Infertility Feelings

Infertility and Feeling Jealous

September 18, 2023 Jesse and Doug from Uniquely Knitted Season 1 Episode 81

What do we do with our feelings of jealousy during Infertility? Do we try not to feel jealous? is that even something someone can do? How do we manage the deep pain of wanting what others have? How do we cope with the unfairness of it all?!

In this episode, Jesse and Doug dig into what it means to feel jealous during infertility. They explore how we should be feeling towards jealousy and what we can do in the midst of an uncontrollable reaction to the unfairness of infertility. 

Uniquely Knitted is a Non-Profit Organization serving all who are emotionally affected by infertility. We are on a mission to bring healing to the traumas of infertility and end the isolation that comes with struggling to grow your family.

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