The Power of Community & Collaboration in SB Podcast

186) Empowering Women with Photographer Ashleigh Taylor

April 14, 2024 Maureen Kafkis
The Power of Community & Collaboration in SB Podcast
186) Empowering Women with Photographer Ashleigh Taylor
Show Notes Transcript

In this episode I speak with SB photographer Ashleigh Taylor about her participation in a national photography campaign called 50 Women Over 50 and her mission to empower as many woman as she can through photography. Ahsleigh  believes you only live once and she wants to inspire every woman to make the very most of her time here on earth and to learn how to make herself a priority. She believes that taking time to feel beautiful and empowered can be the catalyst for an internal transformation that can create a more joyful and fulfilling life.

Ashleigh also believes traveling alone as a woman can be a profound catalyst for personal growth. When the  journey shared with a tribe of like-minded women, the experience is even magnified more. She talks about an upcoming retreat in Spain that combines her love for travel with photography and that she still has a few slots to be filled. So if you have been thinking about embarking on an adventure, this might just be the opportunity you have been waiting for!

Ashleigh Taylor is an Award Winning Portrait Photographer and Photography Educator/ Speaker. Ashleigh's photography has brought her around the globe to locations such as Paris, Italy, Egypt, Hawaii, Canada, Mexico, Switzerland and now Costa Rica! . Ashleigh believes that there's no such thing as being "photogenic" and the right photographer can bring out the best in you on camera.

Here are the link to the freebie Ashleigh offers in the episode
Here is the link to her photography website
Here is the link to learn more about the retreat in Spain

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Speaker 1:

This is Maureen Kafkas, the BrainBS co-chair, to tell you about the episode today. But before I get to that, I want to remind you that the BrainBS podcast is here to offer you a psycho-spiritual approach to life that will inspire you to live consciously and make your overall health a priority. While it can enhance your quality of life dramatically, it is not meant to be a replacement for a needed intervention. So if you are struggling with your physical, emotional or mental well-being, please seek the professional support that you need. Hello and welcome back to the podcast.

Speaker 1:

I don't have too many updates for you this week. It's pretty much the status quo. I'm working on my events, I'm promoting different businesses that I believe in and that I enjoy and that I care about, and I'm getting to know more and more people in the Santa Barbara community, and I'm not exaggerating when I say I love this town. This town is so awesome and so unique and so amazing. So if you live here and you don't see that and you're like, frustrated with a lot of things that have changed over the years and that sort of thing, I would love to talk to you to get your take on things and to see if maybe I can inspire you to reframe a few things, because it's a pretty incredible place and there are a lot of incredible people around here who value community and collaboration the way I do, so I'm having so much fun experimenting with all of it, figuring out. You know different ways to experiment and send this text this way and make that post that way, and you know, give people my card or not give them my card, or call them or it's just um, it's the possibilities are endless. And when you're in a frame of mind where you're excited and you're open, uh, anything, then you have a totally different experience and someone who feels like it's really hard to collaborate here. It's really difficult to do things. So, yeah, the mindset means a lot and that's what I'm going to be helping you with on this podcast. So not only are we going to promote local businessmen and people with their message, their product, their services, whatever it is that you want to share with the community. We are also going to give you the tools to have the mindset to stay open and to have fun doing whatever it is you're doing, because I promise you, it's so much more fun doing it with other people than it is to do it alone.

Speaker 1:

Now let's get into what the podcast is about this week. This week is my 186th podcast episode, which is pretty amazing, and there have been so many changes over the years. But this is what it's all about exactly where we are right now, and this episode I'm calling Empowering Women with photographer Ashley Taylor. So Ashley is all about empowering women. She does that through her photography and she does that through retreats through her photography and she does that through retreats, and she is all about helping people to tap into that personal power so that they can make themselves a priority and see themselves in a different way and, you know, really take advantage of this one life that we have here to live. So sit back and settle in for the first episode with the local on my podcast, with the new changes, and it's called Empowering Women with Photographer Ashley Taylor.

Speaker 1:

Hi, my name is Maureen Kafkas and I'm the Brain BS Coach. When I learned that the average human brain has over 60,000 thoughts a day and that most of them are lies and what I call brain BS, and that they cause needless suffering, I started to learn how to separate the fact from fiction in my mind and I've never looked back. I truly believe that living consciously, understanding how our brains work and learning to feel our feelings are necessary for an empowering and fulfilling life. I bring my expertise and extensive knowledge to inspire people in the Santa Barbara area and beyond to learn how to live consciously, tap into their personal power and become leaders in their community. Hello and welcome back to the podcast that's now called the Power of Community and Collaboration in Santa Barbara, and I'm excited to announce that I have my first professional in the community coming on the podcast to tell us what she's all about and what she promotes, and her name is Ashley Taylor. Ashley, can you introduce yourself and let the audience know whatever you want them to know about you?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, thanks so much for having me, maureen. I'm Ashley Taylor. I'm a portrait photographer based in Santa Barbara, and I really specialize in helping women feel confident in front of the camera so they can have long lasting photos that either promote their business and what they do for the community professionally, or so that they can have their beautiful memories and milestones captured and pass that on for generations. And I have evolved to empower women beyond just photography. I also now host women's retreats and I really, just really am all about empowering women and inspiring them to not hide, to not like self-sacrifice and to really stand up and be seen and let themselves put themselves first.

Speaker 1:

Well, I love that. I think it's awesome. I think it's it's really about for me, like I kind of define it by stepping in the leadership energy, like you have something to say, you have something to offer. You're not just there to be a spectator and be on the sidelines and it's. It's pretty amazing, cause I did I've only done one photo shoot for my website, but after doing it it is empowering, because you feel uncomfortable at first when you're doing it, but your transformation definitely takes place.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, exactly when you're in the hands of the right photographer, you just should leave the photo shoot feeling really confident, just from the experience of being photographed, and then when you see your photos, you should feel like, oh my gosh, I'm so proud of this, like I can't wait to blast this over all my social channels and my website and my promotion, and it should help boost your confidence in being seen.

Speaker 2:

But also, like, even for things like personal photos, that's really important to a lot of women default to getting their kids photographed, or maybe they're only in photos with their kids and not getting their own life captured and their own like personal journey captured, and I think that's really important too. So even if you're a woman listening and you don't have a business, I would still encourage you to step in front of the camera because it's so empowering. Whether it't have a business, I would still encourage you to step in front of the camera because it's so empowering, whether it's for a business or maybe just a beautiful portrait of yourself that you keep forever and you put on your wall, and it inspires you every day to know that you are strong, you are capable, you are more powerful than you think. I think that's really important too.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I love that. So the reason why I invited Ashley on was because I saw in a Facebook group that she is doing a 50 women 50 women over 50 photo shoot. That's a nationwide thing, and last year I did a podcast episode with Julie Kaplan in Illinois because she did the same thing, so I was inspired to reach out. So why don't you tell the audience a little bit about that and when that's coming up and where it's at?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, so the final exhibition and celebration party gala is coming up super soon.

Speaker 2:

It's like in 10 days not really soon April 20th at 5.30 PM in downtown Santa Barbara, and if anyone's looking for information, the best thing to do would be to reach out to me through my website or my Instagram, which we'll share later.

Speaker 2:

But what it's all about is, over three years I photographed 50 different women in our local community Over 50, the ages range from just newly turning 50 to 85. So really big age range and obviously, just like there's a big age range, there was so much diversity in people's life experience and stories, but everyone had so much wisdom and I found it incredibly inspiring, because I'm in my late 30s but you know, people tend to, or society tends to, kind of tell you that your best years are kind of up to maybe 35. And that it's all kind of downhill from there, and I know that that's not true. But it's really, really inspiring for me to get to know so many powerful, inspiring, wonderful women over the age of 50 and to see that there is no expiration date on joy, there's no expiration date on living your best life, and that you can feel that your best days are still ahead of you, no matter what age you're at.

Speaker 1:

Well, I'm glad that you're learning that at a younger age, because it took me a while to figure that out and I'm 60 now and it's such bullshit to make us think that the best in all these things, that all these promotions everybody's always concerned about where a kid's going to go to college, where they're going to live, where are kids going to go to college, where they're going to live, where they're going to get married, like all these things, as if these are the biggest life events.

Speaker 1:

But then you have the whole middle part of your life and the rest of it and that is like a really, um, amazing time to have a huge impact on your community and the people around you. And the only way to do that is stepping into that leadership, energy and and, honestly, like what you're you're doing with your photographs is and this is, um, what I've come across and I I see it very often is women not wanting to be seen and it's not just it's because of age-related changes, it's because they're not used to being the priority, they don't make themselves a focus.

Speaker 1:

So when you start like taking pictures, they'll kind of scurry over you know, the limelight because they don't want to be seen, they're worried about what they look like, they're worried about what other people think of them. So taking the photographs and making them feel beautiful and making them feel empowered and like it is okay to be seen and that it's emotionally safe to be seen so it's kind of crazy how our society it really is, it is you have to decondition for what we're learned in society about what real beauty is anyway, and what we're here to do. It's not just to look good in front of a camera which you're illustrating.

Speaker 2:

It goes way deeper than that, and they tell me that they do walk away with this feeling, but it's a day of both inner and outer beauty. Of course, you want to look great in the photo and I'm an expert in posing and lighting and styling and I can certainly help you look your best in the photo. But it's so much deeper than that. It's about you really honoring yourself, and I'm just always inspired by my clients who are brave enough to say yes, because I've been doing this for um, 13 years, since 20, uh, since 2011. So, um, so, that's what like, even more than 13 years.

Speaker 1:

I'm getting bad at math at this point. It's too early for me to do math this morning too but we get the idea. You've been doing it for a while.

Speaker 2:

A long time and I've met so many women along the way. Obviously, so many women have stepped in front of my camera hundreds. But also, within that, of course, there's going to be so many no's that you hear, and it always breaks my heart a little bit when the no is because someone just feels like it's maybe too vain, or what would they do with photos of themselves, or they just they. Why would that be something for me? That's for other people who look a certain way? Or, um, they need to lose weight beforehand, like all these bs. I know you use that term a lot bs excuses that it's like it's for everyone.

Speaker 2:

Having a beautiful portrait of yourself is is for you Like it's. It's not for other people it can be for you, and celebrating yourself, whether you want to do it through photography or not Maybe there's a another way that's more meaningful to you but celebrating yourself is not wrong and putting yourself like making yourself a priority is not wrong, and so many times I think women feel that they have to. You know, put everyone on their list before themselves, and it's a beautiful thing to want to take care of your family and it's a beautiful thing to want your kids to have the best or for your co workers to have an easier time or whatever. But sometimes we need to step up and say you know what I'm on earth for a limited period of time and I'm going to put me first and I'm going to enjoy my life just as much as I make other people's lives amazing.

Speaker 1:

Well, you bring up a lot of good points, but I also want to point out that a lot of time, women are doing that because they're people pleasing and they're afraid to say how they really feel, and they're up to their eyeballs and resentment, that's true.

Speaker 1:

So when you do things for other people and you do it from that kind of energy where you're actually like just fuming and you just can't take it anymore, it isn't. The same kind of giving is when you do it with an open heart, that's true, and generosity of spirit. Well, I know that you must have gone through some sort of evolution during these last, however many years in the photos, because now you want to do retreats. So tell me a little bit about how it's evolved just from taking the photos, and how it's become about retreats.

Speaker 2:

Yeah well, travel has always been something that I've been really passionate about, but I myself put one of my passions traveling on the back burner for a lot of BS excuses oh, I don't have the time, I don't have the money, I can't put myself first. But a few years ago I attended my first women's only retreat and it was just such an impactful experience to be a, to go on a trip by myself. I have a husband and a child, so obviously we do family trips, but to do something that was purely for me to travel, for me to meet other women in the process it was incredibly empowering and transformational, and I've formed new friendships, new community through that, and I became a little bit of a retreat and solo travel junkie. Since then, and every time I traveled by myself, I learned just so much more about how strong and resilient I am, and so in talking to my clients and telling them about all my travels because people see on Instagram, oh, you're traveling and they want to know all about it I realized that far too often I was not alone.

Speaker 2:

Far too often women are prioritizing only family vacations and not prioritizing travel for themselves, and there's a long list of destinations that their husbands don't want to go, or maybe they're scared, or, you know, quite frankly, there are obviously a lot of women who don't have partners but they feel scared to travel solo and they don't know. You know, it's hard to, maybe, if their friends are all married, get a friend to go with them on a trip. So, to be able to offer women a beautiful travel experience that they can do semi-solo, right, you're doing it solo, you're signing up solo, but you'll be cocooned with a group of women helping you through the process where you get to make new friendships. And then I will still I still do photo shoots for everyone on the retreat, so you still get that empowering aspect. But now the photos aren't just in my studio in Santa Barbara, which, of course, is a fabulous place, but they get to have beautiful photos in Spain.

Speaker 2:

So it's really, you know, super special and I'm just so excited for the women who are saying yes, because everyone who's saying yes is really claiming the fact that they are on earth for a limited time. They want to see this beautiful world, they want to have rich experiences, they want to be in community with other women, they want to be seen, they want to have some really gorgeous photos that capture their free spirit and who they were in this beautiful time and remind them that they are really strong and capable, and so I just feel like it's the perfect next step. Obviously, I'm still doing photo shoots in Santa Barbara at my studio. It's not that that has closed, it's just now I'm adding this new way for people to continue the journey with me.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, well, and that's what happens, right, because we evolve and then we want different things too. So, as much as you love taking the photographs, you want more. Now Tap in other ways to empower women and and those connections that you make and developing your own life aside from your partner. Not having everything be about your partner when you're married, I think is hugely important. I mean because, as you've mentioned, we're not. We're here once, we're here for a limited time, we have no idea what's going to happen to our loved ones and the people around us. So really stepping in and participating in your life and living it to the fullest is like the best thing that you could do for everybody.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I mean as like a personal share. My dad, like my dad, has a lot of. He's not that old, you know he's older, obviously he's my dad, but he's not that old to have the amount of um physical, like disability, health issues that kind of hit him hard and fast. And um, he's someone who loves traveling and I see that how hard now traveling is for him. You know, um, there's so many places that even when I'm traveling I'm 38 and I try to work out and take care of my body sometimes I'm like that was a lot of steps today, you know, yeah, um, so to see him like struggle and to know that like there's that he still has this list of places around the world that may like he's probably never going to see the pyramids, he's probably not going to see certain things that were on his bucket list, right, and of course, I'm sure everyone gets to a certain point in their life and they don't get to experience everything that they wanted to.

Speaker 2:

But it made me realize, like so often we tell ourselves we're going to do this when we retire Traveling's, for when you retire, traveling's for you know, this just mythical time and place, but you actually have no idea what's going to happen to you tomorrow, like you have no idea how long your body and travel is such a physical thing like how long your body's going to be physically able to do it.

Speaker 2:

So I just have really taken the approach that if I want to go, I'm getting on the plane and I'm going and I'm not waiting for people. And if I can help kind of hold the light for people, the torch for people to follow with me and help them because now I'm very capable traveler of helping them come with me so that they can feel safe on the journey as well then that's really a really big, magical gift that I feel like I can share with people. And I have taken friends on trips before and they're always like Ashley, you're the best travel planner. That's like what it's like. My friends basically inspired me to start the retreats because they were like do you know how good at this you are? You should be doing this. And I'm like but I'm good at photography too.

Speaker 1:

It's perfect, though, to do both of them.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, so it's really, it's really fun, and so in October will be my first women's retreat, and it's in Spain, and it's in the Southern part of Spain, the Moroccan part, the part that has like Moroccan history and heritage, and it's absolutely gorgeous and we're staying in a really beautiful, historic, 500 year old restored mansion and I couldn't be more excited to share it with everyone. It's going to be a really beautiful trip of celebrating women and celebrating art and architecture and the culture of Southern Spain and relaxation, and I'm just really excited to be able to open people's eyes to this place of the world that maybe isn't always the first thing people think of, but is absolutely stunning and incredible.

Speaker 1:

So can people still sign up for it or is it full? No, I still have eight spots available the show notes for your, all your contact stuff and whatever you want to put in the show notes for people, okay, get, then they'll be able to get in touch with you and find out more about the retreat and, if they want, to do a photo shoot with you yeah, exactly, and it's funny because the people who are signing up for the retreat are my photo clients, like they've already done photo shoots with me.

Speaker 2:

And one of the women said to me the photo shoot I did with you was so greatly impactful and like so much changed how I see myself that I just want to be around you and go where you are going to travel with, and that was, like you know, her impetus for signing up was like to have someone that she trusts, to have another beautiful photo experience and to also just be around that energy of women's empowerment.

Speaker 2:

So I felt so honored by that because that was like exactly my mission and for someone to see it and, you know, say yes, I know that that's what this is. It's like a very, it's very heartwarming. Like I will say, the best thing about my job is the relationships that I make with people. And whenever a client tells me about the impact that I've had on their life, like I just it's what a gift. Like you know, you can't really make that up like I'm not in just like a cubicle, like doing paperwork that I don't know how it impacts people, like I'm actually doing something that I may not even realize it, but they're looking at their pictures or they're thinking about their experience and it's still sitting with them like what an honor and a gift to have that career. So I'm very yeah, that's great.

Speaker 1:

And also you're like, you're a role model for really living your life and I think that people respond to that and are attracted to that, because they need a little guidance on how to do that. And you and your photos are like the beginning stages of going, and then it's like once you start doing that and you keep doing it, then things really take off. I noticed working with a lot of older women that sometimes I can't inspire them to make themselves a priority for them. But they'll do it because they want their daughters to do it when they get older. So they want to be a role model. So even though they can't quite do it for themselves, they'll force themselves to do it so that they can teach their daughters that it's okay for them to take care of themselves.

Speaker 2:

I love that.

Speaker 2:

I mean I wish they could do it just for themselves, but I also love that they're doing it for their daughters, because I think the younger generations I feel that the younger generations are really lucky that things have are changing. There's obviously still so much more work to do, but I do feel like every woman I meet over 50 just always has so much, so much like wisdom and encouragement and and things to pass on and it's like so great to be able to just keep pushing everything forward and so that younger women can really claim these things earlier in life and not have to wait until they're over 50 to discover these things yeah, well, and also I'm going to say there is a little brain bs for thinking that they have to do it for themselves, because I think everybody's wired differently and everybody's in a unique situation and the universe is like, whatever it takes, yeah, whatever person to start living consciously is also a priority, and for some people in this lifetime they're just not able to do it for themselves.

Speaker 1:

And that's okay, as long as they do it, that's true, you know, right, as long as they can just like, even if they can just make tiny little baby steps towards taking care of themselves. So retreats sound great, so does the photo shoot that you do. So you do the photo shoot. You have the 50 women over 50 thing coming up. Sounds like you're busy and you have a lot going on, lots to come, and so I'm sure that would be a whole other episode. But so let's, if you're ready. I have a little thing of community and collaboration questions for you. Perfect, let's do it, okay. So my first question is what is the best thing about collaborating in the Santa Barbara community?

Speaker 2:

I would just say this is a really loving, warm community that's very tight-knit. I mean, it's not quite a small small town, but it's like a mid-sized city, I guess, with a very small town feel. And I do feel that everyone here looks out for each other, supports each other and when you do make connections with people like that's a really deep connection, having come, I'm born and raised from Los Angeles, and it can be very isolating and you can feel very like you don't know how to meet people or your friend lives, like on the other part of town which is like an hour away. So even though you both live in LA, you can't see each other, you know. So Santa Barbara really has this tight knit feeling where it's so easy to make friends, to stay connected, and I really appreciate that about this community.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I love that about this community too. So what is the most challenging thing about collaborating in the community around your work?

Speaker 2:

One of the things that I found the most challenging is, as as it, even though it is so tight knit, when you make the right connections and you meet the right people, everyone's really supportive. I still think sometimes meeting people can be hard. Here, like, one thing I've noticed is like we do have a lot of networking groups but they never seem really super full, like maybe only 10 or 12 people will attend an event, versus if you went to venture they have like 40 or 50 people at events. Or like sometimes there'll be like a really cool store in town and it's like I want to meet the owner and it's like almost impossible to meet the owner somehow, Like you know.

Speaker 2:

so sometimes I still think that, even though it's a really tight knit community, that there are still these little disconnects that I, after living here for since 2011, don't understand, like why sometimes it can still be hard to meet the right people. But I know that when, when you do show up, eventually you'll you'll meet the person, people you were meant to connect with yeah, yeah.

Speaker 1:

Sometimes the people we think we have to connect with aren't the ones that we really need to connect with yeah.

Speaker 2:

So that's, I think, kind of like what, what I've learned over the last 11 years. Sometimes you get it in your mind like, wow, that lingerie store owner would be so cool to meet. I love their store, and then you like never meet them for whatever reason okay.

Speaker 1:

So I'm curious now, like why do you email them or do you call them, or everything?

Speaker 2:

like everything, like sometimes, yeah, there, there have been instances over the years where, like, like, especially with storefronts, I find that it can be very, very, very hard to meet whoever is the decision maker about collaborating, or you know. And also we have less storefronts now, which is a whole other discussion, but that could be like a whole podcast episode in itself. So, yeah, I would just say that, or like pretty much any networking group I've been a part of, has really struggled to grow in Santa Barbara. So, and I just don't know why that I just don't, I just don't understand that when, like, again, you could go to the same you know, whether it's Novo or e-women or whatever that chapter is, you could go to the Ventura one and it is like double the size.

Speaker 2:

So, like, why do things struggle to grow? Why do those beautiful community building ideas and groups struggle to grow here? So that's, that's just something that I've I've seen and noticed over time and I would love for that to change. So I'm just saying, if anyone's listening, like, go to more networking meetings, show up, try to meet more people in the community, because it is such an awesome community and we are so supportive of each other and it's so nice when people put that time and effort to come back into the community and meet other people all right.

Speaker 1:

Well, I'm like that's like I'm looking at that as a challenge, because now I'm determined to figure out who some of these owners are at these stores and why it's so hard yeah.

Speaker 1:

I don't know. Yeah, okay, well, I mean it's also like tapping into the each person as a member of the community, taking a little responsibility for the other people around them. So I think, you know, sometimes it's just overlooked and they're not really understanding that it's not just about, like, what they can get out of the community, but it's like what can you give back? And I've met a lot of people that do want to give back.

Speaker 2:

Um, yeah, me too, for sure. Yeah, yeah. So it's definitely both right. Yeah, it's definitely both there's so much giving in this community and support, and then I just feel like there's also sometimes this weird little disconnect where there's like things that you think this would totally work here and then, for whatever reason, it's like getting it to go is like real yeah.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, okay. Well, that's good to know. So what about? What can you offer the podcast audience today? Who's listening?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, so I have a guy. That's all about practices to develop more self-confidence. Whether you want to photo shoot or not, it's just about developing and honoring your self-confidence so that you can go out into the world and feel more confident, more empowered, more inspired every single day. So I have five practical things that you can do every single day to grow your confidence.

Speaker 1:

All right, great, and we'll put those in the show notes. Yep, okay. And then my question for you, and I want you to think about this in a dream world what could the podcast audience listening today do for you?

Speaker 2:

I always say, like, if you can tell people about my business, that's the best thing you know word of mouth, personal referral, saying there's this really cool woman in town, Ashley Taylor, and she takes amazing photos if that's what you truly think and she inspires women and you should check her out. You should follow her on Instagram or you should go check out her website. Like that, that is huge. That's my business. Runs on personal referral and word of mouth in the community, so that that is always the biggest gift that I can receive.

Speaker 1:

Okay, and then so any other final words of wisdom around community and collaboration, or anything else that we talked about today that you want to share?

Speaker 2:

I just think when women step up and can really step into their own light, you don't even realize it, but when you shine bright, you actually help your whole community shine brighter, because you just don't know who's out there watching and feeling inspired and you're being brave and courageous in whatever way that that works for you. Someone may look at you and say she's doing that. I want to do something. I want to start achieving my dream, and so my just hope for this community is that we can all be a little bit more courageous in our own lives and being authentic to ourselves and doing things that we feel are really true to ourselves and in doing that will inspire other people to do the same yes, it definitely has a ripple effect and it goes way beyond even the community.

Speaker 1:

It goes like through the entire planet. Yeah Well, thank you so much for coming on the podcast.

Speaker 2:

Thank you so much for having me. This has been super fun and I'm really grateful for the invitation.

Speaker 1:

All right audience. I know you learned something valuable here today. I'll see you next time.