The Writing Sparrow

How to Write Romance vs Erotic Romance vs Pure Smut with Lyra Thorsson

Sarina Season 1 Episode 62

This week I welcome romance author Lyra Thorsson onto my show! We discuss the differences between romance novels, erotic romance novels, and pure smut ;)

Her action step for those of you wanting to write one or all of the above holds true for any genre: read books like the ones you want to write, familiarise yourself with how other authors approach your subject, and then get writing yourself! It's fine to copy those other authors first until your find what works for you.

To find out more about Lyra, check out her Instagram, her Facebook, and her website. You can also support her directly on Patreon. Don't let the links to Dani Hoots confuse you - Lyra Thorsson is her pen name.


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To find out more about Sarina and her books, visit her website, find her on Twitter and on Facebook, or connect with her (and the podcast!) on Discord.