The Power of Community & Collaboration in SB Podcast

121) It is Time to Make Our Relationships the #1 Priority

Maureen Kafkis

In this episode I share some of the important things I have learned this last year while focusing on relationships, and why you should make them the number one priority in your life.  The holidays can be a source of added stress in already strained relationships that contributes to additional suffering that is not really necessary. Because of that, I  included this episode on relationships  as the last one of the Struggling Through the Holidays Series because how we treat our loved ones and people in the community is of utmost importance . I end the last episode of 2022  talking about what to expect from my podcast, my course and my community in 2023. I hope you get as much value out of listening to the series, as I got joy out of creating it for you. Happy Holidays and go Buckeyes!

For anybody who is lonely and in need of connection