Product Powerhouse

Three Mistakes That Make Your Holidays More Stressful

Erin Alexander Episode 119

The holiday sales season is so busy! November and December are the two most significant months in retail. In 2021, retailers brought in 33.9 Billion dollars in online sales between Thanksgiving Day and Cyber Monday. Generally speaking, the holiday sales season can account for up to 30% of a business’s revenue for the entire year. As crazy as those statistics are, there’s a lot of pressure for small product businesses to make the most of the holiday season. This week, episode 119 of the Product Powerhouse Podcast is about the holiday sales stress, the mistakes that can happen, and how to fix them! 

Get ready for the only virtual summit that will help you prepare for the holiday season. The Handmade Holiday Prep Summit is a free online event to help handmade business owners prepare for the most profitable holiday season with less stress and more time for pie.

In this episode of the Product Powerhouse Podcast, I’m sharing the importance of preparing early for the holiday sales season and actionable steps you can take right now to have less stress around the holiday sales. 

Some of the talking points I go over in this episode include:

  • The three mistakes that keep handmade business owners stressed during the holidays
  • How to plan ahead for the holiday season. 
  • The importance of doubling down on the things that work rather than trying new strategies.
  • How selfcare is a nonnegotiable during the holiday season and how to make time for it.

Remember, even though I mention the Handmade Holiday Prep Summit, these principles are important when preparing for those holiday sales.

Thank you for listening! Be sure to tune in to all the episodes to receive tons of practical tips on growing your product shop and to hear more about the above points. If you enjoyed this episode, take a screenshot of the episode to post in your stories and tag me!  And don’t forget to follow, rate, and review the podcast and tell me your key takeaways!

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