. I then have corporate buyers. And here's what I I've noticed beyond the shadow of a doubt, the management people and the executives almost never sign up for my email list. It happens once in a while. And those are usually great clients because they're like open-minded and whatever. It's usually individuals who will join my email list. Right. Who need help with a certain thing. Again, that's just in my business. And then I noticed managers will join later once they know me and they want to get more things. But I guess the way I'm looking at it is when I think about who your client is. All right. And I guess, I don't know if you've defined it well enough yet, but who your buyer is. I mean, I think you know who it is. I just don't think you've articulated it to yourself maybe, or down on paper. Are they the kind of person that's going to join your email list? Like, what does that video help them with
Erin (00:30:42):
Getting a sense of what I talk about getting a sense of like my style and my delivery.
Brian Margolis (00:30:48):
Okay. So can you imagine there's a buyer type who doesn't want to join your email list, but wants to watch those videos? Okay.
Erin (00:31:01):
Go ahead.
Brian Margolis (00:31:02):
If I'm, if I'm if I'm an HR executive, cause you said that was one of your, one of your things. Yeah. Right. And I hear about you or I see one of your LinkedIn posts and I reach out to you and I say, Hey, is there, can I get more information? They don't want to talk to you yet. They want more information cause that's going to happen. Right. If they want more information, what are you sending them?
Erin (00:31:29):
To my, to my website where I have videos like video content videos, like three to five minute videos of things that I send them to my website that talks about the different workshops I do and the different keynotes that I do.
Brian Margolis (00:31:44):
Yeah. But there there's video. Is there enough videos on there that they would know if they want to get on the phone with you? Yeah, I would say so. Okay. Perfect. Okay. So then it's, cause I thought maybe your only videos were hidden behind a wall, but finding the website. Well, no. Okay. So, so let's, let's look at it this way then if you're, if you're thinking of this flow chart, you have your website okay. At the bottom is the phone, right? Yep. And getting to the phone that might be by looking at your website, it might be by watching the three videos and it might be by, but, and again, you got to understand how I'm building this flow chart a little bit. They may be on your email list as well. Right. And then eventually watch the videos or want more information. Right. Okay.
Speaker 3 (00:32:41):
Again, if you could send them to one place, would it be the three videos or would it be your website? Website? Interesting. Okay. You have more confidence in people's willingness to look around and look at everything.
Erin (00:32:57):
Well, right. Maybe that's completely wrong. No, no. I think
Speaker 3 (00:33:01):
I probably should have looked at your website, but
Erin (00:33:03):
I think I just said website because to me, the website has you're right. I'm like how often do people go to websites? Who knows? But the website, my website has my it's pretty, it's pretty tight. And it has, it gives a good picture of, yeah. What I talk about. I mean, it's pretty straight forward with, and I think the other thing is too with speaker websites and this is one piece that's missing now is the whole demo video. Right. Cause a lot of times that's what they want to watch. Just see, like anyone can say they're a speaker, but I'm sure you've seen speakers that are actually speaking and they still talk like that. They want, they want to see people. They want to see that, that, that footage. So like that's one component that I think that's missing. But yeah, go ahead.
Speaker 3 (00:33:52):
I think I'm going to sum it up this way then. Yeah. But like creating, you're creating your creating that highlight reel. It sounds like you have the pieces, you just have to do it. Right.
Erin (00:34:05):
I need a few, I need a little bit more. I need more footage. Okay. Alright. Yup.
Speaker 3 (00:34:11):
That's just a task. That's not a pillar, right? Yeah. Totally. It's like, you got to do it one time. Okay. So in just cause I want to stay on pillars. I'm not doing a marketing consult with you. I apologize if we got off there a little bit, but I was going somewhere with it, but it quickly made me realize there wasn't a pillar there. It sounds to me like your funnel right now is good enough that it's more of a traffic issue. You need more eyeballs. Yeah. Is that correct? Yep. Okay. Alright. So I don't know if you need a pillar right now of working on your funnel, working on your messaging and the conversion. Let me ask you one more question. Before we get into the traffics in here. As far as once someone joined your email list, all right. Once someone joins your email list, is, is your campaign already set up? Like, will they get stuff for the next year, year and a half stuff to nurture them?
Erin (00:35:12):
No, but I'm working on that now. Okay.
Speaker 3 (00:35:14):
See to me that might qualify as a pillar. Okay. Because if you don't, you know, not everyone's a buyer right now. Yes. Right. And so for me, I would think you need to spend time each week on the nurturing part of your business, meaning, okay. They gave you their email. The last thing you want them to do is they watch some videos or maybe they watched half of one and got distracted. And then all of a sudden, three months later, they get an email from you. Yeah. Right. Or they got two emails from you and then they don't get anything for six months and now they don't even know who they, you are and they hit unsubscribe. Right. I would have a, and tell me if you agree or not, but I think you need to spend time each week creating content for your email list. Yeah. That makes sense. Now a lot of this can be recycled as you probably know. Right? Like you can link to a video you make for LinkedIn, you can take, and I do it all the time. You can take an email that you wrote and post it on LinkedIn. Right? Yeah. Things like that. Okay. so the art, so the articles that you write, the videos that you publish are these, for everything, for LinkedIn, for Facebook, for your website.
Erin (00:36:39):
I post them, I'm like native video on LinkedIn. I post them to my blog and my website. I post them on my Facebook business page. Yeah.
Speaker 3 (00:36:50):
Okay. How does your brain work? Would you don't answer that question before I finish. That's an open ended question. Right? How does your brain work? The, are you the kind of person where if you said, look, I need to spend minimum, you know, I need to spend two hours a week on content creation. And then that includes LinkedIn videos, articles putting together emails for my campaign. Or do you need more defined like each week I need to create one video and write one email for my for my you know, email campaign. Right. And I need to write one article in this case, we're not going to write a full article, but do you see where I'm going with that? Like, are you the kind of person who needs, I need a finished product. Like I need to do one of these a week, one of these a week and one of these a week, or I need to focus two hours a week on this stuff and I will prioritize within those two hours.
Erin (00:37:51):
I think I'm probably the two hours.
Speaker 3 (00:37:55):
Okay. Yeah. So you, you feel disciplined enough for lack of a better word that you will focus not on what you feel like doing, but on what needs to get done.
Erin (00:38:07):
Speaker 3 (00:38:08):
Do you like doing one better than the other writing versus video versus posting stuff on social media? Like,
Erin (00:38:16):
I can't stand posting stuff on social media, so I need to get over that. But I like, I think the videos for me I'm good on camera. Like I think I get in, like I can crank out a few videos. So I think that's why, and again, I was focusing more on the videos since I was missing the demo real piece. So at least people can see me and talking to a camera is different than talking to a bunch of people. But I figure if I can connect with your camera, one would assume that I could connect with a bunch of people. So that's why I was trying to focus on the videos and then repurpose. I mean, I could honestly like repurpose the transcripts, tweak them a little bit into articles, I guess. Going back to your question of, you know, am I, am I more of the person? Like if I do one video a week, I have been trying to do that, but that hasn't been successful. And I don't know if that's just me like not prioritizing or cause I think if I say I, the two hours, I actually, now that I think about it, I'm probably better to say, no, I want one video a week, one article being more concise when that, because that way at least I can check off the yes, that is accomplished.
Brian Margolis (00:39:30):
Right. Okay. The other thing you could do is when you say record one video a week, that video can be used in multiple places, right? Yeah. Facebook, some people get all weird about, and again, I'm not a social media expert, but people get weird about well that's the same thing I put on Facebook is LinkedIn. What do people, I wouldn't worry about people seeing the same thing twice. I'd be more worried about people not seeing it. Cause they're in one place, but not another.
Erin (00:39:57):
Yeah, no. I post the same video to all the different places. Yep. So yeah.
Brian Margolis (00:40:01):
Could it be as simple as you create one video, so then that video goes to Facebook, it goes to LinkedIn and it goes to your email campaign. Right? So in other words, what you do is you very simply to write an email, you come up with a subject line and then you just write a couple of sentences, like, Hey, this is important when communicating, because whatever, watch this short video to boom. Right?
Erin (00:40:29):
Brian Margolis (00:40:31):
I'm guessing for the, again, I'm only, I only care about your customer right now. And I'm trying not to do a whole marketing breakdown here. I'm keeping it in the realm of pillars, but I imagine the kind of person that's going to hire you is gonna have to be open to watching a video of you, right? Yeah. So some people won't put videos in email cause they go, well, some people just like to read an email, they don't want to watch a video. And I get that. I really do. Some people would rather read, I guess what I'm saying is the kind of person who's hiring you kind of has to watch a video.
Erin (00:41:01):
Brian Margolis (00:41:03):
But you could almost take that video and make everything out of it. Linkedin Facebook. Right? your blog again. I dunno. What are you doing on your blog? You write and you put videos or
Erin (00:41:14):
Right now, well, I have a few articles and mostly it's just been the videos. What was the last part you said, I'm sorry, it's just been videos. There's like two or three, two articles, but mostly it's just the video blog. And
Brian Margolis (00:41:28):
Again, this is about, if you remember from the book return on investment, right? Yeah. The worst question you
Speaker 3 (00:41:34):
Could ask is, you know, will this have a positive impact on my business? That's the worst question you could ask? And here's what, here's what, here's what I mean articles again, when I think of articles and maybe this is my bias, but articles take a long time to write there. At least for me, they're not easy to write. They're hard to write. You got to go back, check grammar, edit it. Right. All that kind of stuff. Yeah. to me, if you said, would writing an article have a positive impact on my business? The answer would be yes, because yeah, someone could read it and really relate to it and whatever something good could happen. Right. And so people will go, well, it can't hurt to write a couple of articles, the correct question. Isn't will it have a positive impact? The correct question is, is it the best use of my time? And if it takes you two hours to write an article, a full article or two and a half hours or whatever it takes or an hour, the question is, is that the best use of my time? You know, what else could I do with that two hours to market myself. Right.
Speaker 3 (00:42:40):
And, and I would defer to you on this. I mean, how long does it take you to write an article? Is it a
Erin (00:42:47):
Yeah, it's probably at least it's probably, yeah. More than a few hours because of what you just said, it's the right. And then the reviewing and an editing and all that. So
Speaker 3 (00:42:58):
So do you think it's really, and this is directly related to pillars. Do you really think it's critical in your business right now to write articles? I'm not saying it couldn't help you or whatever, but in terms of your limited focus, your limited time now, is there something, and again, you know, the answer, is there something about an article that does something that the videos, the blogging, the demo reels, the phone calls wouldn't do? No. Does that make sense? What I'm getting at?
Erin (00:43:33):
Yeah, no, totally. Right. Because there's only so much time. And I think like, while it can't, I think it was mostly just, I think the video, if it's, if the purpose is to Pete, so Pete, so I have a presence, so people can start to understand my message and what it is that I'm about. The videos can cover that.
Speaker 3 (00:43:52):
I think the videos will do the best job covering it because people aren't hiring you to coach them. One-On-One, they're hiring you to speak, to train. They want to see you,
Erin (00:44:01):
Right? Yeah, totally. Yep.
Speaker 3 (00:44:05):
I would probably, again, I don't know how much content you have maybe in your mind, do you have endless content, right. And again, you can say the same thing, four different ways, and I think that's important to do that by the way. Yeah. What you might see as repetitive by just talking about it a little differently, you're going to, it's going to hit home with someone. It didn't hit in a different kind of video saying with the same message. That makes sense. Yep. I might almost say again, you do what you want, but could you do two videos a week if you didn't have to write articles?
Speaker 3 (00:44:49):
Yep. Now, part of that two videos, just to cross that pillar off part of those two videos are, is the whole thing. It's not just creating them, but editing, if you, if you wind up editing them, I don't edit much, but if you edit them or whatever, and then also posting them to the different platforms, right. Youtube and all the different things. So I would almost say publish two videos a week. And for right now, for right now, you're just getting started. Maybe scratch the article. Right. Okay. I think maybe you're writing an article, you know, maybe, and another way around this is you can give yourself a task, a onetime task to write a white paper and don't make it any longer than it has to be. If you can get your message to someone like thicker the HR person or whoever you're communicating with, if there's that person that you think, you know, there are people out there that if they just read my philosophy, it would make more sense because of the way, you know, everyone consumes information differently.
Speaker 3 (00:45:58):
Right? Yeah. Some people like audio video, some people like to read the text, right? Could you just create a white paper? And it doesn't have to be long. It could be two pages could be four pages. It doesn't matter a white paper on some philosophy or what you do. Right. And you just have this onetime white paper. And if people want to grab it, it's on your website. And if you can send it when people want more information along with your videos, you can send them the white paper, right? Yes. Yeah, yeah. Yeah. But, but I think maybe one of your tasks beside your demo reel is to right away. Yeah. I think that's a good call. I don't think it's a pillar. I just think it's a task you do at one time. Right. And when you finish it, you own it. Right. You don't have to keep writing articles and stuff like that.
Speaker 3 (00:46:49):
Okay. Yep. And of course you can recycle that material too. Yeah, for sure. Yeah. I think that makes sense. Okay. So I'm just, I'm just doing something real quick. They were real. And white paper, let me ask you about, I know it's, it's very sexy right now for everyone to be on social media and inbound marketing and positioning yourself as an expert. I can tell you from personal experience now, this is only experience of one person, right. That I got most of my traction cold marketing. Right. Okay. The business that you're, I have a couple of different avenues places I work, but the, the industry that your friend knows me from, I built that entire business with cold email. Right. I had one piece of content. I had like a four page report and I essentially cold emailed people. And here here's what I said.
Speaker 3 (00:47:59):
I said this is what I've done for a client that was similar to them. Right. Here's the results. I helped a client do this, like double their business or whatever. Right. Would you, you know, would you be interested in taking a look or would you be interested in me emailing you a short outline of how we did that? That was it. Right. And then those people who are interested in getting the outline from me, I emailed them the outline. And then, you know, then I followed up, Hey, did you get a chance to read it, to try to get them on the phone? Right. Yep. That cold email campaign, which I probably did for six, seven, eight months is probably responsible for, well, I would say at some level it's responsible for a hundred percent of my business now in that, in that category, because I can't think of anyone who just found me, maybe it happened, but most, every ass not true every once in a while, someone stumbles across me ever since I wrote the book there they were.
Speaker 3 (00:49:01):
So I shouldn't say that, but in that industry, I would say it's pretty much a hundred percent of my business. Cause then I started getting clients and then of course I did well by my clients. So they started telling people and then the management's found out and the companies found out and you know, it kind of snowballed from there. Right? Yeah. But if you're like me and you don't just want to wait for things to catch on and you don't want to get depressed every week because you're like, I did all this and four people commented or two people liked it. Right. Yeah. You know, this idea that cold calling cold emailing is dead is just in my opinion, a bunch of bullshit. Have you considered any kind of just direct outreach?
Erin (00:49:46):
No, but as soon as you said that, I feel like I've considered in the last 30 seconds when you described. Yes, I have. I mean, because the thing is, and what's why actually, and joking aside, right? I'm like, why, why that's clicking is because like for the, I just finished up a big project, like I said, and three of the people that I like three of the groups that I work with, email, the guy that I contract with that was like, we want her to come back next year. Like, what is, when is she coming back? Like the impact that she had on our teams. And that just makes me know like that. Yeah. If I was doing this, if I, I, if I can get in front of it, like start to get in front of people. I just think that the type of it sounds same thing and the type of work that you do, right. Like you start doing it and then you build, and then you keep going with that. So what's making me what the light bulb went off for. That is I, I have plenty of the same thing. Like here's what I do. Here's the results they're like, yeah. It just, it seems very straight forward and not that complicated,
Brian Margolis (00:50:55):
Which is why to this day, I've, I've had zero, at least as far as I know, I don't from social media and all that stuff. I don't think it's built much in my business at all. One guy nailed me. One time. He called me a sampler. I knew what he meant. I knew I already understood this. I just never heard a word for it. And he said, you know, Brian, the kind of people who like you, who hire you, who pay you money? They're the people who have seen you in action. Right. When they say like, I'm not good at fluff and shyness and to my own detriment in a lot of ways, right? I mean, I've had some of the biggest companies in the world, licensed my stuff. Yet. People look at my website and they're like, dude, you're an amateur. Right. Which I get, and I'm going to try to get better at that, but I'm not good at shining things up. Right. But where I get my customers similar to you is when people see me in action. When I work with a client or I train someone or I do something for a company, that's when I get cut more customers make sense. Yeah.
Erin (00:51:59):
So I don't get the sampler. What does that mean?
Brian Margolis (00:52:02):
So a sampler means people need to sample me. Oh, okay. Right. So some people walk down the grocery aisle and they buy something. Cause the box looks good. And it's like, Oh, and it's only four calories. And Oh, that looks delicious on the box. Right. Right. Whereas other people, they would never touch it. They might not even notice it's there on the shelf. So they have some lady or man at the end of the aisle given out samples. Right. Yeah. And then someone eats it and they go, Oh, that's really good. Yeah. Right. You have to give away a free sample. I'm a sampler in this world, at least in, in the world we're talking about. Right. Right. And it sounds to me like you're similar, right? Yeah. Is if people you're like, man, if they only saw me in action, right. If they only heard the compliments I get, then I would get, so to me is you have to self generate.
Brian Margolis (00:52:52):
In other words, you have to go low percentage before you go high percentage, meaning you have to, you're gonna, it's gonna take a lot of effort to get a single client. And then it's gonna take a lot of effort to get the second client and a lot of effort to get the third. But it's when you start making those cracks, then you can drive a truck through it. Right. Cause all of a sudden that client refers you to another client. Right. And that kind of stuff happens. So I think you have to generate some of your own buzz for lack of a better word. Okay. and so when I say reach out to people, let me just give you an example. You could reach out directly to a potential client, right? Like an HR person or a meeting planner. Right. By sending them an email you could and, and make sure you learn how to write emails.
Brian Margolis (00:53:47):
Don't write long paragraphs. These emails need to be like three sentences, right? Yeah. Like then you don't have to say who you are. You can basically say, look, I, you know, I recently helped a company to, or I recently did this for a company. You know, if that's something you're interested, I'd love to send you over whatever, a video on how we did it or the outline or whatever. My other piece of advice is that you don't, you don't send them to your website initially because of you through this kind of campaign. Because if you send them right to your website, the problem is that you'll never know they were interested. They become what Dean Jackson calls an invisible prospect. Okay. Meaning in other words, if you can just send them anything, right. Even if you say I'd be happy, you know, if you're interested, I'm happy to send you a link to learn more, right.
Brian Margolis (00:54:49):
Or to whatever, to, to see a video. Then what happens is by them saying, sure, send it over or send me the white paper or send me the videos or whatever it is. Now that's a visible prospects that makes sense. Now you can stay on top of them versus, you know, if you're interested, take a look at my website, well, you're not going to know if they ever went to your website or not. And, and the reality is even when people are interested, things happen, they look, they forget and it's like, it never happened. Right. anyway, I get a sidebar on how to write cold emails here, but okay. So I think you need a pillar. So here's, there's two more pillars I'm getting at. I think you need a pillar for cold outreach right now. This cold outreach could be as simple as, I mean, we could start very low.
Brian Margolis (00:55:40):
It could be 10 emails. Okay. Of course, weekly. Right? 10 targeted emails. Now let me tell you who those emails could go to. They could go to an eight cause there's going to be, you're going to have to do some research. Right. And figure out who you want to, you know? Yeah. But I'd look for similar companies. If I was you leg, if you've already helped a company in one industry, I'd reached out to companies in the same exact industry. Yeah. Let them know that. I recently did something for this airline, like you said earlier. Boom, boom, boom. Okay.
Brian Margolis (00:56:16):
The, so you can go direct to a buyer, right? You can go to a meeting planner and intermediate intermediary, but you could also reach out. For example, if there's podcasts that, you know, your demographic listens to that person, like if HR executives, if there's a podcast they listened to, you could reach out to the podcast and say, you know about, here's a good idea for a show right here, you know, would you be interested in a show about what I do to help HR execs, blah, blah, blah. Right. So when I say outreach, it could be direct or leveraged. It doesn't matter.
Brian Margolis (00:56:57):
You could reach out to, and again, I don't know if these things exist, but you can reach. I'm sure they do. You can reach out to HR websites, HR magazine, right. These could be reach outs for the purpose of writing an article for them. See, that's when doing an article would be worth it. Yeah. Right. Hey, this is what I do. Would you be interested in a short article on whatever, right? Yep. So I would do 10 email outreaches or reach outs a week. Okay. And I don't think that's a large number, but, but I think it should be targeted. I just wouldn't, you know, find a list and hit everyone. Right? Yup. That makes sense. You know, look them up on LinkedIn, that kind of stuff. I also think it's a good idea. If you're going to do it, to connect with them on LinkedIn the same, same day that you're going to send them the email. So they see your name twice. They see an invite and then they see the email. The other pillar one, two, three, four, five, six. Okay. The other pillar that I'm thinking about, and then I'll shut up and let you talk is again, I think I have a feeling your content is really good. You're practicing like crazy on your deliverability. So I would hope that's going to be good. Right? You got a lot of practice time in there. Okay.
Brian Margolis (00:58:26):
I think you and your probably have realized this, as soon as you go into your own businesses, you have to be as great of a marketer as you are a delivery person who can deliver. Yeah. There's a lot of people who can deliver. Yeah. There's a lot of people, anyone who thinks they're the only game in town, there's a lot of people who can deliver. Right. And the people who win are the people who can market right now. Again, eventually I'm not saying you won't get to the point where referrals take over, but that takes a long time. Okay. That's the compound effect. I think you have to spend 90 minutes a week just learning, marketing, just reading and watching videos. Right. Reading guys are listening to videos guys. Like, have you ever heard of Jay Abraham? Nope. See, that's a problem, right? It's not a, it's not,
Speaker 3 (00:59:22):
By the way. I wouldn't expect you to have heard of him at this point because of your background, but you know, a guy like Jay Abraham, who's, you know, like the godfather of marketing and all that kind of stuff where everyone's learned from, you know, if you watched a 45 minute video of Jay Abraham, it'd probably be the best marketing video you've ever seen. Right. Or guys like Dan Kennedy, right. Dan Kennedy was the guy, one of the guys who originally came up with the idea of positioning yourself as an expert and things like that. Right. Okay. And when I say marketing, I mean both marketing, like tactics, but also copywriting, meaning messaging, right? How do you get your message across so that in your communications person, so you understand this, right? How do you say things in a way that the other person's going to take the action?
Speaker 3 (01:00:21):
You want them to write? I think 90 minutes a week as a minimum, and here would be my advice, which is not in my saying it's someone else's, but I don't know who, which is explore a lot, commit to a little. Okay. Don't cause you might start getting excited. You're going to read all these ideas about how, Oh, I should do this or I should do that. Just take good notes, keep a running log somewhere on a word document or in a notebook. Or if you'd like to write inside of books or whatever. But if I'm you I'm spending 90 minutes a week on marketing, just learning, just learning, just seeing what's out there. What do other people do? Right. What do other people do? For example, you know, like Jay Abraham, for example, he's a big fan of joint venture marketing where he says, okay, who calls on a similar client type than you, but as in a non competitive industry, right? Who's Rolodex, can you piggyback on? Okay.
Speaker 3 (01:01:35):
And again, it's going to lead you down the rabbit hole. Like if you, again, just cause I happen to say their names, but you know, if you started with a Jay Abraham, Dan Kennedy, whatever, you're going to start learning about other people and other people and other people. Right. And it's just going to leave and by the way, you're gonna watch videos and you're gonna be like, that was a complete waste of 30 minutes of my time. Right. And then other times it's, it's not gonna be, don't put too many expectations on it. Just learn marketing. Right. Just see what's out there. See, cause you're gonna, you'll start noticing the certain principles will come up over and over.
Speaker 3 (01:02:18):
Okay. Now having, having said all that. So, so here, here, here's, here's where I'm at with your pillars, right? Publish two videos a week, 10 emails a week. We'll call those prospecting emails. Right. And by the way, you could even say, if you want to really condense this, depending on how your brain works, you could say 10 and three prospecting emails, meaning 10 cold, three warm. Okay. Right. Remember cause you had the warm emails. Yeah. So that's what I would do. I would combine that I would go, I go 10 and three prospecting emails.
Speaker 3 (01:03:06):
All right. So that's the second pillar. Three hours of development. Deliverable three hours of practice on the deliverable, right? Those would be pillars three and four, three workouts a week pillar five, three 30 minute workouts. And pillar six would be 90 minutes a week on marketing. Okay. And my guess I could be wrong, but my guess is a year from now, the most impactful pillar pillar will be that 90 minutes of marketing. Yeah. Don't don't fall into the trap of feeling like you have to do everything that everyone's Oh, everyone's on Instagram and LinkedIn and you spread yourself so thin. Right? It's like you're half ass asset. A lot of things. Right. Is, you know, you gotta know where it is. Here's the question. And I write this down. How does your audience, your buyer I'll say not even your audience, how does your buyer consume information?
Speaker 3 (01:04:22):
And I don't know the answer to that. And I'm not, I don't know if you do either yet, you might have some ideas, but the kind of person that hires you, the HR person, the whatever inside of a company, how do they tend to consume information? Are they video Watchers? Are they blog readers? Are they, if it's not at a seminar they're forced to go to, they're not doing it. Right. Right. How do they consume information? That's something you have to learn about your about your audience. Okay. You know, one of the, I talk about marketing there's a guy named Perry, Marshall, who I also love in terms of marketing. He's a genius. And I heard him ask a question one time and it changed my marketing, which was, he said, what is something about your industry? Okay. What is something about your industry that most people
Brian Margolis (01:05:18):
Think is true, but you know, is not. And I I'm, I'm sure I'm mashing up the words, but what is something about your industry or what you talk about that most people assume is true or think is true that, you know, isn't, does that make sense? So like, for me, when I was dealing with sales managers, most sales managers actually think their salespeople know what to do. They're like, Oh, they know what to do. They just got to actually get out there and execute and be consistent with it. And what I have found out is no, actually most salespeople don't have a clue what to do. They know what activity is, but they do not know where to focus. They don't know how to figure out for themselves where to focus. Right. Right. And so this idea that they, you know, they all know what they need to do.
Brian Margolis (01:06:03):
They're just lazy or they're not doing enough of it. You know? And that was a big part of my marketing message was, you know, you think they know what to do and they don't, and it's, it's been pretty, it's been pretty successful. So so right now we're just in the stage where we're, I'm helping you identify your pillars. Right. The plan is to talk one more time after you've been doing this for a little while, maybe clean up your pillars. Right. Okay. And then, and then start helping you or see where you're at in terms of hitting them every week and how to hit them. Cause that's kinda the important part too, right? Exactly. You need to hit them every week and I can't wait to hear all your excuses, why you didn't, but it's harder than it looks, even though it doesn't seem like a lot it's harder than it looks. How do you feel about what we have?
Erin (01:06:58):
Much better. I think. And even I honestly, I might just, I think combining pillars three and four are the, the practice and the development. I think that if I'm being honest, like there, that's probably further along than it than it is. And I'm going to think about that one too, because the thing is, I think for me, I think talking about better use of my time would be to get, instead of spending that six hours of practicing and developing, getting in front of audiences to see what sticks. Right. Cause it's not just to get the reps in front of like rotary groups, like speak for free type stuff because that's, that's what I'm going to hear the reaction and see the reaction and get the actual feedback from the audience. As opposed to me just recording myself and watching myself like, well, that's somewhat helpful.
Erin (01:07:57):
Anyway, long story short with that, I feel like those are those I think is just me kind of hiding. So I think there's some bullshit involved in those. So that's why I think combining spending less time on that. Yeah. I agree with the marketing. Because I think that that is the biggest thing and I love what you just, what you were just talking about. It's like, okay, where are getting the information? Who are my buyers? And I think by focusing, spending that 90 minutes on really getting clear, who is my customer? Where are they? And getting the marketing stuff together. I think that is going to have a big impact because I think that's going to start to snowball so
Brian Margolis (01:08:33):
Clear on that 90 minutes just learn.
Erin (01:08:36):
Yeah. Oh yeah. Yeah. Just learn.
Brian Margolis (01:08:39):
And any pressure on yourself, try different people, you know, watch different videos. Some guy says, Hey, here's a way to get tons of high, you know how to sell high ticket programs and you know what, maybe you think it's snake oil. Watch him. Anyway. I have found, I learned more from the snake oil people. Everyone thinks everyone's selling something as snake oil. And I don't, but a lot of times I might not listen to what they say, but they're so popular. I'm more watching what they do. Yeah. I'm going, this guy has got an audience of 4 million people. How does he do it? Just by watching their videos. I start seeing stuff. Right, right. Like, like don't, don't reinvent the wheel. What are other people doing? Yeah. Right. Well, what are other people doing? In, in the speaking space and things like that. So. All right. So you're thinking about combining those.
Erin (01:09:28):
Yeah. I think the other ones are I mean, I think it's, I think three hours. Yeah. Total for that one. I think that's the, or we just, yeah. Three hours for practice and for development, like that's three hours total is good. And then I think the other ones are all spot on.
Brian Margolis (01:09:49):
Yeah. And, and again, there's other things you have to do during the week besides just this, so yes. Okay. Here's, I'll give you the two minute version of how I would hit these pillars. Okay. Before our next call, you work for yourself. Now you control your own schedule. Yes. Okay. What time do you get up in the morning? Don't lie.
Erin (01:10:08):
I honestly, between five and six.
Brian Margolis (01:10:11):
Okay. So let's pretend you get up at six. How long does it take you to whatever your morning routine is or things you have to do before you are actually working? Do you work from home? Yeah. Okay. Are you ready an hour later? Are you ready by seven?
Erin (01:10:30):
Yeah. Okay.
Brian Margolis (01:10:33):
My suggestion would be, do something similar to what I talked about in the book for me, seven to 10 should be off limits for you for any calls scheduled. Anything's okay. Unless it's a travel day, seven to 10 is your time. It is not insignificant time. It's not answering a million email time. Seven to 10 is proactive time. It's working on your pillars. And anything else proactive. You have to do like your demo reel or your white paper, right? If you just worked seven to 10 each day and everything else after that was reactive, that'd be a home run. Okay. We can talk more that, that next time, depending on how you're doing.
Speaker 3 (01:11:18):
Brian Margolis (01:11:19):
Any last minute or anything you want to ask me again before I'm going to stop the recording and then we'll talk, we'll talk here offline, but
Speaker 3 (01:11:28):
Anything else?
Brian Margolis (01:11:29):
A pillar standpoint, or you think you're good? We got our five pillars here.
Speaker 3 (01:11:33):
Yeah, no, I think they sound good.
Brian Margolis (01:11:36):
Thanks for listening to another episode of simplified your strategy, magnifier results. If you know someone you think could benefit from this episode, be their hero and share it with them. If you'd like a free copy of my book or you want to be considered as a guest on a future episode, head on over to productivity, giant.com. Have a great day. And thanks again.