The Writing Sparrow

Writing Routines: Kirsten McNeill

April 11, 2022 Sarina Season 1 Episode 66

Once a quarter, I talk to another writer about their writing routine. We answer questions such as Are you a plotter, pantser, or somewhere in between? Do you write every day?Where does your inspiration come from?What’s your beverage of choice?, and many more! At the end of each episode, the writers recommend their favourite book on writing and share their advice for establishing the right writing routine for you.

This quarter, I talked to Kirsten McNeill, a writer, editor, and fellow podcaster! Her book recommendation is On Writing by Stephen King.

To find out more about Kirsten, check out her Instagram, her Twitter, and her website.


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To find out more about Sarina and her books, visit her website, find her on Twitter and on Facebook, or connect with her (and the podcast!) on Discord.